

Active member
Dec 21, 2009
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Stratford, just now....
What's your stance? Are you hostile, apathetic, supportive, of fervent? Are they any gay people on Stp? I ask because I am gay, and I'm interested to know the general attitude toward homosexuality on this site, cause everyone's been mad cool about everything else.
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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
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eh its 2010 does anyone still give a shit about others sexuality being different from theirs?

Um was this a trick question?? Yeah, people still def DO care about others having a homosexual relationship of any kind. Hence why they are still fighting the ban on gay marriage. I for one could give two shits, just as long as I'm not hit on more than once. Ya do it once, I tell you I'm not, you should respect that. Had several instances where the dudes just wouldn't leave me alone and I had to forcibly tell them no. Otherwise, if you respect that, you're ok in my book.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Apr 24, 2009
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the clouds
Widerstand said:
I really don't give a shit what your sexual preference is.

The way I see it that's your business and not mine or anyone's.

This adequately sums up my opinion on it.


i have no issues w/those who are homosexual. what i DO have a problem with are homosexuals who feel they should have special privileges. it seems there is an ever present push to bring legitimacy to an issue which is a private matter. as an example: hate crimes. why should it be punished more severely for someone to beat a gay up than a non gay person? are they not BOTH human beings?

personally i believe that it COULD be problematic to have overt homosexuality in certain mainstream occupations. education is a prime area. i have a son on the way and would do my best to make sure that a homosexual agenda was not furthered using taxpayer dollars. this is not to say that a homosexual should not be a teacher; this is to say that a homosexual agenda being taught to my child is improper.

i believe that homosexuals were repressed; perhaps unfairly, for quite some time and now wish to recoup, at some levels, payback. if you want to participate in homosexual behaviors in the privacy of your own home or in PROPER public places so be it, but i don't feel that i must, as a heterosexual, grant new and enlarged privileges for such. this last statement is primarily based upon marriage. if a state's legislature; representative of its populace, decides that they don't want gay marriage then so be it. trucking in hundreds of gays to lobby and protest strikes me as an assault upon the wishes of those states' constituency. classic case-in-point: i was born in san francisco and remember harvey milk. my dad helped his campaign w/some projects in '76 and i met him a couple times as a kid down at city hall. what i'm driving at here is that milk had issues with a city that had a fairly large homosexual population that was not being represented and he chose to do something about it; cost him his life. by the same token, to bring that same kind of agenda into, say, the rural south where there is not a LARGE homosexual population and stir up shit is wrong. we're not talking atlanta or knoxville here, we're talking about the rural south. just because homosexuals think that everyone everywhere should recognize them smacks of an inferiority complex.

i really don't think anyone on StP cares if you're gay or not; perhaps other gay folks might as it might mean they have found a kindred spirit. by in large, i have found members of StP to make their decisions of who they like or dislike based upon what folks say/type.

in a nutshell, be gay but don't force acceptance on others who are not gay.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2009
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818 SFV
I'm pretty much on board with everyone else here. I feel that everyone should have the same rights though. If 2 people wanna get married let them get married I don't give a shit. Although I guess when it comes to gay marriage i'm hardly adamant when it comes to pushing the cause. I'll rant and rave a bit but I doubt you'd find me out there on the front lines. This isn;t because i'm lazy I just don't care about marriage to begin with. I think people can go about living perefectly fine without some piece of paper from the state or church that says ok we recognize you as partners for life.
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2009
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As far as the nature of who anyone loves or desires,it's really thier business,I expect the same courtesy.Just realize that I was raised Southern,and if they are "running around" on their partner,boy howdy the gossip will fly!


thought i should comment on the marriage thing: here you have secular and non secular reasoning. from a secular point of view i can understand why gays want marriage to be legalized across the board: taxation, property and wealth distribution, etc. from the non secular point of view i doubt it will ever catch on in any but the fringe religions (say wicca, etc.). the reasoning here is that the core belief in all religions (as religion is man made) is tribalism. the key component to tribalism is the perpetuation of the tribe thru procreation and homosexuality is not conducive to procreation (having children).

oddly enough, only homosexuals whom are CAPITALISTS can further an argument for gay marriage. why? well, as the only benefit for legal homosexual marriage is fiduciary (monetary). homosexuals can do everything else hetrosexuals out of wedlock can do as a couple. so, it's kinda hard to further an argument that anarchists are in support of gay marriage. if anarchists do not support government, taxes, contracts, etc. then how can they care whether or not they should be able to participate in samesaid?

there. that should stir up some good debate. ;-)


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
IBRR, there definitely is a lot of gay peeps who've moved to Frisco, but i would say pretty much all parts of the rural south have a normal homosexuality rate, of, i think sociologists have pegged it at 10 percent.
the difference between your area and SF is that a larger percentage of gay people are CLOSETED. they don't feel comfortable coming out becuase of the culture where they are.

as far as me caring, well back before i was engaged i was really glad of gay dudes being around, the more the better because it improved my odds of picking up a girl :)


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
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slc headed west then north
i hate punks and crustie kids that hate gays becuase its all about equality im not gay or eny think but i have alot of friends that are so i support it totally fuck homophobic punks grow the fuck up
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Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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... as far as me caring, well back before i was engaged i was really glad of gay dudes being around, the more the better because it improved my odds of picking up a girl :)

This is the main argument I use when I talk to people who are on the fence about it, and it makes a lot of sense. Also it works for either gender- someone using you as a beard or a skirt will pretty much be only yanking your chain. Another reason I have is that closeted folks can be the most annoying homophobes ever.


The Captain
Nov 2, 2007
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around the USA
I am ambivalent about consensual relationships amongst adults. I don't believe there is steadfast hetero- or homo- predisposition, but that human sexuality lies somewhere in the grayer areas of a continuum, with those poles; I may be inclined to women and lean to the hetero- side, but who knows what'll happen when I meet my Prince Charming
I am really against being secretly gay in Congress and then using your votes to repress and denigrate people who are not in-hiding.
I am really in favor of exposing all the hypocrite bad-fags like Larry Craig.

Skankin Jerry

Active member
Dec 21, 2009
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Plattsburgh, NY
I'm straight, but I co-chair my high school's Gay-Straight Alliance. I do my best around the school to make things homophobia free, not necessarily "gay friendly", because a homophobia-free environment exists best when homosexuality is integrated amongst heterosexuality.

I hang out with a fair deal of lesbians, and a few gay guys. Doesn't much matter to me. There are a lot of people who say: "I don't care, just not around me." But I go a step beyond that, talking with and acknowledging when someone is a homosexual rather than ignoring it. I've been hit on before, but hey, it happens, and I don't care much about it or get uncomfortable because of it.

Reverend Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church protested my school's Gay-Straight Alliance last April outside the front of the school. Anyone who knows who Fred Phelps is or his 'God Hates Fags' campaign, knows the ridiculousness of their protests. Fuck em' though. They come back to Plattsburgh every now and then because we render them a large counter-protest and they get media attention. My petition for sources of media in my town to not cover or air the story did not work. I wasn't very happy about that. But hey, one kid can only do so much
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Nov 6, 2009
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Nashville for now
i believe in anarchy equality and peace
as do the majority of people that
i have talked to on stp.
i personally am "straight"
but i support gays lesbians bi-sexual and transgender
people for their natural right to live that way
it is nobodys right or responsibility
to try and take sexuallity
away from someone because it differs
from that of their own or
that of their religion
you are welcome here and everywhere you
may roam in my book


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2009
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I think people should be able to do what ever they please, as long as it isn't effecting anyone else. Personally, I support anyone who's homosexual. If that is what they feel is right for themselves and if it makes them happy, then all the power to them!

Why should I care if someone else is attracted to the same sex?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
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Your mothers house
I for one could give two shits, just as long as I'm not hit on more than once. Ya do it once, I tell you I'm not, you should respect that. Had several instances where the dudes just wouldn't leave me alone and I had to forcibly tell them no. Otherwise, if you respect that, you're ok in my book.

how do you think women feel? that sort of thing happens to girls all the time. I know what your getting at, but no one wants to be continually hit on by someone they don't find attractive, but other than if it has to do with gays no one seems too deam it worthy of having to state it aloud.
or it because they are women or are strait that its not looked at that way? (or doesn't matter?)

"homosexual agenda " really? cause if your kid's teacher is gay that will turn your kid gay?

"i believe that blacks were repressed; perhaps unfairly, for quite some time and now wish to recoup, at some levels, payback. if you want to participate in black behaviors in the privacy of your own home or in PROPER public places so be it,"

so long as you don't see it its not happening?

"this last statement is primarily based upon marriage. if a state's legislature; representative of its populace, decides that they don't want gay marriage (blacks vote) then so be it. trucking in hundreds of gays (humans) to lobby and protest strikes me as an assault upon the wishes of those states' constituency."
yeah how dare them fags use their first amendment rights to be treated as equal human begins!
Whereas some doubts have arisen whether children that are slaves by birth, and by the charity and pity of the owners made partakers of the blessed sacrament of baptism, should by virtue of their baptism be made free, it is enacted that baptism does not alter the person as to his bondage or freedom; masters freed from this doubt may more carefully propagate Christianity by permitting slaves to be admitted to that sacrament.

Statutes at large of Virginia, Act lll (1667)

same shit different topic.
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how do you think women feel? that sort of thing happens to girls all the time. I know what your getting at, but no one wants to be continually hit on by someone they don't find attractive, but other than if it has to do with gays no one seems too deam it worthy of having to state it aloud.
or it because they are women or are strait that its not looked at that way? (or doesn't matter?)

"homosexual agenda " really? cause if your kid's teacher is gay that will turn your kid gay?

"i believe that blacks were repressed; perhaps unfairly, for quite some time and now wish to recoup, at some levels, payback. if you want to participate in black behaviors in the privacy of your own home or in PROPER public places so be it,"

so long as you don't see it its not happening?

"this last statement is primarily based upon marriage. if a state's legislature; representative of its populace, decides that they don't want gay marriage (blacks vote) then so be it. trucking in hundreds of gays (humans) to lobby and protest strikes me as an assault upon the wishes of those states' constituency."
yeah how dare them fags use their first amendment rights to be treated as equal human begins!

same shit different topic.

gotta start w/your signature: Free Palestine. yeah, been read/write/speaking arabic long? perhaps just another thing to try and get approval, 'eh?! so you hate us 'ol Jews do ya? how much money you send lately to the poor palestinians? don't be shy! tell everyone on here precisely how dedicated you are to the cause! heading off to one of the terror camps and preparing for الجهاد ? yeah, right. 'ol gypsybones there; real rebel without a cause (sorry James Dean).

i'd recommend when you quote me you quote the whole context and not just a convenient portion thereof. i'll give u some lipservice point by point and the next time i'll simply let the hammer fall.

1) i stated that i did not want a homosexual agenda furthered, not my son taught by a homosexual teacher. as to whom i want teaching my kid WHAT FUCKING BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS! you pay my bills? you pay my kids medical? feed him at night? kick fucking teeth outta bully's heads that fuck with him? nah, you sit on a fucking sidewalk panhandling fucking beer money preaching fucking bullshit. how dare you tell me how i should raise my child!

2) the thread isn't about blacks. and as for trucking in gays [substitute here anything] into a district where the main populace is comprised differently i am ADAMENTLY opposed to such. that's stacking the deck; rigging votes.

3) while you're on the topic of 1st amendment rights let me make very clear here you have a whole lotta room to talk. i've always found it so nice and tiddy that folks like you are the first to scream they want the government overthrown and then when they find discrimination out there they whimper in a corner and beg for constitutional protection. your comparison between blacks and homosexuals is a load of shit. are we to understand then that gays have been enslaved for 100's of years? am i to understand here, then, that you have ALWAYS been at the head of the gay pride marches; donated your last dollar from the good 'ol crusty punk fund for their mail campaigns; invited gays over to the house while pops was watching the super bowl; stopped the jocks in the locker room from picking on the gay boy? yeah, betcha still sport the 'ol rainbow flag on the back of your hoodie right next to the black flag, huh? fuck.

yeah, your inuendos there are real neat; gotta put the good foot forward from behind the keyboard. people like you make me sick. i was toting an M16-A1 while you were still getting snot wiped off your nose. you know why i was toting it in war? to PROTECT those same folks you imply here i hate; not just the gays either. i fought to defend the rights of those who wanted to say i shouldn't be at war, that christianity is the only way to G-d (and i am a Jew), and yes even folks like you.

the thread was pretty good; i think chomp (not going to type the whole name out) was thinking in a good direction posting it. foster some dialogue. then people w/your mentality crawl out from under some fucking rock.

you want to make change you gotta constructively participate in dialogue. what i see here is nothing but burying a head in the sand while casting stones. and since you're such a champion here of everything that's wrong why don't you educate those of us who are so horrible; why don't you go ahead and give us a breakdown of each and every dollar you have spent defending the poor, discriminated souls out there. while you're at it why don't you cite the multiple media quotes of yours at each and every rally you've been to. yeah, you'll convieniently bypass this part of the thread, but i'll MAKE SURE to quote it in each and every reply.

same shit different thread, 'eh? is that how you feel about homosexuality? just lump the gays in with each and every other thread like global warming? yeah, just another reason to protest and get high and drunk.

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