favorite place to sleep?


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
my favorite last few places urban camping are:
on boats in seaside towns, or even stored on boat trailer/dealership
in cardboard dumpsters (way warm, been lucky so far but try not to do so on sunday nites)
on top of high ass water tower-sick view
in boxcar even if not riding most trainyard always provide shelter on shop track etc
junkyard or truck dealership- open up generally unlocked back of uhaul or budget truck,close slide from top door but wedge w/ little piece of cardboard
in junkyard tractor trailer w/ sleeper , or van or rv
i once pitched a tarp under the miami beach boardwalk to protect from rain and had bike cops ride directly overhead w/out noticing me, hehe miami does fucking blow though
under bridge
on rooftop if good whether
in haybarn or top floor of animal barn
under porch
my buddy austin once slept in ATM stall when it was -20 out, idunno how but noone bothered him all nite in little town
out west in woods sometimes really massive trees are rotted out in the centre
although you can't sleep in them eating lunch in backhoe/farm combine if it's raining they usually aren't locked

what's your fave place?


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2008
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Seattle, WA
under the 1-5 bridge in min june-
in trash can park on the other side of the rose bushes-
mt.piller gravel pit (kodiak ,alaska ..the stars are un beleivable)-
my girlfriends beer incrusted floor-
on the beach at discovery park in the summer after a bottle and a few Spliffs-
hyde park , austin, tx-
in sailboats-
B-side beach , Bradenton, FL-
in the backseat-

Anywhere outside...


The Slack Action Hero
Sep 13, 2006
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Florida - FEC milepost 105.1
abandoned (and sometimes for sale, yet unlocked) RV's

The old Northwest Pacific defunct passenger cars (actually old vintage SP passenger cars)

Any kick ass jungle thats not completly trashed ( Roseville RIP)

oh yeah a long time ago i used to work at a Taco Bell /KFC. On the roof of these places theres a pyramid like dealy(regular KFC's have it too). This pyramid is hollow and an awesome out of the rain shelter. Theres also a light underneath too! The ladder leading up to the roof has that metal chicken wire type guard on it but all you have to do is climb up from the other side (they leave enough room) Me and some friends raided the local goodwill dumpster for any clothing we could find. We made a rats nest and lived up there for months. I would wake up look out across the town plaza and see what the time and temperature were thanx to the bank clock. Climb down, go inside, make myself a burrito and drag boxes of supplies out the back door for everyone else to make their own shit. Good times. helpful tip when waking in the morning walk very softly or they will hear you inside. Luckily the manager was cool and we had a sort of understanding at this particular Taco Bell.


I always love falling asleep on Dead Rock in RVA. but I think that's not so easy anymore.

there was a really comfy futon matress stashed under a lil foot bridge in flagstaff that I used several times to crash out.

the room I had for a min at the Batcave.

i actualyl slept very well in East River Park, NYC on nights when I was just too tired/trashed to make it anywhere else. I never slept alone though. that wouldn't not fly with me.

I started liking the dry wash bridges out in AZ. kept ya nice and cool and funelled a nice breeze.

Clit Comander

Shade said:
under the 1-5 bridge in min june-
in trash can park on the other side of the rose bushes-
mt.piller gravel pit (kodiak ,alaska ..the stars are un beleivable)-
my girlfriends beer incrusted floor-
on the beach at discovery park in the summer after a bottle and a few Spliffs-
hyde park , austin, tx-
in sailboats-
B-side beach , Bradenton, FL-
in the backseat-

Anywhere outside...
dude we got way fuckt up at trash can this summer.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
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Chattanooga, Olympia or Oakland. Sometimes Brookly
When I'm in the east bay I occasionally enjoy sleeping at the Albany landfill (awesome little peninsula park built on the rubble of the last big s.f. earthquake, full of awesome art projects, a little free library shack in the middle of the brush and other cool shit. If its raining 'the castle' is good shelter, but you are way more likely to have other people stumble upon you here than a lot of other spots. Some kids put up a really legit skate bowl behind the bike graveyard (excellent spot for easter beer hunts, campfires, meeting other neat kids, etc) after I moved away but I heard it got tore down by the city. This place used to be super awesome but I heard that now there's a crazy influx of yuppies walking their poodles and complaining about homebums blemishing their view and now cops go oust people way more than they used to. I know some really rad older kids that lived out here for years.


Oct 6, 2008
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Cape Cod, MA
The pickle factory in Boston. Its a megaton huge abandoned building, with electricity, only a few leaks, and a very safe place to lay down for a night. On the floor we invaded, there's a massive bed crafted from stacked pallets, covered in some eggcrate foam stuff. If yer ever in Boston, check it out, I'll give specifics.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
My favorite will always be my hometown squat behind a storage shed next to the train tracks...We even had a fire pit :) Nothing better than getting shitty wasted with old friends. That squat is still there too. Still go squat out there once and a while.

other than that i love sleeping by the river or beach.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
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Dawson City, Yukon
When I'm in the east bay I occasionally enjoy sleeping at the Albany landfill (awesome little peninsula park built on the rubble of the last big s.f. earthquake, full of awesome art projects, a little free library shack in the middle of the brush and other cool shit. If its raining 'the castle' is good shelter, but you are way more likely to have other people stumble upon you here than a lot of other spots. Some kids put up a really legit skate bowl behind the bike graveyard (excellent spot for easter beer hunts, campfires, meeting other neat kids, etc) after I moved away but I heard it got tore down by the city. This place used to be super awesome but I heard that now there's a crazy influx of yuppies walking their poodles and complaining about homebums blemishing their view and now cops go oust people way more than they used to. I know some really rad older kids that lived out here for years.

i heard about that place from my friend roach. he said there was alot of sweet books in the library hut/bush thing.
my favorite places to sleep that aren't around anymore where the squirrel squat, this cabin some friends built in ONT., the treasurer house..... there's a bridge in calgary a few blocks south of 17th ave that's allways good, a garden shed in winnipeg with a word lock, the woods anywhere, the beach.....


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008
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the park in grant's pass, oregon

the love bunker at the nudie beach in portland. nudie beach, the house. that doesn't exist anymore. well, the building does.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
A bridge south of big bur

river front squat in pdx

the woods inbetween ft bragg and willits

ocean beach squat in SF (RIP)

college cove in trinadad

bum camp in myrtle creek OR

any rooftop in boston or nyc

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