Read This First! newbie vs. oogle


Aug 17, 2009
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for some reason, having a nice pack, or a cell phone, gps, or other electronic device, or more than $10 to your name seems to make you an 'oogle' in some people's eyes.

i don't know about other everybody else, but if you have a cellphone that your parents pay for, you're an oogle to me. And definitely if you have gps, as far as other "electronic devices
", it sort of depends on what it is. Music is nice, but if you went out out and paid for an ipod that's sorta questionable to me, if you stole it, or "acquired" it some other way i guess that's cool. Personally i'm switching back to the old walkman, they're the hardest to break, easiest to fix, and cheapest, which are all important to me. As far as money, we all come up with some decent cash at times and then immediately blow it. If it comes from family members that's pushing it though. But this is all just my opinions, and you don't care any more about them than i care about yours. Okay i'm sure that there are people on here that if i met you i would at least listen to your opinions, but i am really sick of the whole elitist traveler bullshit, but then i also hate oogles, so who's to say.:deadhorse:


i started riding in 1989 full time; rode periodically in the 80's. in all my time in the jungles i never heard the term oogle. greenhorn was what ya'll call a newbie and LOP was what you would loosely call an oogle. it must be the incorporation of a 'scene' term into freight hopping i guess. there has always been the distinction of hobo, tramp and homeguard. hell, that goes back to the folks who put maury on the high iron. the ideology has shifted a bit; hobo still being one who rides high iron and works his way across, tramp being more of a wino and splitting his time in between thumb bumming and high iron and the homeguard doing just that 'guarding the home/mission' and being a wino.

this looks like an old thread resurected, but i'll comment a bit on it anyway. prior to about '97, the high iron was dramatically different. the movement of punks, anarchists, etc. occurred around then. we'd have a very rare punker hit the iron and generally then only on the west coast. why or why not is rather moot. even today i rarely see many punkers west of the rockies unless it's say around MN.

that's why i kinda think that terms are generational. what is oogle today was something else yesterday was ... and as to telling folks they can't ride because they have a gps or their mom gives them money is a pretty dangerous route. first, NO ONE owns the tracks. that's something my crew and i got into it with FTRA over. we fought our wars and won. see, there's not much difference from the FTRA saying no blacks or queers riding than from a new generation of kids telling rich people to stay off. now if they're trying to hang w/you or in your scene, sure, i can dig that. the tracks are no one's scene, though. if a person has the ability to ride then they should be left alone.

Rash L

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Nov 29, 2006
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Southern CA
the tracks are no one's scene, though. if a person has the ability to ride then they should be left alone.
Awesomely put.

for me "oogle" means a couple things:
First, my ex called himself Oogle a lot (which.. surprisingly he wasnt an oogle), so now when I hear the word I think of him and his dumb ass, which is never a happy time.

Second, oogle = HBIT for me (Home Bum In Training). Kids/adult-types who are just BOUND to do nothing but hang around one boring city for their entire lives spending all their time thinking about themselves (or nothing at all) incessantly and trying to get fucked up, not caring what happens next as long as they are intoxicated and dont have to do anything too challenging.


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May 30, 2009
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gainesville shit hole fl
an oogle is a stupid ass street raise yer hand if this applies ta burn yer god damn icp shirt and go home....most of them are fairly young.....some of r old and then their just homebums......oooggle ass h bit son of a whore......hahahagod damn kids taday.... i used ta say ya couldn't pay me ta hang out with em.....then i was great i hearded oogles in portland ta hlep set up progams fer travleing kids that were comin thru but not stopin....twinkie ass...nevermind...hahha


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Oct 14, 2008
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atlanta, ga
It just seems to be a catch-all "what I don't like in a traveler" term. No consistent meaning. A friendly term for some people on here and a derogatory term for everyone else. It would be nice if I'd ever heard that term used for someone who was a greenhorn, but I've only heard the term with the inflection and context of it being derogatory.
PC? well thanks for labeling what I said as correct?
What'd up wid dat my oogle?
(thanks ibrrhobo for the open mind)
I'm down for hating on mainstream society, but when we start dividing and classifying ourselves.... I think we should be aware of it and think twice before we keep our clan infighting going any longer.


yeah, i should clarify me a bit, i guess. i don't qualify as an oogle. even when i started. now i grew up on a paid-for farm; we homesteaded. only money i have ever had is from working. started riding permanently after the war. i have listened to all kinds of music, including icp, but never had the money to buy either the tapes or accouterments that goes w/the groups. the only scene i ever followed (and it was for making money in the parking lots for those of ya'll old enough to remember) was the Dead. i can't even say i was a deadhead. as to gear, now i've always tried to have top-notch gear. that's how, even today, i determine if i will talk to you. my theory has always been that if a person doesn't have the perserverance to get a decent pair of boots, pack and bedroll chances are pretty good they're a dopehead, drunk or all-around fuck up. see, gear is what keeps you alive when you leave the sheltered riding zones (temperate climates) and hit the high line say in february.

i've riden w/lawyers who did it as a once-a-year thing who turned out to be better riders (because they LISTENED to instructions) as greenhorns than seasoned riders who didn't take a shower for months. so money, no matter where it comes from, doesn't determine whether a person is a piece of shit.

i've riden w/punkers back in the day (and back then it was predominately oi and sid/nancy -type punk rock as there weren't a lot of flavors) when they were looked down on and they turned out to have more common sense than some of the folks i kicked it w/on a daily basis.

today i'm semi-retired. do i work? always have as that's part of the hobo code. do i have money? i can buy a can of chew after making my land payment and that's about it. most of ya'll have seen my site and may not agree w/all of it, but you know that i don't say something here and then do something else. you'll also note that it's a 'DOT ORG' meaning we have not-for-profit status. so, does that mean that because we chose to take the time and effort to become a 501(c)(3) to help the riders in our crew we are fuck ups for USING the system? i don't think so. to take that kind of attitude would be rather tantamount to jealousy. "Oh, look at them. They make money and got their shit togather and don't sleep in the gutter so they're not 'pure' riders!" kinda hard to even go that route for anyone who uses the internet no matter where they log in at.

that's really what i see as the lynchpin. see, the 'oogles' of the world DO exist; probably everywhere. it's not objective, though, to stereotype folks based upon their music, wealth or politics as to riding the rails. that's one thing a lot of the old timers like waterbed and maury always drove home. even in my crew and if you read through and compare our Constitution to the 'mission statement' you'll find that one the one hand we're about riding; however, we'd tolerate just about anyone.

and clarifying my position: this is NOT meant to say anyone should tolerate the 'oogles' of the world in their scene. i think we have a process that weeds them out in IBRR which is pretty simple: if you can't make a NY-CA run and back w/o anything other than your gear (and we have ways of knowing if the ride is made w/o crew change guides, credit cards, etc.) then you aren't in the crew.

and this is a good thread. see, everyone's point-of-view is out there. hell, i got to learn what an oogle is!

hmnn, maybe darwin wasn't that far off.......................


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
I think we should be aware of it and think twice before we keep our clan infighting going any longer.

nice sentiment, but you will meet oogles one day and when you do you will probably change your mind, if you have one of your own (watch for dumb shit sharpied onto pants)


see, now arrow can sum things up a HELL of a lot better than i!! tipping hat. yeah, sid and nancy era. now them were some dayz, 'eh?! oh, i sported some docs, laces and braces back in the bay. good boots, too! they just woulnd't hold up to the gravel (ballast) on the trax. never forget the one and only mosh pit i hit: didn't really understand the concept, but the girl i was with (ska scene) told me to get in. so, here's me in there and i start getting batted around and thought folks were trying to fuck me up and it turned into an all out brawl! bah ha ha yeah, you'd of laughed! and come to think of it, i got the hard end of the stick too. 8 stiches on the arm. here before long looks like our kidz are gonna be telling us how it is, huh?! bah ha ha...


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May 30, 2009
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gainesville shit hole fl
ArrowInOre said:
Now, retired as I am, living in my rented box with a nice car and full pantry have to tell you, I got called an oogle a while back in PDX by some sign flying, booze reaking, agressively begging fuck tard douch. And when I stepped up to the kids face he immediately back down. He tried to tell me he said something else...but I heard him quite clearly... So I said to him... I had been out there before his daddy knew how to masturbate, and then proceeded to tell this kid that he was about to swallow his CC, he simply responded to me with a smirk and said, " Take it, I'll just buy another one." SO then I mustered up a bit of post lunch salivary goodness, and whack, into his face and I said " Really, you are the biggest oogle I have ever seen, learn some etiquette to spangin and try to look as faces first dick, and get the fuck off the sidewalk....Old skooler walking here" ...I think he may have been yelling that I was a cunt or some thing as I walked away, ands on any other day and move lk that surely would have led to his early grave...Had I not had Bolt with me, lol...Oogles, in disguise are the WORST of them all...

yeah that kid...definitely an oogle....

they are kids who run away from home cuz mommy and daddy made em cut their hair....they are kids who have been on the streets a month but apparently know life on the streets inside and out....they are kids who have been on the streets fer years but are still dumber than a bag of rocks...they are kids who are stupid enough ta ruin a penthouse squat on top of and old warehouse by throwing bottles out the window...they are kids who think that the world and society owes them something...they are the kids running around seattle and pdx in their stupid little street families...they are the kids that after 3 min of talking to you the only thing you can think or say is KICK FUKKIN ROCKS YO....but most importantly they are they thease kids.....

this happened back in '02 or '03 i think...not to good with timelines too many holes in my head...
James Nelson, just released from more than 10 years in prison for killing a teen-age boy, showed up at a peace camp across from City Hall this spring.

It was at the peace camp where Nelson, 27, met a group of homeless youths who would become his family. Known on the street as “Thantos,” he quickly became the father of a new street family – youths between the ages of 16 and 20.

Two months later, a member of the street family, Jessica Kate Williams of Gladstone, was brutally tortured and killed near the Steel Bridge. Nelson gave the order to punish Williams, known as “Giggles,” said Jeff Cameron, a self-described street kid.

“He was the leader of the group and he did give out directions of where to go and where to do it and how to do it,” Cameron said.

Carl Richard Alsup III, also known as “Death Knight,” came up with the idea to kill Williams for betraying the family and convinced others to join the plot, Cameron said.

Carl Alsup. (KGW Photo)
The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office issued an arrest warrant for the 17-year-old Alsup III on Wednesday. Police have received calls that Alsup has been spotted around Portland since the suspect’s picture was circulated in the media and on the streets, said Sgt. Brian Schmautz, a police spokesman.

None of the calls has led to an arrest. Police described Alsup as a white male with short blonde or brown hair. Police have received “no intelligence” that suggests Alsup has fled the Portland metro area, Schmautz said. However, some street kids speculated that Alsup may have fled to California.

The DA's warrant charged Alsup with one count of aggravated murder and a variety of other felonies. He's the third person to directly face murder charges.

Portland police officers on Thursday passed out fliers, interviewed people and scoured under bridges and surveyed hangouts for street kids in their search for Alsup, who is the twelfth suspect involved in the slaying of Williams.

Cameron said his friends complained that Alsup’s family leaders led by fear, beginning with Nelson.

“It attracted people that had an extensive criminal history, and it also attracted people that had a bad anger management problem,” Cameron said.

Suspects appear in court

The two other aggravated murder suspects accused of carrying out the slaying of Williams said very little during their first appearance in court Wednesday afternoon.

The pair charged with murder. ( photos/graphic)
Danielle Marie Cox and Jimmy Aaron Stewart, both 18, were arraigned in Multnomah County District Court. In addition to murder, they face charges of kidnapping, assault and coercion.

Cox and Stewart were among eleven arrested Monday and Tuesday in connection to Williams' death. The others, ranging in age from 16 to 27, face charges of kidnapping, assault and coercion.

Portland police believe Williams, who developed close relationships with Cox and Stewart, violated some sort of group rule that ultimately led to her slaying last month.

According to a friend of the victim, who claims he warned police about her "street family," Williams was killed for being "a liar and a snitch."

Danielle Marie Cox (left rear- wearing blue) is arraigned. ( photo/Abe Estimada)
Cassie Jean Hale, Joshua Ryan Brown-Lenon and Crystal Ann Grace, all dressed in blue jail uniforms, also said little to Multnomah County Judge Cheryl Albright during their appearances Wednesday. Heidi Lee Keller appeared via closed-circuit TV for her arraignment.

Nelson and Steven Scott Pearce were arraigned on Tuesday. Sarah La'dona Caster, 17, will be prosecuted in adult court. Assault in the second degree is a Measure 11 crime, which means that anyone 15 and older committing this felony will be charged as an adult.

Cordell Dennison wept and shook his head repeatedly as the court read the assault, coercion and kidnap charges against him.

Members of Williams' "street family." ( graphic)

Also facing assault, coercion and kidnap charges are Nelson; Hale, 20; Dennison, 19; Keller, 20; Pearce, 20; Brown-Lenon, 20; Grace, 19; Caster, 17; and Crystal Elliot, 16.

Dennison's emotions reflected those of the roiling crowd that had waited outside the courtroom before the arraignment to hear word of the court proceedings.

"Who in their right mind would do something like this?" said Heather Cramer, 23, a former street kid. "It's sickening...These kids are not a normal street family. They are not condoned down here."

Details of murder case emerge

Long-term homeless youths generally join so-called street families for mutual support. The families have a “mother” and a “father,” although members generally have no biological ties, police said. The rules vary depending on the family.

Police did not say what rule Williams violated, but Jeff Cameron -- who claims to be a friend of Williams -- provided details to reporters outside court.

Cameron said Williams was killed because she told police that another member of her street family had tried to make her into a prostitute. Some members of the family beat up the young man before they found out it wasn't true, the teen said.

"The moment she said something to the police, they were going to nail her right then and there," Cameron said as he stood outside the courtroom where the suspects appeared for arraignment.

"Jessica was labeled as a liar and a snitch," Cameron said. "They were going to finish the job. Why not just kill her?"

An investigator examines the murder scene. (KGW Photo)
While investigators said they cannot release details about the death, court documents obtained by KGW on Wednesday outlined the attack.

The documents indicate investigators believe the youth gang hit and kicked Williams before stabbing her to death and setting her on fire underneath the Steel Bridge. Her body was later found between the Eastbank Esplanade and the bridge by a Union Pacific railroad engineer on May 23.

Cameron gave a similar account of the attack. He said members of the street family kicked Williams, hit her with a belt, burned the palms of her hands with lighters and burned her face with cigarettes before one of the family leaders, Alsup,ordered her killed.

Williams' family background

Although Williams had a family and home, she frequently spent time in downtown Portland -- where she worked and occasionally spent nights at a homeless shelter for youths.

Jessica Kate Williams. (KGW Photo)
Williams grew up in a family of 14 children. Despite her imposing 6-foot-4, 230-pound figure, her adoptive parents said she was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and had the mental capacity of a 12-year-old child.

"I don't know how people can show so much hate to someone else,” said her sister, Noel Williams, 18. “I don't understand it."

Her friend, Amanda Nelsen, 21, who lived on the street for four years before finally finishing her high school degree and enrolling in college this fall, said Williams "would never hurt anybody — she was always so nice to everybody."

Nelsen said that the street family had a saying for members who betrayed it — "snitches get stitches."

But Nelsen said she was shocked by the killing, never suspecting the family would go that far.

Street life can turn violent

Youth shelter managers, police and health workers say violence is common among street families but it is generally minor and typically serves as a way for teens to prove worthy of respect by peers.

"We don't want the entire homeless youth population to be stigmatized by this, but the other reality is that it can be a violent subculture," said Kathy Oliver, director of Outside In, one of the main youth shelters in Portland.

Teens often band together on the street because there is safety in numbers and they want to be with people their own age they feel they can trust, said Dr. Wayne Sells, an Oregon Health & Science University pediatrician who works with the homeless.

"Homeless youth do depend on each other, whether on the street or in shelters, to watch each other's back," Sells said, noting that such relationships quickly turn into a surrogate family.

But as with families, conflicts are inevitable, according to Randy Blazak, a Portland State University sociology professor who has written a book the subculture of homeless youth titled "Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws."

The "street family" also can foster hostility to the outside world while enforcing conformity among its members, adding to the stresses of life on the street for young people who lack maturity and experience, Blazak said.

"Everything is 10 times more dramatic inside the street family," he said.

The National Coalition for the Homeless in Washington, D.C., estimates that 1.35 million children under the age of 18 are homeless nationwide.

(The Associated Press contributed to this repo

everyone is green at some don't wake up an experienced squatter/train hopper/counter takes oggle doesn't take the time to become experienced...they just claim to have...hell most don't even travel that much they just waste away in their whatever cool little fantasy world they live in (an example would be all those juggalos) and blow up the spots real kids try ta keep up....anyways...


I never thought that oogles applied to train hopping. you either had hoppers or fakes wanting to try it out. I guess by some standards I'd be a "train oogle" because I've only hopped 2 times and I only did it because I was curious. I'm not a hopper, probably nbever will be. I find my freedom other ways.

But, in terms of actual oogles (at least by my def.) they are just stupid people who try to simulate what they seem but will still sit there and eyeball everyone around them looking at our funky clothes and patches trying to decern their next fashion move or new slang word to pick up. OOOOR they are people outside the subculture who jus tlike to stare at us like we have 10 heads.

I called my boyfriend and oogle last night. we were at the bar and these two chicks were hugging and being touchy feely... all the jock dudes are the bar inside were drooling waiting for them to make out or something. And then my boyfriend, a bisexual male covered in tattoos... had the nerve to eyeball them up and down when they walked past because as he said "I wanted to get the whole picture... was that chick wearing hurley board shorts? I'm confused" and I just was like "for fucking serious? you of all peopel need to know how to behave better when it comes to these things. it's dicks like you I've punched in their faces when they used to stare at me when I would kiss my girl in public. You sicken me. stop trying to act liek you know so much and then turn into a 15 year old naive dick when stuff like that is in your face."


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
what the fuck is in the water in the pacific northwest that makes kids choose such stupid names, i swear, everytime i go through there theres somebody named shadowhawk or some shit riding around on a razor scooter.


mouse...there is a difference between an ogler and an is a person who is staring and one is a rather dumb street kid wanna be fuk....

yeah I know the difference.. but it kinda goes hand in hand. my boyfriend for example, is supposed to know better because he's spent plenty of time around bi/gay/trany people and yet he's managed to act like a total moron. I kinda look at oogles on those lines... kids that pretend to be punk but really can't handle it and don't know how to behave. kinda like what I described my boyfriend doing... that's an oogle act.

I'm just saying, the oogle idea goes past just the punk scene. it happens in every area. sometimes it's just people not knowing better, but sometimes people that SHOULD know better are even more annoying.


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Dec 25, 2008
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Lincoln ne
oogle... just a word used by others to make them feel that they are superior, or somehow better.


Well-known member
May 30, 2009
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gainesville shit hole fl
oogle... just a word used by others to make them feel that they are superior, or somehow better.

no sir.....i don't feel i know so...and im quite the bottom feeder yo....ya know yeah alot of oogle kids are those with serious they have fetal alcohol from that we can assume they had a childhood life they needed to or wanted ta get out of...but ya know what most dont have some serious fuked up shit like wait a min im a crack baby.... hell ive met quite a few crack babies and people with fetal alcohol syndrome that wernt ooglie at all....but ya know....ya have ta have met kids out their in yer travels that make you scream kick fuckin rocks yo cuz yer just as dumb as those fukin rocks...and when they still try ta scam up on yer shit...thats when ya kick em ta the rocks....really ya never met one of those kids.........remind me ta travel ya with you the next time i make a dirty 30 mile somewhere....


Well-known member
May 30, 2009
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gainesville shit hole fl
yeah I know the difference.. but it kinda goes hand in hand. my boyfriend for example, is supposed to know better because he's spent plenty of time around bi/gay/trany people and yet he's managed to act like a total moron. I kinda look at oogles on those lines... kids that pretend to be punk but really can't handle it and don't know how to behave. kinda like what I described my boyfriend doing... that's an oogle act.

I'm just saying, the oogle idea goes past just the punk scene. it happens in every area. sometimes it's just people not knowing better, but sometimes people that SHOULD know better are even more annoying.

wait wait....was he starin cuz it made him hot...cuz i love watchin chicks make girl lil jen she loves watchin guys make out with other guys...i love watching guys and girls make out....not a big fan of guy on guy...look ya dont want people looking at ya while yer doin da deed...dont do it in public and close the blinds....otherwise relize people get turn on by watching others get down....its part of what you two have either aggreed to or not is a different not trying ta touch your personal relationship just saying that starein at two people for makein out weather it whoever on whoever isn't being an oggle....its just gettin horney in a bar.....


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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
haha...well ihaven't read all the replies...but i personally am sick of all the labeling i encounter in my life. has it ever occured - that we are all on different evolutionary stages of consciousness in our lives....and for any one to label another is really, well...deameaning to one's self. we all are afterall brothers and sisters in this same shithole of a sinking boat on throw yer EGO overboard. Everyone was a "newbie" at some point in their lives, right?

but yea...if you got daddy's credit card......then bitch! ya better be buyin the next rounds er else!!!!! aahaharhhar

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