
  1. travelbytrainsagain

    Looking for a guy I rode from collinwood to SYR with this past summer

    We got off in syr near a truckstop. You were going to clean a jungle. Hmu if you see this!
  2. Theturk47

    Can I use a summer sleeping bag for winter ❄️

    Hi don't have much money to go to Walmart to get a proper sleeping bag any ideas on how to keep warm I have a summer sleeping bag anything I can do to make it better and it takes up to much space in my alice pack
  3. SiCK cada

    What if I started a squat in my hometown just for the summer?

    So I've kinda given up on making plans. Since I've started traveling, over half of the plans I've made to go certain places and do certain things ended up not happening because of something else that came up. But I still like to idly wonder "what if I did this?". So here's my latest "what...
  4. pokchop

    Where's everyone headed for summer?

    So, I made it to base. Been here a week and the 'comfort of convenience' and all things that come with a house feel a bit daunting. Looking at possessions is to feel anxious for new reasons. Having the basic necessities of a house are great. Having the basic necessities to live are great. Having...
  5. U

    Fruit Picking in the Okanagan this summer?

    Hello lovely people! This is my first post here, but I've been lurking this site for years now. I'm making ideas of what to do with my summer, and as I'm already in BC, I'm thinking of spending the summer fruit picking in the Okanagan. I've heard cherries are where the money's at, and my plan is...
  6. Raggamuffin

    Video Raggamuffin summer update

  7. I

    Hi everyone. I have a question and want to talk a little...

    I'll start with a question. What should I do? 16 year old boy, living in a rich town with a high school that is acedemically superior(my family is not particularly rich, but above average overall, poor compared to friends) this town is very safe, peaceful bubble on the shore. It is quite...
  8. F

    Looking for work in France or similar next summer

    Hey people. I am an ex-full-time-van-person and I’m looking at getting back into one just for the summer next year (2020). However, I’m looking for a contact in France for agricultural work (with which I have a lot of experience) for around the end of May to late September. If I’m not in a van I...
  9. Cornelius Vango

    Seeking Extremophiles for Desert Summer Crew

    Hey, folks. I'm sure many of you are already acquainted with my current long-term project which is Slab City Library. The popular winter season is coming to an end, and the temperatures will begin to rise until they top out at as high as 130F. I have spent the better part of the last four years...
  10. MadAndy

    Squat Across Europe Summer Media Project Idea. Need Your Advice

    Hey everyone. I'm still sorta new here, and most of my travel experience is limited to more traditional means of transport, through the US... and then several years of packing around the Middle East and South Asia. I got hitched to a Spaniard a couple of years back, so I live in Spain now, but...
  11. D

    Summer reading list

    While sitting on my ass, doing nothing today, I recalled a moment from a few days back. While still at my last job, I was approached by a customer who had far too much money and far too few problems. Her beloved pet cat had recentley passed and she was looking for a book to help her cope with...
  12. JChooch

    Fixing to take off this Summer

    Whatup STP? I've been lurking around here for about a day. My story starts with watching various YouTube channels. First Brave Dave hopping Canada came up on my suggested list almost a year ago, which led me to Stobe, Shoestring, Stu, and then finally Brian Cray whose website led me here. I...
  13. Big Time

    Where do snowbirds go in the Summer?

    Is there a Pacific Northwest place like Slab City to go when it gets hot?
  14. D

    summer time uninhabited island squat cape cod mass

    okay so this place okay so this place called panekes Island that used to have a school on it for bad kids from Boston has been uninhabited for several years now maybe as many as five but it has a big house a tool shop a boat shop climbing walls animal pens chicken coops Garden space basketball...
  15. Kaine

    In Colorado Springs, heading to west coast come Summer (+ the story so far)

    I'm Kaine, 23 M, from Indianapolis, IN. Last summer I decided fuck living in the city, can't deal with the noise, lack of space and privacy, and entitled people. For the past 3-4 years I've been working on and off at urban farms and living in a van. Then I got a vision that I'm not supposed to...
  16. thewildkindness

    Photos Recent Travels - AZ, UT, ID, WY, WA, OR, CA

    August travels. we put a lot of miles on my friends truck, had a great time, but i didn't exactly end up where i planned... back where i started lol in the sonoran desert Sedona Grand Canyon Moab, UT Wyoming Wyoming makin time at midnight Castle Rocks, Idaho...
  17. AaronOnTheRoad

    My hitchhiking summer gear

    Okay everyone I've been reading the great information on Stp and gathered everything ill need for this trip. Please comment anything i might have missed and or what you bring that is useful. 50+5 wasing backpack One person tent Sleeping bag 1 t shirt 1 pants 3 pair of socks Muscle shirt Hygiene...
  18. A

    Summer Fashion Tips for Discerning Travelers

    Summer is upon us and that means its time to ditch those ugly nylon rain ponchos and get ourselves into something more fashionable. First of all black snot rags hung around the neck are so cliche. Let's show the opinionated townies of the world that we have class. Let's swap those rags out...
  19. T

    Heading out on my summer voyage soon.

    I made this profile a year or so ago, and I never actually ended up going anywhere. Now, I'm finally doing it. I've got the opportunity, I'm getting my car fixed up, and its summer. I'm here in the introduction section in order to hopefully build friendships with other dwellers and people who...
  20. tacopirate

    Anyone Into Sailing From NC For The Summer??

    I just got back on this site, but I'm staying in coastal North Carolina and know how to sail. Anyone want to try and head north for the summer? Any thoughts or ideas? I don't have much money but I know how to work on wooden boats.
  21. D

    Hanging in North Carolina last summer

    Over the past summer I was hanging out in North Carolina with my good friend Josh and his lovely lady Tiffany. We did a fair bit of exploring and mushroom hunting, collection Reiche, Chicken, Chaga, and several other types of edible 'shrooms to sell at the local restaurants in Asheville.We took...
  22. Cornelius Vango

    Squatters Needed to Maintain Library

    Well, some fortuitous events have led me to wanting to go and buy myself a farm. I've been running an off-grid library in the famous squatter town of Slab City, and I don't want to just abandon it. The Library has been the home of the last two STP gatherings and may possibly host more in the...
  23. D

    What I learned this summer!

    I learned to camp this summer! The few of you that know me know I'm more of a shelter hopper. This year, I got job and staying in the shelter with a job wasn't a good option. The other clients have no respect for themselves or anyone else so I left and started sleeping outside. I met a guy and...
  24. Van Mads

    How to get to Slab City during the heart of Summer

    I'll explain my situation. I don't have vehicle. I don't have anyone to rely on for transportation. I have funds; enough to at least buy bus and train tickets to get near the Salton Sea and for necessary supplies to last awhile. I want to get to get to Slab City and set up before the fall...
  25. surtrs fire

    Spending summer in Scranton PA

    Hey! I got some summer work around the Scranton area, Ill probably be there within a month and stay until November or so than head south. I've never been to PA but know about a bunch of things that go on in Phily and Pittsburgh, I don't want to be going to the city much though, so is anyone on...
  26. dirty andy

    Getting back in shape for summer

    Well, January's almost over so a week ago I had somewhat of an epiphany~ i wAnna get back in shape so I can travel when it gets warm, and my hours get cut at work. So far shits been light, because I work fifty hours a week working out is pretty much the last thing I wanna do when I wake up for...
  27. Hobo Huck

    Working the Summer Season in Alaska

    A few pictures of 2014 while working in the canneries and gill-netting boats of Ketchikan, Alaska
  28. wizehop

    Martial law test runs planned throughout the US this summer Military Admits ‘Martial Law’ Test Runs Planned Throughout U.S. This Summer March 29, 2015 10:29 am· Newly-leaked military documents reveal what the United States government is no...
  29. Matt Derrick

    Summer Sailstice Pool Party - San Francisco, CA [June 21st, 2014]

    Just came across this on the blue anarchy mailing list, looks pretty cool!
  30. Sebastian Ballard

    Heading north for the summer from LA

    Hey everybody I'm Sebastian, so glad I found this forum, the information I've read so far is great and will definitely help me out in my travels. I have been in LA for a month after hitching a ride out of Vegas and goal is to make my way up through California and eventually end up in...
  31. D

    Looking for freight/hitchhiking companion in Europe during Summer

    Hi there. Going to hitchhike/hop freight trains across Europe during Summer, probably starting in early June. Anyone interested in joining me? No definite route as of now. Just trying to spend the better part of the Summer on the road/tracks. Also trying to spend as little money as possible...
  32. RnJ

    Traveling bolivia in summer

    Taking a freak from freeform travel with 3 dear friends of mine who are more into the busing and CouchSurf thing. We're going to Bolivia, so it should be a lot of fun at any rate. All of them are into the idea of hitching and freight-hopping, but have never gotten around to trying either. And...
  33. Matt Derrick

    Who wants to float down the Mississippi this summer?

    images above borrowed from Ok, so we've all heard about it, we all want to do it, but who's ready to make something like this happen? I've been talking to some folks and the idea came up (again) and I'm thinking, "why not"? I mean, how much money would it...
  34. Joni

    Michigan to Key West summer tour 2014

    I am currently working on gearing up for a ride from southern lower Michigan. Just a little more fine tuning and my gear is good to go. I am interested in anyone that's wants to travel along with an old school rubber tramp. I currently ride a custom built recumbent with a trailer. nothing fancy...
  35. markpat

    anyone travelling in europe this summer?

    hey:) im gonna be travelling around europe starting june by freight/hitchhiking, this will be my first time heading out alone and hopping in europe starting in gent probably. hit me up if your interested:) thanks ,mark sorry if this is in the wrong section
  36. Y

    Stuck in Ohio, splitting this summer

    Hey all, I'm new to the forum, but have read over soo much of it before signing up. Mainly stories and videos and gear discussions. I've lived in Columbus oh. most of my life, I'm 22 and haven't really adventured out much. I know this is the best time in life to do it so I want to leave soon. I...
  37. Bl3wbyyou

    Hmm.Wondering about what clothes to pack for out west in the summer time.

    I'm curious as to what i should bring as far as warm clothes go.I will be going all through all the states on the west coast.And i figured i should probably pack some what warm since ill be spending nights in the mountains and deserts further south.So heres what im gonna bring with me.I just...
  38. Stinkyyy

    Uk Summer 2013

    Anyone planning to travel around the UK or possibly Europe this coming summer and fancy a travel buddy? I'm still relatively new to this whole thing and wanna start making some decent contacts and doing something with my life! I'm a good laugh to be around, I swear.
  39. Lee

    Enough/ good enough clothes? Australia in summer, probably some heavy rain

    I'm going to list you the stuff I have, that I COULD bring. If you could just give me some tips, tell me what I should worry about, what I need to buy etc. So, this is stuff I HAVE, not that I am definitely taking. Keep in mind, 'Am taking' means I'll more than likely take it, unless you say...
  40. Nugrow Wilson

    Two gatherings one summer..

    "We all celebrate that we feel the unity of the spirit and we recognize the oneness of heart as we have the desire to follow spirit calling us to beautiful Montana for the Annual Gathering of the Rainbow Family of Living Light in the Summer of 2012." Wow - two Gatherings in one Summer? OK, I...
  41. 40 Hands

    summer Ca an Co events???

    hitchin to Ca an Co fro Wi an wanna find traveler friendly events cant imagine there arent any
  42. Mongo

    Hitching plans for the summer

    So, I was plotting out my trip for hitchhiking around North America on google maps and thought I would show my plans for the summer. here's a link to the map...
  43. Zoshpermanent

    Rubber Tramp Rendezvous Summer, 2012

    Any body been to this or going to this ??? Any word on whats it like????
  44. RIN

    Winter to Summer 2011

    Left coast is the best coast... down the coast and up through the desert :) My lady dog Molly got bit by a rattle snake in Parker, AZ.. stayed about a month and helped raise a litter of puppys.. me and the boyfriend couldn't help but keep one each :)
  45. K

    So it's summer again

    And us kids are free from the indoctrination facilities once more. I don't exactly know who i am introducing yet but i guess i'll tell you a little bit of what i've learned so far: Hi, my name is Ken and i'm an addict. [Monotonous meeting-goers]:Hi Ken. Well actually when i introduce...
  46. Komjaunimas

    Different summer

    This summer is going to be different from others for me, things turned for me completely unexpected. I've been on the road since 05 settling down in different places in Europe at different times of year and doing traveling at summer, but not this time. Came home after more than a year for 2...

    AZ native - Looking to travel for the summer

    Ya'at'eeh! Name is tommy, i go by HASHK'AAN sometimes as well which is the name of my clan Hashk'aan Hadzoho in Navajo it means "yucca fruit thats strung out in a line" I joined because im looking to do some travelling, squating, over the summer Im all over Az , going to school and living here...
  48. destroynateallen

    Destroy Nate Allen Summer Tour Plans!!

    Hi. My name's Nate. My wife and I play interactive, sing-a-long folk punk as Destroy Nate Allen from Portland, Oregon. I noticed a few people have posted about our band on here so I figured I'd share our plans with you guys so we can meet up if our paths cross. We're touring for about 3...
  49. sons of vipers

    What are your summer plans?

    What's everyone up to this summer? Im heading out to Colorado in May, then making my way back to NY to meet up with a friend. Visiting some awesome spots like the Centralia underground burning coal fire, and the abandoned turnpike system in PA. Then he's going on tour with his band for a few...