I just did dramamine on weekend, i dont know it wasnt enjoyable at all, but it was super interesting. I did it in my room put some music on, like after 45 minutes i started seeing weird patterns in the closet's wood grain, went to the kitchen to take a glass of water, then arrived at my room and noticed i wasnt hearing music at all but i just didnt care , but pretty much i knew it was on, i saw layed in my bed a flourescent pink guitar pick , that i usually use to play guitar, i went to grab it and it disappeared but it didnt give the feeling of dissappearing but more like i was just missing its location trying to pick it, only after i realized there was no pick and the said pick was resting along with others in the desk, i started feeling heavy and with dry mouth, i remember started seeing some horrific figures in the twilight of the room or at least imaging them , but then i just shut off the lights and tried to sleep. After that i think the effect and the sleep just fused and i got a bumpy dreamy/nightmare sleep although dont remeber about what.