
  1. transcendentalhobo

    Want to move to Olympia?

    I got offered a job on a commercial fishing trip to Alaska (which also might still need people?), so I can possibly give my room and/or job to someone if they want to move to Olympia, Washington soonish? I can give you a run down about what's cool and not cool about both my job and house. I...
  2. CamelRXR

    Effingham/Centralia meet?

    Was wondering if anyone was in the area, I'm tired of traveling alone, I've done it for many years, but I've been housed up married and had kids, say I like the noise of the company, might even get along with the dog but one thing's for sure when everything else leave you that road is always...
  3. Danielmichaelhill

    Question Home

    Im having trouble getting home... imstuck in southern Illinois... im trying to get to New York
  4. emptyhandt

    Safe places to sleep in van

    I'm on the way to San Jose for like five minutes before going back east. I'm in Kingman. Im scared to sleep in cali. Should I head to reno and cut across despite added expense? I'd like to be in Louisiana by mid July.
  5. Batsy

    Snow-birding locations in the summer

    I drove up to Portland to get away from the heat of the Bay Area only to find myself in an intense heat wave out here as well. I assumed that since Portland is so father north that it would be cooler. Once I’m able to move again, what are some good areas to go to in the western US that stay...
  6. Down and Out

    Around the world?

    I'm thinking of trying to set out to cross the globe(without personal car or plane) but can't decide if I should leave east west; from Alaska into Asia or north eastern United States into Europe. Than I also cant decide about going north to south say South America across the polar regions than...
  7. SeeYouInIceland

    Alaska: Juneau->Anchorage->The Spit (walking/hitching/hopping)

    I'll be in Juneau next week, just me and my pack. Hoping some of y'all who've been there got digs.. After resting in Juneau I figured I'd just cross the water and start hitching toward Anchorage, maybe looking for parks and truck stops along the way. Is there any concern, or is this stretch more...
  8. Tobiko

    Sacramento to Joshua Tree in van- recommended stop along way?

    Hi! We are leaving sacramento area after work tomorrow, probably midday. Have to be in Joshua Tree area friday afternoon. We are in minivan, planning on travelling on the 5 or 99. we would love to hear about any places on the way (preferably halfway or a bit further) that y’all might recommend...
  9. Skrat143

    Question What's slab city like in 2023?

    Hey hey! I was just curious on if anyone has ever been to slab city and hunkered down for a bit and how it was? Was thinking of making it my destination but keep getting conflicting accounts on how amazing or how horrible it is. Would love to hear a first hand account. As always I appreciate any...
  10. Gamer197

    Newbie Here!

    Hey everyone! My name is Jeremiah and I'm actually about to set out on my first solo trip across the states while using the volunteer exchange site Workaway. I'd gladly welcome and appreciate any tips you could give me. I'm nervous but I'm not at the same time. I'll also be hitchhiking most of...
  11. transcendentalhobo

    Uptown, Chicago

    This is an old, out of print article about the two intentional communities that brought me to Uptown, Chi. Both are still going. I lived with the Jesus people for about two and a half months, and fled for the Catholic Worker where I volunteered on-and-off from 2003-'10, then again from...
  12. timeeeee

    Hitching/freecamping in Cape Cod?

    I'm considering a stp-style hitching/freecamping trip in Cape Cod with a friend. If it was just me I'd go an find out through trial and error but my friend has a lower risk threshold so I wonder if this is a terrible idea. My goal is 5 hikes, 16 miles total, but with some transportation...
  13. Supposed Mocha

    California encampments with city access

    Well we all know of TAZ's like Slab City and the ones surrounding LA in the desert, but are there good camps or public areas for dispersed camping around major cities such as LA, SF, Redding, Sacramento, etc? I've debated some of the National Forest areas and desert for dispersed camping but I'm...
  14. otch0z

    Question Crossing the border from Canada to the USA : what to say ?

    Hi y'all, this question is for Canadian citizens. I'm planning on crossing the border from Canada to the USA. I'll be traveling with my car (which doesn't exactly look new or clean but it's 20 years old so let's keep an open mind here). My question is : what do I need to tell the border services...
  15. ednygma18626

    Looking for room

    I am about to touch down in Chicago and looking for a place to crash.
  16. ElNayshon

    Question Best state to start a new life

    I was curious on your opinions i know it depends by the person. I’ve been housed up for the last few months and have to hit the road next week.
  17. binhouse

    Squat offered/help needed in South Dakota (not too far off 12 or 212 E/W)

    Hey folks, I've got a squat on my family farm in South Dakota. I moved out here to build a house and start a fruit farm, hoping that once it was starting to get awesome out here, people would come join me in a communal living situation. Then my autoimmune disease went crazy, I ran out of...
  18. Bibritt

    Squatting the carribean ..

    Iving off grid in places like PR and Virgin Islands , I've had family members who done it . The self sustaining lifestyle is kinda in my blood I guess , would like to go back to Puerto Rico and camp , live off land , but I need to connect with like minded people who can help me find places to...
  19. CluelessHero

    Taos, NM

    I just recently passed through this wonderful town for the first time, and I recommend it for any travelers who are looking to go somewhere that doesn't frown upon travelers, or homeless. It is a town right by a ton of mountains and it snows a lot during this time of year, it is also a ski...
  20. RayvnHearsMusic

    How to get to Canada

    Can you swim to Canada from Michigan? Oh wait, I guess you can't, because it's November. How do you get to Canada now? Apparently that park was fake and has always been patrolled, and there is a library building that is built on both country's but that is also monitored and it's successful...
  21. texastraveler

    what to do in the bay?

    gonna be there the 18th and 19th, i fucking hate cities but the bay is too interesting to not explore. anything yall would recommend seeing/doing? i'm planning on mostly riding the BART around
  22. CluelessHero

    Salt Lake City, Utah ??

    is this a good place to be homeless or to be living on the streets?
  23. J

    Going to denver homeless

    I'm moving to denver and I'm going to be homeless anybody have any tips or anything I should know before going. Might do a shelter or urban camping
  24. Supposed Mocha

    Snowbirding Recommendations?

    So my partner and I are looking to once again travel to a warmer climate and look back into permanent settlement in somewhere with hopefully some space, little or insignificant snow, and of course affordable to free housing or squatting opportunities or even what I'm most interested in having a...
  25. 00kissmarrykick00

    How to get to Slab City from El Centro as a leather Tramp

    If you arrived off the Greyhound or Flix bus, you'll most likely arrive in the afternoon. Call the shelters to see if there's availability, or have some money ready for a cheap hotel/motel. Your options are to take a slab cab from El Centro, take the Imperial Valley City bus roue 2 to...
  26. TillyTheHuman

    Driving to the sunset.

    Hello, I'm currently in New England. I will be driving south, then west through the southern states. I'm planning on taking my time and enjoy what every city has to offer along the way. Open to meeting anybody along the way. I will be driving down the Atlantic Coast, may even check out Florida...
  27. 00kissmarrykick00

    Unofficial resources in Tucson Arizona!

    Tucson has a similar problem to flagstaff. It's just that Tucson is more overtly radical so there are a lot of resources here that the government can't or won't tell you about due to whatever verification processes. Xerocraft is a free open to the public workshop station that runs off of...
  28. 00kissmarrykick00

    Official resources in Flagstaff Arizona

    There is no comprehensive collection of resources in Flagstaff, so I'm making this thread. Might do this for Tucson, as well. Flagstaff shelter Services Inc 4185 E Huntington Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Pros: Decent food for dinner and seconds, they allow pets, no 1 under 18, sobriety not...
  29. deadsqual

    Help hopping east

    Hey! I'm from Alaska currently in Oregon looking to get to New Orleans before Halloween! If anyone has trainhopping tips, wants to come with/mentor me, or just has some cool places I should check out comment on here or message me on Instagram @deadsqual Anything helps ! Thanks a million!
  30. SleeplessInSeattle

    Best cities to regroup/get back on feet?

    Long story short was working remote and traveling. But gotta get a new job now. Plan is to work again while job hunting for another remote position. Save up. Get back out there. But just dont want to spend half my check every 2 weeks on lving expenses where-ever I go... Any recommendations...
  31. 00kissmarrykick00

    What good in San Diego?

    If anyone would like to share their experiences of San Diego with me, I would appreciate it. I joined some Facebook groups, and all I got were angry white women that were mad that at I was talking about leftist values in the group. I know that Facebook is not a commentary on any area, but I...
  32. 00kissmarrykick00

    Yet another slab city thread 2022 - 2023

    👋🏾 I'll be passing through California on this route to travels, and I might end up in slap city. I know there have been a lot of changes due to gentrification, covid, and climate change. I'm also going to be there doing Winter/Spring. I know to head out before it gets too late, because I...
  33. P

    Anyone in Los Angeles?

    Any one around la??
  34. japanarchist

    Any recommendations for Communes/Eco Villages/Intentional Communities?

    Hey Y'all, I've been thinking about traveling around again and I've been wanting to check out some communes (or whatever you wanna call them) of people living together off-grid or semi off-grid and doing cool things like growing food, getting out of the rat race, living healthier, etc. I'm in...
  35. Waldorf

    AMAZING NYC Urben SWIMMNG hole ! ! ! !

    come explore Manhattans coast line with me and my bird on JULY 20th, from 6pm to 3am ! ! ! !Ill be exploring some amazing urban swimming holes, some legan some not but all very safe and NOT dengerous, I.E> no undertow areas, research beforehand, im also basic life and rescue certified in...
  36. Staylowrideatnight


    do I keep my giant bag of hash and head to detroit with it or bury it and head to Montreal to cross over fuck Ohio
  37. gussy420

    Richmond VA homies

    Im gonna be in rva in like a week if anyone is tryna chill!
  38. AMD

    Moving to slab city

    Completely under prepared at the moment will be arriving mid July to become a permanent resident. I know I know this kid doesn't know what he's getting into. Your right I don't lol. All I know is I need something simpler an this seems nice! Getting a few more paychecks before I go looking for...
  39. DaytimeDream

    Job opportunities

    Anybody know any good cults to possibly join? Not drink punch either or maybe good Amish just trying to explore different cultures and communitys. Will work dont want handouts just the experience
  40. Tobiko

    Che Cafe, San Diego area (free food fridge/charge phone/radical space)

    Hiii! Che Cafe ( ) on UCSD campus has a free food fridge and so much more (more info at that link). Space is open for all Mon - Fri 12PM-7PM. there is a piano, electric guitar and drumset for use! also a free book exchange, button making supplies, and Zine...
  41. zenchop

    Any one in Florida?

    Just wondering if anyone is in central or North Florida and could hang for a couple days. I'm going a little crazy not having hung out with any like minded people in what feels like ages
  42. otch0z

    Hitchiking the east coast of USA as a woman alone : am i gonna die ?

    Hey y'all ! I'll make this quick. I have experience hitchiking alone in eastern Canada and France. I've been wanting to go back to NOLA for a while now (so it's a Montreal to NOLA kind of situation) But I'm worried about hitchiking alone in the states because, well, people seem more dangerous...
  43. otch0z

    What's the cheapest way to get to NOLA from Montreal,CA ?

    Hey, I'm considering heading to NOLA for a month during may. I was looking at flights because i won't have much time. My main question is : do you folks know if there are any big airports not so far from louisiana where it would be cheaper to fly from montreal ? Ps : I know hitchiking and...
  44. TheUndeadPhoenix

    Question Request for info: Bumfeeds and more in Boston Massachusetts and Portland Maine

    I'm tired of NYC and I'm going to visit the above cities, anybody got tips for them? I've never been to either one and I'm interested in seeing some off the path places as well. Here's a list of questions I have about them: Where are the best bumfeeds? Where do most of the travelers hang out...
  45. Novabiancabb1992

    Stranded in Dallas,tx

    Needa ride outta Dallas tx going too lubbock tx as my final destination, but willing too just ride along too cities along the way too lubbock, Abilene,tx would be a good secondary destination
  46. micah

    Nashville to Memphis (or just anywhere west)

    Hello travelers! I'm currently in Nashville probably gonna hitch west to Memphis but my goal is to get to San Francisco with a little detour up north through Denver/Boulder toward Bozeman Montanna and then cutting west to the Pudget Sound area of Washington and riding the coast south toward SF...
  47. cailao

    Central Arkansas

    Anyone out there coming through or live near central Arkansas Little Rock/Cabot area?
  48. BearFoot89

    Caves in the US

    I’m looking for some habitable caves in the lower 48 that are relatively secluded but also a reasonable bicycling distance from a town (for re-supply) ... Anyone know of any? Bearfoot89
  49. RKbrono

    Peoria, IL/Bowling Green, KY

    Hey, just trying to get the lay of the land for these two places. Any good spots? Any to stay away from? How are the cops? Any tips or feedback for either place would be much appreciated.
  50. Driveby

    Stressed and depressed on the fec

    Came back down to South Florida so the lady and I could see our family's for the holidays. Wound up catching a case along with being involved in larger scale investigations. Court has been pushed back twice now, hopefully set date is for the end of February. Been riding local as much as...