hmm... I guess I'm not into either. But I do like chess. I don't have much of an interest in ending our destructive society, and I'm not so interested in the survival techniques after the fall. But I do like making my own kimchee, and I do like tempeh. If I am into hunting and gardening it has nothing to do with society at all, but my own selfish self indulgence. I do conservation work as a volunteer, but that's because I love the place, and I like projects. Not for some ethical reason. I also feel like I'm taking a big bite, but not so much that I can't chew.
I'm not a follower of Jesus, or Buddha or Lao Tzu, or arjuna..., but I like what these guys did, and I try to do what they did, for the reasons that they did what they did. Even if my action is totally different.. I'd hate do die for an idea, but wouldn't mind dying doing the right thing in the right place at the right time. Ideas are like money, they're transient, and based on faith.... and lord knows we've got enough transients around here..
Gingerbeer plant is sort of like a kombucha plant, and has nothing to do with ginger beer. (a poor name in my opinion)...
I'm thinking that every hobo ought to know how to make hooch... for 6 bucks in food stamps it's 5 gallons of wine... a person could travel the country and set up batches along the way... and party all the way back through.... I've got 5 gallons waiting for me when I get home.