this young fellow is getting married. & on his wedding day his great granddad, who is about 90, pulls him aside & says "sonny.. sonny.. i have to explain something really, really important to you.. it's about sex & marriage.."
Well.. his great grandson looks at him, smiles & says "Grampers, I already know about the birds & the bees"
but his granddad pulls him up close & "no sonny.. this is *reealy* important.. ya see, when you firsts gets married, you have sex all the time.. 7, 8.. hell maybe 10 or 15 times a day.." & his grandsonny looks back ^ says ". well.. yeah, Grampers, i kind of figured that.." but his granddad says " well it doesn't stay like that... nope! ya see, after you've been married a few years you don't have it so often.. maybe 4 or 5 times a week.. & then, after you been married, ohh.. say.. 15 or 20 years, you don't have sex nearly so often.. just days like anniversaries or birthdays.." & his grandson looks at him & says "is that right..?" & then his greatgrandaddy, he says.. "yeah! & when you've been married a ***really*** long time, like me & yer grammy, you only have oral sex!!" & the young groom to be screws up his face & says "you & grammy still have oral sex???" & his grampers says to him, he says.. "yeah! every night before we go to bed, she screams at me 'Fuck You!!' & i scream back "Fuck you too!!"