I like the idea of this but in using it more in depth for specific traveling info for everyone to use & collaborate on. Its too easy for everyone to just say cities or states suck. I suggested something in the past when we had users displayed on maps. I still think it would be cool to compile all of the detailed traveling information in an online & constantly changing & improving map. It would be nice to give tips about libraries, soup kitchens, shelters, churches, charities, thrift stores that leave huge piles of stuff that hasnt been gone through yet out back, hitchhiking friendly spots,jungles, catchout spots hell even crew change info, stores/restaurants that a friendly to travelers/dogs etc, quality dumpsters, collectives/squats & even fellow STP users who may be able to help out others with a kickdown, couch/floor space or even just a cup of coffee, place to shower & charge a cell phone to regroup. I realize that this would be a massive undertaking with someone needing to take ownership of imputting & moderating the data. Perhaps it could be part of STP or even its own website like couchsurfing. I know that there are plenty of people worried about not blowing up their spots etc & inviting the masses to ruin our special knowledge, but think that networking with like minded peeps would be cool while traveling or while housed up somewhere & returning the favor to others while off the road. How shitty is it being in a place with no clue what resources are available in realtime or in advance. Also I personally like to connect with the road by helping others when possible. I try to help by sharing my food stamps, sharing cheap beer & company with others & passing on suitable gear to those in need (packs,clothes,boots etc) I usually aquire free shit from friends/family, yard sales. craigslist etc to barter with or donate to fellow travelers. Beegood perhaps you could setup a template & get it off the ground, moderate it & then pass it on for another mod or the community as a whole to moderate it collectively using voting or polls as to the validity of specific resources. it would alos be nice to rate ho wtruthfull the poster was regarding the sharing & posting of this info. Probably wishfull thinking again but I dream of the day that myself or others, roll into some strange podunk town or big city & am able to quickly & efficiently network with others. I think of it like the depresion era hobos sharing info via hobo sign in a code for others like them to obtain assistance or avoid trouble. Why have we as a group decided that to protect our way of life we must hoarde information? Share info, share music, share art, share software, share life!