I'm a cheap-o and packed this stuff into a standard sized duffle bag and backpack, both school-boy sized and spray-painted black.
In the duffle bag:
3 pairs of socks (1 pair of self-cut anklers) (1 pair is worn)
2 pairs of underwear (1 being worn)
plastic bag for tieing up smelly laundry
nylon rope
smallest foam sleeping mat
sleeping bag (-5 degree rating, in a compression sack)
1 cut-off sleeveless tee shirt
1 regular t-shirt (usually being worn)
1 button up plaid shirt
2 long-sleeve t-shirts
1 thick sweater
1 pair quick-dry shorts
1 pair of pants (usually being worn)
Toothbrush and paste, Deodorant, earplugs, soap, shampoo and a few bandages.
Regular backpack:
homemade notepad
2 pens
change purse
plastic spoon, knife and fork
1 book
ziploc bag containing travel info
Am I a minimalist? I can't judge, becaise most of us are in a sense, yet some people here will undoubtedly underpack me. ideally, i would like to cut this down by 50% weight (size is less of an issue)...but i'm also not hardcore transient, so it's gonna look at little different than usual.
My packs are probably as "yuppie" as they come. So kill me!
Winnipeg kids were a bit surprised by my lack of volume at first, and then threw it on the pile of things they didn't like about me. I liked my set up because when hitching I could throw the duffle bag in the trunk and my small pack with the most immediate stuff (book, atlas, food) up front. I packed it so if my duffle got nabbed, i would only be out some gear, and not my ID and passport, etc.