Hmm, i have mixed feelings. I sure as hell know i don't want to be buried in some stupid box to rot. I also know i dont want to be thrown onto a fucking fire and burnt to ashes. I mean it seems like to me that would just be insulting. My entire life i try to take care of my body and keep it all in one piece haha. I dont want to be thrown into some oven where tons of other people were burnt to a crisp.
So here is my idea, an alternative:
I want to be stripped down naked wit the exception of my body jewelry, i would like that to be left in. I then i want to be take to an abandoned factory. There i want to be ritually suspended with flesh hooks in a 6 point lotus suspension (google it). I want my friends to be there and play some cool ass music and shit and maybe dance a little. Oh yeah everything needs to be lit by fire as well. After about an hour of everyone dancing and shit, i want to be slowly lowered into a large block of wet concrete. After that bitch is dry its probably going to need to be encased in some sort of crazy strong metal that can withstand intense pressure. Then i want to be shipped by a large sail boat right over the deepest know part of the ocean. Where ever that may be. And then dropped off the boat to descend to unknown lands (or seas rather?) unexplored by man...
Yeah, sounds a little bit more fun than crawling into the woods and dying, but hey, its your funeral!
But i guess if that isn't possible, just being chopped into small symmetrical cubes and given to small children to choke on, would be fine. I guess.