Read This First! newbie vs. oogle



i would really like to get some opinions on this. one thing i can't stand is trainhopper elitism. honestly, i have run into more people that seem to think they're on the high school varsity trainhopping squad. for some reason, having a nice pack, or a cell phone, gps, or other electronic device, or more than $10 to your name seems to make you an 'oogle' in some people's eyes. i think this is bullshit. there are people out there that honestly want to ride trains, not because its 'cool', not because its trendy, but for the freedom, for the adventure, and of course, to get from place to place. any group of people that have a passion for something should help each other out, and just because someone isn't experienced enough to know a fortyeight from a fiftythree is not reason not to tell them what they need to know. i would rather tell a kid how not to kill themselves than bitch at them, call them names, then have them go try it and die.

so i don't call people an oogle unless they steal my shit, blow my cover, or have mommy and daddy's credit card and refuse to buy me booze. =)

what, do you, individuals on stp, makes someone an oogle? and in your experience, what does 'oogle' mean?

and where the hell did the term come from? inquiring minds want to know.


Shit, thats pretty inspiring Wilder... Not like im an oggle, fuck no. But... I just killed my cc guide... this trip just got interesting;) ... -L-


Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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The term "oogle" was used by the hippies, but I don't know if they came up with it or if they took it from somewhere else. It probably came from the word "ogle," which means to stare or gawk at, which oogles tend to do.

My definition of oogle is a bit different- it doesn't mean scummy (though it could), it refers to the people who are enamored by trainhopping but lack the courage or ambition to pursue it without a lot of handholding. An oogle is a coward who won't back you up or stick their neck out for anything that doesn't directly benefit themselves and wants experience in order to prop up their reputation in whatever scene they're in.

So, the word is like wannabe or poser, but in specific reference to trainhopping. As for LOPs, (haven't really heard that term) they might or might not be oogles, but are what I call mess-ups.


I don't take any of it very seriously; in fact I openly identify myself as an oogle (even though I don't see myself as one). No matter what subculture or lifestyle you find yourself in, there are always going be people who are hostile to newcomers. So, bearing that fact in mind there is no reason to take any "oogle" disparaging to heart.


an oogle is one of those homeguard drag ave kids
no travelers an oogle if theyre stupid theyre called chaches
like pc kids and those kids who never pitch on booze but always expect some you know chaches


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
oogle is someone who does fantastically stupid things such as get jailed on assault charges or bring drugs across the border in plain view

newbie could be someone who claims to be a full-time traveler but really there just for the summer
in the end i think oogles will still suck years later while newbies either get weathered out and schooled in or leave 'cause they find things not for them


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2007
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eastern shore of Maryland
what pisses me off is when these spoiled brats run away from home, throw on some carharts and an amoebix shirt with their swiss military alice pack and think their hot shit cuz theyre wearin a train hopper kid uniform(im not talkin shit on the style but everyone can tell who is real and who is just playin a part) and they look at me in my bass pro shop shirt and khakis(or whatever clothes i happen to scrounge up that week) and put theyre noses in the air and call me an oogle!!!!!!!!!
fuuuccckk raaahhhh ...i didnt know what a crew change was for the first year i rode ...but yeah in closing ...i think its funny when these kids whos mommies and daddies wire them money every month think they have more of a right to be in the yards and ride the rails than me... dammit now im dissappointed in myself for spouting such negativity.. but hey i guess some things have to get said sometimes....


well........Ive traveled with a lot of so called oogles.....everytime I have to ditch them and move on or start back at the beginning. But I think that what defines an oogle isn't not knowing stuff or whatever. Its the fact that they move their way into our groups with thier bullshit stories they have stolen from someone else. Its also the fact that they sometimes try to turn everyone against you, and sleep with the guys. Now thats not cool because nobody wants to hang out with a squat mattress.:sick:
So here is a prime example of oogle:
Her Name is Zombie....she gave herself that nickname...because she thought it was cool
Shes 15
From orange county
her dad sends her 100 dollars a week
She never has her own gear therefore she sleeps with guys to get gear
She rode a greyhound up to portland and has pictures
She has an ipod
everytime you try to talk to her about trainhopping it becomes an argument over whos the better squatter.
she calls herself a "veteran" trainhopper....but shes only 15
also she says she has been clean from heroin for two years but she was addicted for a year.
since when is an orange county kid doing heroin at the ripe old age of 12
plus when we went to go do some......she couldnt hit herself. she said she had shit for veins and all this garbage.
I got her first try.
she told everyone about how she got SOOOO high. but, sadly, I only gave her a little bit. and did the rest to myself.

is an oogle
she wont talk shit to me unless shes around other guys and she hangs out with the scene kids.
and she carries a fucking jansport knapsack for christ sakes.

danny boil

the word oogle i believe came from portland. too me its pretty much like "poser." theres alot of those in the northwest, housie kids with backpacks spanging when their parents give em cash.

as for riding trains without a crew change.. i've only had one and i gave it away. i can usually tell where trains are going by looking at them. i've ridden long enough to where my judgment is usually correct, and if i'm wrong and play a game of wrong way then i always have enough supplies to make it wherever i'm going.

usually kids who first hit the road get a tough time to harden up. i brought a kid on his first run around the states and left him in portland for one because he was drivin me nuts, and for two to see how he fares. i talked to him the other day and hes doin damn good, i'm proud of the kid and hes headed back my way right now.

oogle is really just an insult to get kids to become better than that.

Poking Victim

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
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Spokane, WA
Rizzo wrote:
well........Ive traveled with a lot of so called oogles.....everytime I have to ditch them and move on or start back at the beginning. But I think that what defines an oogle isn't not knowing stuff or whatever. Its the fact that they move their way into our groups with thier bullshit stories they have stolen from someone else. Its also the fact that they sometimes try to turn everyone against you, and sleep with the guys. Now thats not cool because nobody wants to hang out with a squat mattress.:sick:
So here is a prime example of oogle:
Her Name is Zombie....she gave herself that nickname...because she thought it was cool
Shes 15
From orange county
her dad sends her 100 dollars a week
She never has her own gear therefore she sleeps with guys to get gear
She rode a greyhound up to portland and has pictures
She has an ipod
everytime you try to talk to her about trainhopping it becomes an argument over whos the better squatter.
she calls herself a "veteran" trainhopper....but shes only 15
also she says she has been clean from heroin for two years but she was addicted for a year.
since when is an orange county kid doing heroin at the ripe old age of 12
plus when we went to go do some......she couldnt hit herself. she said she had shit for veins and all this garbage.
I got her first try.
she told everyone about how she got SOOOO high. but, sadly, I only gave her a little bit. and did the rest to myself.

is an oogle
she wont talk shit to me unless shes around other guys and she hangs out with the scene kids.
and she carries a fucking jansport knapsack for christ sakes.

you two should have an oogle fight


Theres so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill behooves any of us,
To talk about the rest of us...

God speed, and good hunting, to ALL oogles, may your nomadic evolution succeed!
We only get stronger!...


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2007
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santa cruz
jascha once told me "a hobo will build a fire and heat up a can of beans, a tramp just sits there and takes it". something like that.
Mar 24, 2007
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check out the band "oogle orphanage" for true awesome oogleness.

more then anything its just one of those funny words thats awkward to say...kind of like "moist".

hey Widerstand....thanks for that EuroHobo zine. I passed it onto a friend while in Croatia who almost got arrested for trying to hop a train to Hungary(we had already gotten arrested once for sleeping on a beach). But, yeah, good read.

how do oogles say "eat a jelly donut" in German??


Jun 24, 2007
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oogles oogle his or her computer. i think it's one of those sweet, rare adjective nouns. although all nouns are adjectives. oooooogle has a nice ring to it. it's such a nice word using it angrily almost makes one sound like a facist, almost. i'm still angry at oogle kids going home to their beds and leaving me alone on the street. what's so funny about that? Traveling partners and oogles are not equal or synonomous.


I really don't know what to say and oogle is like in the train hopping world.. I guess, from reading a few of these things, I've been a train hopping "oogle" in the past. Friends always insist on taking me on a train and I go, but I really don't know what I'm doing or care so much for hopping trains, but instead do it for the novelty and to have a different kind of trip than I'm used to. So that makes me a bit of a train oogle. But I don't care. I'm a hitchhiker, not a train hopper.

but...for me, oogle's tend to fall along the lines of housies. But not every housie is an oogle. it's a bit tricky. Oogle are just generally stupid. Ask dumb questions, don't know the way things are done.. granted they might be new to the scene (we all asked stupid questions at some point) but oogles either become legit or they vanish and hide back in their house w/ their yuppie punker friends and never come back.


Active member
Oct 14, 2008
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atlanta, ga
I think it's a hateful term and I would never use it or want to be around a person that did. There are plenty of words out there to describe how you feel or what you think about a person and not just start summing up people in one word.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
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newbie=inexperienced or just new to something oogle=idiot who fucks things up everywhere they go. (my opinion)

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