Where is a good place to find work? Or with good resources?

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
hey everyone! i hope to soon aquire a school bus for traveling around in, but i will have little else but the bus itself and the insurance paid when all is said and done. im starting in washington state, and going to portland, but i wanted to ask everyone here on stp what their favorite towns are and why. especially in terms of being able to find a job or make money in some way. also good resources like dumpsters, health services, etc, in said towns would be factors id be interested in as well.

im interested in any kind of work, i just need to be able to get my bus there. so yeah, please give me your suggestions!


Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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The DC area seems to be less affected since almost everyone here I know who has looked for a job has gotten one. It doesn't have much else going for it though, rents are still really high compared to the rest of the states.


I'm not sure where you'll be travelling at, but I figured I'd profile the Knoxville area.

K-ville is geographically situated around multiple multi-use land areas. Cherokee Dam, Douglas Dam, the Great Smokie Mountains and the Appalachian Trail. This means that camping for an RV is easy. Additionally, one could park the RV and take a tri-state train ride in about 48 hours!!

Employment abounds here. Multiple day labors are in existance. Shovel ready highway projects just began last week. Also, as I run my own company, I can put you to work spring - fall doing weed eating and clean outs on foreclosed properties! I pay at the end of the day about $10.00 per hour under the table.

Health care is FREE here. We have RAM - Remote Area Medical. Glasses on the spot, medical and dental ... all same day w/o an application process.

If you need any detailed info, let me know!

Rise 609

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Oct 20, 2008
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New Jersey
If anyone is visiting the Northeast and would like some work come May, I would be more then willing to take you on my boat and teach you the ways of harvesting shellfish. A yearly liscence from the state cost $52 and will need to be purchased before you start. I will only want $5/day to split the cost of the gas and you will make anywhere from $75-200 in a 6-7 hour work day depending on how fast you can pick it up and how hard you work. It's very easy but does require getting into waist deep water. I'm in Atlantic City, NJ and work from May until September.


Professional Hobo
Jan 15, 2009
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Rolling, empty boxcars to Sioux Falls, South Dakot
Hi Matt!
I loved Alaska and most coastal towns and villiages of Alaska, as far as cannery-work from May to September usually put me to work the "VERY" next day!
You just go to the fishers orientation in Anchorage and they usually flew me out free of charge and gave me room-and-board too boot as well as a bonus at the end of each type of fishing season like Herring, Salmon, Halibutttttttttt......

Ahhhhhh, Alaska!!!! Great enough of a place that I have been back and fourth up there 13 times since 1990!!!
hey everyone! i hope to soon aquire a school bus for traveling around in, but i will have little else but the bus itself and the insurance paid when all is said and done. im starting in washington state, and going to portland, but i wanted to ask everyone here on stp what their favorite towns are and why. especially in terms of being able to find a job or make money in some way. also good resources like dumpsters, health services, etc, in said towns would be factors id be interested in as well.

im interested in any kind of work, i just need to be able to get my bus there. so yeah, please give me your suggestions!
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Wandering But Not Lost Yet
May 25, 2008
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The area around Boone in North Carolina tends to be one of my favorites that I keep going back too. There's a day labor office there and people usually have pretty good luck finding construction, landscaping and some other odd jobs there. The dumpsters are excellent since it has about five grocery stores even though it's not that big a town. There also use to be a chapter of Food Not Bombs there but I don't know it's status at this moment. There's a free health clinic called The Hunger and Health Coalition Community Care Clinic that's free to anyone that doesn't have insurance. You don't have to apply or anything but they do like you to make an appointment but will even squeeze you in if it's pretty urgent, they've also got a free pharmacy at the clinic for anything they prescribe.

Raging Bird

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Apr 10, 2007
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New Orleans
The DC area seems to be less affected since almost everyone here I know who has looked for a job has gotten one. It doesn't have much else going for it though, rents are still really high compared to the rest of the states.

No way, where do you live around there? Seems like inside the beltway has alot of the types of jobs that make you alot of money, but make you forget why you're bothering to keep living every day...like a really lucrative purgatory. I guess it'd be good for saving up "feast or famine" style.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I'm not sure where you'll be travelling at, but I figured I'd profile the Knoxville area.

K-ville is geographically situated around multiple multi-use land areas. Cherokee Dam, Douglas Dam, the Great Smokie Mountains and the Appalachian Trail. This means that camping for an RV is easy. Additionally, one could park the RV and take a tri-state train ride in about 48 hours!!

Employment abounds here. Multiple day labors are in existance. Shovel ready highway projects just began last week. Also, as I run my own company, I can put you to work spring - fall doing weed eating and clean outs on foreclosed properties! I pay at the end of the day about $10.00 per hour under the table.

Health care is FREE here. We have RAM - Remote Area Medical. Glasses on the spot, medical and dental ... all same day w/o an application process.

If you need any detailed info, let me know!

wow, ibrrhobo, that sounds like a pretty sweet setup over there. very tempting!

If anyone is visiting the Northeast and would like some work come May, I would be more then willing to take you on my boat and teach you the ways of harvesting shellfish. A yearly liscence from the state cost $52 and will need to be purchased before you start. I will only want $5/day to split the cost of the gas and you will make anywhere from $75-200 in a 6-7 hour work day depending on how fast you can pick it up and how hard you work. It's very easy but does require getting into waist deep water. I'm in Atlantic City, NJ and work from May until September.

rise, i like the sound of this as well!

i guess it would just be an issue of getting the bus out there. my best guess is that it would cost about 650 bucks or so to get out to either of those places. i guess flying signs could take care of some/most of that. although i will have a little money saved up before we leave washington (1,500 or so i think).

does anyone know of good towns/work on the west coast? it would definitely be cheaper to get too... :p

is santa cruz any good?


Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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No way, where do you live around there? Seems like inside the beltway has alot of the types of jobs that make you alot of money, but make you forget why you're bothering to keep living every day...like a really lucrative purgatory. I guess it'd be good for saving up "feast or famine" style.

Well, I lucked out on a salaried, full benefits job right now and a girlfriend going to school, plus I am also working part-time at a collectively owned store where you can work for food (meaning right now I am not really paying for rent or food, but I dumpster anyway), so that's fun. But yeah, I'm saving up and I might even start renting soon- fully legit! Pretty scary stuff.


Active member
Sep 21, 2008
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If anyone is visiting the Northeast and would like some work come May, I would be more then willing to take you on my boat and teach you the ways of harvesting shellfish. A yearly liscence from the state cost $52 and will need to be purchased before you start. I will only want $5/day to split the cost of the gas and you will make anywhere from $75-200 in a 6-7 hour work day depending on how fast you can pick it up and how hard you work. It's very easy but does require getting into waist deep water. I'm in Atlantic City, NJ and work from May until September.

This sounds really badass! I've never been to NJ before, would love to check it out (no matter how much shit people give it), and make some scrilla while there.


Hey Matt, scope out the new anti-anything but rich laws in Santa Cruz. They're currently holding meetings in contravention to the Open Meetings Act dealing w/homelessness. PM Rise609. I had to spend hours taking his calls simply trying to navigate him thru central Cal up to Roseville to catch out. Santa Cruz is VERY ANTI HOMELESS!!! Better be able to have the DA crawl up ur asshole w/a microscope ... no pun intended!

Monterey is fairly liberal; good sign and panhandling. Parking the land whale, though, is gonna be ur problem.

And before you even discuss the Quartzite gathering in AZ, don't do it! The gem show and gathering are a giant bust! Local PD, BLM, DEA ... the list is long and distinguished! I have a gold claim in Parker, AZ, right up the road (see another post I made on it).


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
the Okanagan in BC is awesome and not such a far drive. If you go straight up 97 through Washington, you come into Canada pretty close to Penticton, which has very good dumpstering, nice lakes, a good transient population in the summer, and various harvest jobs. In that area there are cherries, apples, grapes, etc. There's something needing picking pretty much all summer, though especially towards the end. Annoying about that border thing.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
This sounds really badass! I've never been to NJ before, would love to check it out (no matter how much shit people give it), and make some scrilla while there.

Brah, Jersey is Tits. No better place than the Pinies.

Work: when i was leaving portland i read in the paper that Yamato Motors in Bellingham just got raided by ICE (immigration and customs enforcement, the SS arm of CBP) and 28 wetbacks arrested at their engine factory.
This sounds very cold-hearted and cynical, but my idea is: follow the ICE raids (why hasn't obama stopped this shit?) and go to every place that's been raided and ask for a job. If 28 of their best have just been deported, they probably need new people.
fuck ICE!!


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2007
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Steubenville, United States
Hi Matt!
I loved Alaska and most coastal towns and villiages of Alaska, as far as cannery-work from May to September usually put me to work the "VERY" next day!
You just go to the fishers orientation in Anchorage and they usually flew me out free of charge and gave me room-and-board too boot as well as a bonus at the end of each type of fishing season like Herring, Salmon, Halibutttttttttt......

Ahhhhhh, Alaska!!!! Great enough of a place that I have been back and fourth up there 13 times since 1990!!!

I've got to disagree. I loved Petersburg,(astonishingly beautiful)Naknek was OK, and its great meeting people from
all over the world, but every salmon season has declined since the record season in 2003.
last year I made about $2500. I won't be going back 'til I find another way to make it pay for itself.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
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Well Ive mentioned yosemite alot on here so ill have to go with that. They are union and this one actually fights for you. get paid every week starting pay is 8.00 get full time hours most of the time, they have jobs ranging from picking up grabage all day to bussing and waiting tables, houskeeping kitchen work and alot more. the only thing is you have to work for them at least 3 months but after that you can leave and come back before a year is up and still keep you seniority. You might have to live in a tent cabin though its not too bad it had a heater in it. Alot of awesome people work there too and youre always getting hook ups once you work there for a while and get to know the people. its in the forest of course but there are restaurants stores and everything, no open bottle law but I did get a B.U.I once biking under the influence ha. other than that its cool I saved almost five grand in about3 and a half months but I worked my ass off with double overtime! They put you to work thats for sure.
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Mar 16, 2009
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Due to an overall shitty existence, I'm planning on "dropping out" and disappearing in a month or so. Can an "invisible person", get by under the radar down in the Knoxville area? I just wanna do day work for cash and maybe move into a cheap apartment. Is this do-able after ditching all my id's etc?


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
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Due to an overall shitty existence, I'm planning on "dropping out" and disappearing in a month or so. Can an "invisible person", get by under the radar down in the Knoxville area? I just wanna do day work for cash and maybe move into a cheap apartment. Is this do-able after ditching all my id's etc?

To get a good enough job around there you def need an I.D and all that crap esecially if you want an apartment they usually want you to work 6 months before getting into one so good luck with that


Mar 16, 2009
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Thanks for the info, DRS. I'm still in the planning stages on this whole deal trying to work some of these details ahead of time. I'll be ditching out sometime this summer, and the K-ville area is my first choice. Due to the nature of my "exit", though, I'll have to ditch my real ID (financial reasons, no warrants etc). Without a real ID, what are my options. Sorry, don't mean to be a PITA, just gathering ideas at this time.

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