The ultimate way to stash money is inside of your body. Call me a jailbird, but seriously... it works. If you are sincerely worried about money, that badly... you do have options. At first when I heard about it, I was flabbergasted. And I would rather utilize security than lose my earnings. Debit cards and shit can be stolen quite easy. I have folded money and hid it in my dreads before by sewing it. You can also roll up to 10 bills to be quite small. You can seal money with plastic and lubricate it like a suppository. It's the only way you can know that you will not be nicked. I mean, you would know if someone was tampering with your dreads or your asshole. Yeah it sounds crazy, but if you can't provide yourself security... it's just a thought. If you have had hemorrhoids before and taken preparation h suppositories you wouldn't have a problem with it. Also, reminds me I need to sew myself a new buttflap. Also, smuggling in money to other nations without documentation is a federal offense. Exercise extreme caution when involving yourself with money. Also, getting in and out of Mexico is way easier than you think. You don't have to do it by the books. It's less of an offense to sneak in and out then it is to smuggle money.