Yeah, that 'eviction' of the CrimethInc Convergence seems pretty ridiculous to me.
"Gentrification" is such a fucking useless buzzword with every Leftist self-proclaimed radical these days (just as any Chomsky book is a great prop-piece).
Evicting a small gathering of self-proclaimed radical anarchists (who may, in fact, be living anarchy - or not) doesn't seem like it goes as far toward stopping gentrification as does evicting "developers". But those people of money and power would have been a harder target, wouldn't they?
Most of the APOC crew doing the disruption was from outside of Pittsburgh, so what the hell? I guess it saved the cops the job of having to breakup the gathering...
These kids from APOC should show up to every big financial/government-group meeting (FTAA, G20, G8, WTO, IMF, World Bank) and 'evict' the groups organizing the demonstrations. Seriously, maybe the protestors would do something more effective than march around and get arrested - perhaps, go rampaging through areas surrounding the hos cities, where the cops are not expecting or prepared for them.