i should be there if all goes right.
since i FORGOT to pick up my new hampshire card before leaving (i know, i know how does one do that) i looked up how to get another EBT card as soon as i get back into the states.
Kids, it seems like you want to go to el centro.
and a rant
At the last gathering, i remember buying 200plus$ worth of food for people, this time can everybody else make sure to have ebt cards when they show up. it is really damn simple and in cali you can even spend your credit at subway etc if you mark urself down as not owning a kitchen. seriously, it is the mark of amateurs to not be on stamps. if you want to figure out who the true veteran trainrider-travellers are in any group and who just has a bunch of patches and sticknpoke tats, you simply ask if they have ebt cards or not
perhaps one of us can help all the greenhorns get cards, ravie could you drive em down whatever before the gathering
Applying for Food Stamps
Imperial County
In Imperial County, you will contact the Department of Social Services at 2995 S. 4th St. Ste. 105El Centro, CA 92243 or by phone at 760-337-6800