Tell these jokes in the same joke sharing session, but with many jokes between them.
A hollywood big shot is having an house built. His only requirement to the engineer was that there be no wasted materials. Not a btick, not a nail, not a single shingle. If the engineer completes the task, he gets like billions of dollars, if he fails and anything is left over or wasted, he gets nothing in return for his work. So the engineer hires a team of architects and fellow engineers and they work for years drawing plans. The greatest builders in the world come to work on the house. When the house is built, there is a single brick left. Fuck. But the hollywood bigshot loves the house so much he cuts the engineer a deal. He paints a line on the ground, if the break lands on this side, you get the money, if it lands on the other side, you get nothing. He launches the brick into the air and half a brick lands on the side to get the guy his money. The other half of the brick was never seen again.
Makes no sense right? Good. Now tell some jokes and what not. Then tell this one.
People on a plane. There is this lady with a little dog. A guy nearby lights a cigarette and the dog starts yapping. The guys like hey, make yer dog shut up. The lady is all like put out your cigarette and the dog will shut up. A stewardess gets involved and the guy ends up putting out his cigarette. An hour passes and the entire process begins again. This time the stewardess says to the man, if you light another cigarette and i have to come back here again im gonna throw those cigarettes out the window. So of course another hour passes and the guy lights up another cigarette and the dog starts yapping and the stewardess is all like fuck you buddy *punches him in the face* takes his cigarettes and throws them out the window. And the dog jumped outta the window after the cigarettes. The lady is all upset and crying. With no yapping dog the guy can finally enjoy a cigarette in peace (he brought two packs) when the plane lands you can see the dog standing on the wing of the plane, its got something in its mouth. What do you think it was? (The cigarettes right? )
Nope, the object in the dogs mouth was.................HALF A FUCKING BRICK!!!!