travel partner

  1. S

    Looking for a travel buddy... Slab City awaits!

    Hi! My name is Anne, and I'm looking to go to Slab City sometime within the next few months. I want to find a travel buddy or two willing to go with me— Whether that's to settle down there or just to stay for a little while, we'll find out! I'm from Ohio :)
  2. roaminganimal

    New to this lifestyle (looking for travel buddy)

    Hey all, I'm currently in Toronto. Long story short I was faced with a few options for my future by my family but I hated them all, so I think I'm deciding to hike back to the US, which involves some hitchhiking, and maybe if I need to I'll take a train the rest of the way. Idk I'm bad at...
  3. C0ffeeCat

    Rylee from Ohio, about to start my travels and tryin to figure stuff out

    Hi, local weirdo enby burnout here. I'm in bit of a mixed bag situation, things are real weird for me, and kinda always have been. I was one of those ghetto kids who ran the streets at 3am breaking into abandoneds with fellow deadbeats, so I'm not entirely helpless. But at the same time, we...
  4. SnavesTravels

    Intro: Hey! Looking for a wild adventure?

    Hey all! Just to introduce myself, I’m Snaves, I’ve been travelling with a small group of anarchist families since I was around 9, and now I’m significantly older then 9 I wanna set up my first solo adventure. Now someone normal might say ok let’s take it easy, why not try and hitchhike around...
  5. heroinjane

    Out there

    So I'm bored waiting on the sun to set and I feel this may be a good idea to put a little bit of history and relevant info about myself here incase anyone out there can offer something to help me. I'm a girl with 2 dogs who's sick of living according to what this shitty world says I'm supposed...
  6. made4travel

    Hey hey!

    I'm Bill, a dude from Plymouth MA. I'm planning on starting my travels this summer, and I'm lookin for anyone who has a similar departure schedule and might want to travel together. It's great to be here!
  7. vinnyvagabond

    East trying to head west

    Howdy I'm looking for a travel companion I'm 24 male. I worked as a mechanic for 4 years. I play guitar write and sing. Im interested in getting into train hopping. In the past either I walk or hitchhike my way around right now I'm resting and gathering supplies in boston. Thanks Vince
  8. elevenate

    Troubador ready to find a road dog!

    Hey there! Im a musical being that can make money pretty easily on the streets as well as having about 1k passive income a month, so let me know all of you van/rv owners that have an extra bed and want endless gas or maintenance money- I gotchu! I also want to go to South America and I am on...
  9. Bologna

    Bologna Werewolf

    Hello fam. Bologna here. Im not very good at peopling so i may have been a bit silent til now. However, the time has come for yours truly to go and be about the world. Im 38 and been on the street since i was 16. I wasnt kicked out or displaced just wanted to do my own thing and so i have...
  10. Adriel

    Euro travel

    Heloou, Someone want to go to travel from Czech Republic to south Spain and around? Im from Argentina, living in a car since 3 years, currently in a squat in Czech Republic. Cheers
  11. Freaky Gray

    17 Year old punker looking for some travel tips and U.K. or US based travel buddies

    Hi I’m Jack I am 17 and got hardcore wander lust I already have done a fair bit of busking and the occasional bit of sleeping rough so not too different just doing it on my own terms and vibe. Also I’m a musician (check out freaky gray on Spotify) abit of background: mother’s got NPD, Bipolar...
  12. D

    New Here FINALLY Leaving WA >> CA & Seeking Travel Partner

    Hi, I’m Angel. I’ve never felt fulfilled living the “normal” way of life. It just doesn’t feel right to me. There’s so much wrong I don’t want to get into it. There is no one set way we should be living our lives and I would much rather toil for survival on the streets and travel rather than...
  13. M

    Looking for a travel buddy, departing Minnesota heading to Rockies

    I'm 19M in a couple months I'm about to depart Minnesota and head south by freight train. I have alot of experience hopping trains and training in survival skills. Anyone interested in embarking with me?
  14. Valdice

    ISO Furbaby Road dog

    I've never owned a dog, but I've taken care of lots of them and have wanted a companion and best friend like a dog my entire life. The day I meet the dog meant for me to grow and experience the for the foreseeable future. More than likely im not always going to have a road dawg, and more times...
  15. D

    Finally Found My Lifetime Travel Partner

    After all these years, finally headed out on the road. With a travel partner who also is ready to go
  16. jociefish

    hello! looking for pointers on traveling, hopefully meet some road dogs, and a lifetime of adventure.

    So, I’m pretty new to traveling and I’m planning on my first trip. I live in the Midwest, in northern Minnesota! A lil city called Duluth. If anyone’s got the know on tips for riding the rails, I’m also lookin fer a mentor.. I’m 20, I’m non binary, and Native American. If yer a racist or nazi...
  17. ThatBitch

    19 y/o artist in search of freedom

    hello! i have never gone camping, killed and prepared an animal, backpacked, hitchhiked, or traveled outside of the US. but i am painfully tired of this society and i'm ready to take the plunge and reconnect with the earth in the way our ancestors once did. return to our roots with me :) looking...
  18. DaveAmbrose

    80 lbs. of road dog and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

  19. CreatureOftheNight

    Hullo celestial fellows & girls & beings!

    Howdy howdy! I'm creature, I'm a young & awkward son of a h*ck, I'm looking to find a road dog. I'm pretty new to traveling, I've only ever traveled on foot. I'd like to find a mellow fellow with a van or somethin to head up north with. I'm currently in Oceanside California. Let me know if you'd...
  20. Synthect

    Hitch-hiking Alaska

    I'm looking for a person to travel with hitch hiking or any advice for hitching Alaska. Currently situated in Anchorage looking to either travel to Girdwood or Seward first (or anywhere you can suggest too). I have my own supplies and whatnot and travel with medical supplies. I can give you...
  21. BlueGirl

    Omw out of florida..

    Old newbie.. As in been down this road b4, just been a while. Stuck in Tampa, FL. Looking for road dawgs! Leaving any second now. Where to, anywhere but here!
  22. Josh Rogue Carden

    Whats up?

    Anyone else trying to get out of Florida? Also I'm new at this so if anyone has any tips or advice they want to give me that would be much appreciated!
  23. Deismona

    New Orleans in March

    Thinking of going down to New Orleans for a week or two sometime in March, would love to meet people who’d be into making some art/music, exploring some spaces and maybe even showing me around a bit. I have only visited New Orleans once and was not staying in my vehicle then so I’m looking to...
  24. R

    Rasputin of the midwest

    hello everyone. I'm new to the traveling and squatting world, I'm from Wisconsin and I call myself Rasputin for a few different reasons but mainly I'm hard to kill. I guess you could call me Steven seagal but that doesn't have a nice of ring to it. Most recently I hitchhiked from Davenport, IA...
  25. FromNowhere

    Looking to meet a female travel buddy in Arizona

    I just drove down from the Oregon coast to Arizona for the winter visiting family and friends for the holidays. I've kinda sorta been dating a little, but it seems like all of the women I meet are either stuck where they are, or not open to traveling the country at this time. It's kind of a tall...
  26. Elizabeth

    Traveling Europe meet up ?

    Hey is anyone traveling around Europe? I'm currently in Berlin Germany andy.first time in Europe looking for the good hang out spots and if anyone else is traveling ad would wanna meet up ? Possible road dog for a bit?
  27. M

    road dog in la

    hey- floating around la. i paint, embroider, n tattoo. really into herbalism. i have a sense of humor, am quiet, easygoing, not dependent on booze or drugs. happy kicking it in nature, going to shows, making art/music, meditating, etc. was thinking of going up north but am open to other plans...
  28. HayleezKomet

    whos lookin 4 a road dawg?

    im reasy 2 roll out of PA! past few weeks have been chaotic 2 say the very least and have only shown more reason as 2 why im over society completely! have zero strings now holding me back but would really like havin company then all on my own! im ready to hit the pavement n live n be completely...
  29. N


    yo I'm native born and raised in Miami fl first started traveling in 2013 didn't turn out so good so I stopped and went back to the wage slave life. Now I'm in school at santa fe college here in Gainesville bored outta my mind. looking to leave fl in august and ride my bike to Colorado, be cool...
  30. Lowcardd23

    Looking for hitch buddy

    Head out of Lexington ky. Looking for a hitch hike buddy to hit California with. Or if you're in California, I can catch bus there, and we can hitch hike from there
  31. AaronOnTheRoad

    hitchhiking with a road dog

    What's the difference from hitchhiking solo and hitchhiking with another person? Are rides the same or less likely? Just wondering
  32. BummyBree

    Greetings! I need your company

    I feel like if you have no purpose, there's no point in living. I can't help but feel impatient and angered by my surroundings. We all have the common goal of being happy; I know that seeing the world and talking to new people everyday makes me happy. Nothing is holding me back from doing so...
  33. Vee

    Sup y'all names Vee

    I've been on the road before but I decided to head back home for a while. Seems to be a mistake hah. Looking for a cool chick to road dog it up from Massachusetts to somewhere on the west coastline! I gotta car and an awesome adventure kitty. Say hi to me helloo
  34. MarcellZ

    Looking for advice of road dogs of the States

    Hello everyone, I've been a casual fan of this site for the past years, and for the first time, I'm planning a hitchhiking trip. Also first time in the States. I'm looking for the advice of experienced travelers about my journey plan...
  35. Carlvanguyrios

    Hi Guys!

    My name's Carlos. I've been living the van life for about a week in the cold Twin Cities, Minnesota area. I've spent most of this first week improving insulation on my 99 Chevy 1 ton van as well as setting up a stove and figuring out other storage. I am 23 and single. I enjoy exercise including...
  36. P

    My road dog laura..

    Last I heard from she was in ocean beach San Diego, then San Diego jail now she's in central California prison! Anybody know what happened to my road dog Laura Copeland!?!?!?
  37. Matt Derrick

    2016 Jamboree Official 2016 Jamboree Rideshare/Road dog Thread

    Since we're all going to the same destination, I figured it would be a good idea to put all the ride share / road dog requests for the jamboree here in this one thread for easy reference. Make sure to post where you're coming from, your mode of transportation, where you're headed afterwards...
  38. trippyhippie13

    Looking for future travel buddies :)

    Hello I am interested in making friends and finding future travel buddies! I currently live in miami/South Florida and am planning a small trip to Texas this summer Within the next year or so I plan on hitchhiking cross country to California Any advice would be great as I am a total noob!
  39. CrustyFuckinP

    Featured What They Don't Tell You About Having A Road Dawg (Or Cat)

    I've heard some of the most outlandish and uncalled-for commentary for simply traveling with an animal. Some, positive feedback, most, negative. "Does it eat?" "Is it for sale?" "This money/food is for your dog. Not you." Many people, especially those new to traveling, and those currently...
  40. alrighthelp

    New here trying to get the fuck outta Texas

    Anyone wanna flee the Lone Star state with me?
  41. BuiltForComfortNotSpeed

    New Here and Ready to Go. Any Takers?

    Hi everyone, I'm currently in NW Ohio and leaving within the next two weeks. Don't know where I'm going yet so I'm up for ideas for a warmer area and prefer being able to work. My ultimate goal would be to get back to rubber tramping. I don't have a vehicle since I haven't needed one in the...
  42. MormonWanders

    Mormons are fantastic road dogs

    People call me Mormon (no church affiliation), I'm from Salt lake City. I've lived in my corolla traveled on and off for the past few years. Never fully committed to dropping out of the rat race until recently. I've been in seattle for a few months and plan on hitting the road full time once I...
  43. S


  44. daisyellow

    road dog needed for Aug-spring leaving from MI

    Hi! I am looking to go on a hitchhiking adventure. I have only gone hitching once when I was 19 around the east coast (not for very long). I was introduced to hitchhiking after living in anarcho/feminist collective house in Hammond IN, we let a lot of travelers come through to wash/rest/hang...
  45. Koalie

    Road Dog? West Coast*

    Heya! So, I'm Koalie and I've been living in Eugene, OR through the Winter but am looking to getting back on the road. (I spent last year hitch hiking and rubber tramping and settled in OR for the past 5 months) I will be leaving to go to Tochtli Fest with a friend in June and then to AZ and...
  46. Leetch

    Help, adopting a dumb road dog

    Hey, I'm Leetch. I've hitched for a long time before, (always with a male road dog) and since I owed my best friend lotsa dollars, decided to come back home and work for a while to pay her back. While I was here I made a friend. College kid, really clean cut, kinda dweeby lookin', can hardly...
  47. D

    Skunk puppy will be your road dog for life!

    Hey all, Our dogs had a litter of puppies a while back, we gave all of them away.. then a few months later, someone gave one puppy back to us because she "couldnt handle it"- or whatever. we have been taking care of him since then, we call him skunk puppy. skunk is SO FUCKING AWESOME, hes a...
  48. sofarfromhome

    i miss my road dog

    We met on squattheplanet and got together in Napa, left to go hitching for my first time. Took off like a bat out of Hell. I didn't want anything to happen between her and i, i wanted to keep it purely platonic, but this girl knew what she wanted and is extremely persuasive. I had just gotten...
  49. Krickey

    MA - road dogs? Traveling soon

    Looking to find some road companions, thought stp would be a good place to start. Ive been traveling for a few years on and off. Met my last companion hiking the Appalachian trail. We fell in love, did a little train hopping/hitched cross country. Spent time in Humboldt doing harvest this year...
  50. W

    Road dog drives you crazy.

    Tension has been pretty high lately. Or for like a few weeks. To the point this girl straight punched me in the head because she thought I was hinting that she wasn't sexy. What do you do at that point? Just ditch and find someone else?