i have to disagree with the whole diva cup thing. i had one for about a year... LOVED it... but it started to fucking disintegrate... don't ask me how, but seriously... it started to melt, wwithout coming in contact with any heat aside from body heat. i went to take it out and half the yanky-diddle came off. i got the whole thing out, but it was all sticky and nasty like the rubber was melting. i was so disturbed by it... so gross...
anyway... i'm not picky. when i can afford em, i buy the organic unbleached tampons. tampax and all those big companies can go fuck themselves with their dioxin bleaching and woodfiber.
i do use rags when i'm not flowin like the amazon, but i prefer to use a stopper so i can... yanno... minimize mess. ain't no fun to have a wet diaper on the road.
As for herbal abortions, contraceptives and all that hullabaloo... i havent taken the pill in 4-5 years, and to keep my womb nice and vacant i do a number of things.
- pay wicked close attention to your cycle. learn it. notice the symptoms that occur before your period, because those are the symptoms of ovulation! so... my boobs grow like fuckin 2 cup sizes and my BO starts to smell like weed, and... no way around it... men start to flock in varying degrees and i get wicked horny... i try to avoid gettin all hot and bothered, and if i do, i practically hold a knife to the guy's throat to wear a rubber.
when im in a relationship, all stds aside..... i keep vitamin c around. the morning after unprotected sex, inserting a vitamin c tablet (i use 500mg) changes the ph of your vag and the surrounding area as it dissolves.. (wear a rag, and be prepared for a bit of discomfort, cuz vit c is very acidic) so it makes your reproductive system less hospitable to an implanted egg. this is an emergency solution... if you cant afford the morning after pill.
sooo... that being said... say you still miss a period and think you're preggers. some herbs that are less intense emmenogogues and abortificents (induce menstrual contraction) than pennyroyal are:
brewer's yeast, vitamin C, wild carrot, blue cohosh, black cohosh, slippery elm, nutmeg, mugwort, papaya, vervain, common rue, ergot, saffron and tansy.
read up on em.
that menstrual extraction shit, in my opinion should NEVER be administered unless a seasoned midwife or other experienced individual is present. you should never just go stickin shit in your cervix if you dont understand the anatomy and the fragility of the area!!!! fuck!! my sister's a nurse AND she's knocked up and i read that to her and she
lost her shit. so many complications could come from that procedure!!
anyway.... happy fucking, everyone!