

Well-known member
Oct 8, 2009
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This could go under here or General Banter. Tough call. Anyway what does everyone think about age differences? I used to get so much shit because I was 19 and my partner was 17. I guess it faded away once we were both legal. But what are everyone Else's views? I was just told a story bout this 29 year old guy sleeping with this 15 year old girl and it made my stomach a little curdled but i don't know if that's just because of the way society is in the USA because there's other cultures that marry their females at 12 and pretty much make it a business negotiation. :ph34r:
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Sep 7, 2009
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I've been giving the age thing a lot of thought the last few years.As some of you know,I'm 51;and that definatly sets me in the old fart class.Over about the last 10 years,I've had relationships with people from 25 to 50,and can say that while a 2-6 year age gap doesn't seem to matter that much(depending on commonality of experience)there is definatly a strain if that gap extends past a decade.And as to the 29 year old guy and the 15 year old,THATS JUST DAMNED CREEPY!
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Mar 22, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
I think that age should be an issue in the situations where its a minor with an older dude. (what kind of guy do you have to be to be 29 and only be able to get ass from a 15 year old, check yerself bra!) But one your about 17 you can kindof make the decision.

I got a lot of shit still for being 18 with a 25 year old. Now im 20 with a 27 year old(same dude) and I dont see a prob with it at all. We never think of the age difference hes just like wow this woman is rad and im on the same page. he really is a rad woman haha.


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Nov 10, 2009
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southeast, usa
i'll date anyone of my same generation. which means... if she could be my mom or daughter... then it's too big of a gap.

but in the end age is only a number. if you connect (and it's adult) then fuck it.
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Jan 5, 2010
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Richmond, VA
I think age matters a lot less than where you are in life. So I try to worry less about the age gap, but think more about if they are mature or responsible etc.
But definitely not cool the way really older guys often target teenage women. The power dynamic there is just really fucked up.
That said, when I was 21 I dated a 16 year old guy. But he hadn't lived at home for years and supported himself and we were both active in the same social scene. So it wasn't like he was a newbie and like super impressionable. However, that is just my opinion, and obviously I was into it.
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Dec 5, 2009
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the rule i always heard was the older person divides their age in half then adds seven and thats the youngest its ok to date. so an 18 year old would be ok dating a 16 year old, but as you get older the gap widens and a 50 year old could seemingly date a 32 year old.


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Jan 27, 2009
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I think age isn't necessarily just a number...maturity and life experience comes along with that tag. I'd be down to date 36 year old or an 18 year old and I'm 23. 17 would be pushing it, but I do know some pretty level headed girls that are around that age and who are much more mature than most. I think that is the biggest aspect-maturity over age definitely.
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Mar 5, 2008
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i'm 4 years and a couple weeks older then my partner..but when we met she told me she was a year older. by the time i found out she wasn't it didn't matter. we don't really notice the age difference..only once in a while. she is underage, and i'm legal age. i sometimes get shit for being around, but if we love each other what does it matter? i never once, nor ever will take advantage of her in any way because of her age.

its just scary when the cops show up looking for me.

obviously i don't have issues with age, as long as its reasonable.


its funny many people give it so much thought as if a 15 year old doesnt have enough mind to decide what they want to aunt is 34 and my uncle is 62, you would never know unless they told you there if my uncle walked in the delivery room and started attacking my aunt in baby form......yeah he would be thrown away for i raise the question....when is it okay for a person to decide for themselves what they want to do......i say when they have the knowledge of what commitment and physical relationships intale and mean.....other wise we could talk this all day


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 21, 2009
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Everywhere, No where
Im 25 and I seem to date mostly women in their 30-40's. I dont think age matters too much once you hit that legal age. (Depends on State)

But I prefer older women for sure. Less Games, More Exp. (sex and life), usally have a car, and some cash, and rarely any commitment issues.
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Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
eh, ive allways been jail bait with a guy 5+ years older than me. it didnt make them pedophiles it just meant that i was way past my years and i looked for older guys with my same mentality. I'm in a relationship with a 31 right now and im 18. We do occasionally have issues with the age gap but thats derived from his own issues. age gaps can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially before the girl is legal, but i think that by the age of 16 she should be able to date older guys. Women do tend to mature faster than men averagely too...when we first "become women" guys are still paying with GI Joes. And by the time their balls drop we're already experimenting and thinking about our future careers. to think about dating someone my age disgusts me because they still act like their 13 years old. just my opinion though.
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Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
its funny many people give it so much thought as if a 15 year old doesnt have enough mind to decide what they want to aunt is 34 and my uncle is 62, you would never know unless they told you there if my uncle walked in the delivery room and started attacking my aunt in baby form......yeah he would be thrown away for i raise the question....when is it okay for a person to decide for themselves what they want to do......i say when they have the knowledge of what commitment and physical relationships intale and mean.....other wise we could talk this all day

I've thought alot about this in the past. A while back I knew a couple where the guy was 26 and the girl was 16. Initially I was weirded out by it, but after hanging them for a minute it bacame utterly apparant that SHE was the more mature one. I feel the line should be drawn when it comes to kids living at home. If you're 15, but have been emancipated, live on your own and take care of yourself who's to tell you what you can and can't do with your body? However, I feel that people who have yet to fly the nest are generally emotionally immature. A 15 yr old who still lives with their parents is probably gonna have a lot of immature reasons to be in a relationship with a older independant partner. If they're over 18 let em legally do whatever they want, but when it comes to underage kids I think the kid should have to be emancipated or display some higher than average level of independence (pay bills, have a job, I don't fucking know...) to be able to legally sleep with an adult.

Its a really slippery issue because there's no one way to regulate people's relationships legally that won't impose on the basic rights of someone somewhere. Nature always gives us an exception to the rule.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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homebum of americas
his hits home paticularly hard
when my ex wife and i met i had just turned 20 and she was 35...we got married on my 21st birthday
seperated off and on through 22
divorced at 23
i've mostly hooked up with women in there 30's and 40's who want a distraction from there boring lives, husband,kids ,etc
i honestly have always had trouble relating to women of my own age group
Something wierd has been happening lately, with every passing year..i seem to be getting more and more......and more...immature
i was always told i was mature for my age up till i was about 22...then the regression began now i have the emotional extremes of a 15 year old unless i'm strung out

speaking of 15 year old, i do know one that i find very attractive and enjoy hanging around. Now must people think bubbely eyed virgin innocent when they think 15, which is the furthist thing from the truth here
cokehead by 13
urning tricks at 14
cleaned up and getting life together at 15
we have the same sense of humor
and consiquintly the same wierd ability to offend people without makeing an effort out of it
like i said before..i consider her a close friend and i do find her sexual attractive. But i'm not going to do anything about it...
it has nothing to do with the whole 15 gets you get 20 deal...when has the threat of jail ever stoped any of us?
no, it's because if we do have something going on we'd have to hide it...sneak around , play blitzkrieg ninja..never show our love in public
i hade to put up with that from older women who were embarrassed to be sleeping with someone half there age
screw that. i can wait till she's 18
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2010
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uh... oregon for the moment
i'm 27 and my girlfriend is 21, i've never given it much though she's a cool, smart, mature chick, i think that if it doesn't make you feel like a wierdo then you aren't doing anything wrong, if your 25 and really love that 15 year old chick more power to ya, but if your seeing the 15 year old chick because you have a thing for minors, you have a problem (shrug)


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Feb 12, 2010
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Aside from straight up creepers gettin with little girls I think it's totally dependent on the couple in question.
Since my freshman year most of my friends have been at least 2-3 year older than me on up. Dating it's rare I find a guy my age (18) that I'm down with as more than friends and never even considered anyone younger.

Johnny Lightspeed

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Feb 23, 2009
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I think the statutory (sp?) age was set because there is no concrete way to gauge maturity levels in people. I've know 15-17 year olds who were a lot more put together, independent, and mature than 18+ kids in college getting a free ride from there parents and not knowing how to take care of themselves at all. If it seems like there is exploitation involved in the relationship (age gap or not) it needs to end somehow that shit aint right!


I think age matters a lot less than where you are in life. So I try to worry less about the age gap, but think more about if they are mature or responsible etc.


I'm 26. I'm in a relationship right now with a girl that is 22, but way mature for here age. I've been with girls older than her that act like they're 14. By 14, I mean reckless, impulsive and obnoxious. That said..

In my opinion as a dude (and I know a lot of dudes who agree with me)--when I meet guys in my age group that are mackin' on/dating girls under 18, it's shady as all hell and makes me wonder what's really going on. A lot of the time I've found it to be teenage girls more willing to deal with their bullshit, as where girls our age have more life experience and are less inclined to deal with their bullshit.

Drunken Hearted Man

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Aug 23, 2009
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I really enjoy going to bars and shows, so it's nice if my partner is 21+. Other than that age difference doesn't matter to me much.

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