Search results

  1. Everymanalion

    Pictures of my adventures/Should I start a nature blog?

    So I am almost 28 and I got out of being super into social media about 3 years ago or so, I re-instate my Facebook once every 3 months out of boredom and I know nothing about what most people find interesting or want to read about but my woman watches a lot, I mean a lot of youtube vloggers just...
  2. Everymanalion

    Unemployed forever/Retired at 27.....

    Used to be a tattoo artist, stopped a couple years ago and now make money here and there with random stuff online, coming to the conclusion I will probably be unemployed forever due to my attitude of I would rather be homeless than waste my time on someone else's business for a barely viable...
  3. Everymanalion

    Bare hand deer catch....

    Dude is insane and a beast at the same time, so much respect, check out his other videos too, some will think he is stupid but I respect his knowledge and risk taking.
  4. Everymanalion

    Video Who else here listens to bluegrass?

    If you are not and never gave it a try, listen to this- and enjoy an almost perfect piece of music. What other bands do you guys like besides the obvious bluegrass pioneers?
  5. Everymanalion

    Strange cryptid/UFO/Ghost encounters on the road?

    I am reading a book about cryptids/ufos/ghosts etc and I am curious, has anyone been on the road/traveling and seen anything strange or something you cannot explain? I remember once I was up in the Organ mountains in New Mexico at night hiking around and I saw an old time lantern, flame and...
  6. Everymanalion

    New hobbies/money makers when living in middle of nowhere?

    I am moving to the middle of nowhere desert in the next week or so about 30 mins from any main road, I will have internet connection but I want some new hobbies/ ways of making money in general or online, even if it is a small amount, as hobbies, I already have a garden planned, I am getting a...
  7. Everymanalion

    Legal recourse for this?

    Question answered, thanks!
  8. Everymanalion

    Who here travels with a high end smartphone/electronics?

    Thinking about taking my samsung galaxy note 4 on the road with me next time, it is huge and was expensive but I take great care of my stuff and have an otterbox on it, wrap it in a bandana and keep it in a ziplock waterproof bag when not in use so it made me curious, who else here travels with...
  9. Everymanalion

    Ease of long term squatting on BLM land in a tent....?

    So I was thinking, lets say you were in a dry, arid climate like Las Cruces in southern New Mexico, surrounded all around by remote BLM land, just you, a dog, a tent and sleeping bag. Your only expenses are food, dog food and a cheap monthly cell bill($40 a month). You hitched or walked into...
  10. Everymanalion

    Where to move to?

    So I am currently stuck in a HORRIBLE small town in New Mexico and looking for someplace to plants roots even just for a year or so, I am looking into Austin but cannot find a 1 bedroom for under $600 a month, any other cool cites within 5-10 hours driving of NM that has cheap cost of living I...
  11. Everymanalion

    What type of weapon do you carry on the road?

    Now I am currently down in Northern Mexico and I see the locals carrying massive machetes everywhere for farm work but could also be used as a weapon obviously but for them(and myself) a tiny little actual knife on your person outside your home is considered a big deal law wise and I have been...
  12. Everymanalion

    Austin, TX How is it now?

    I have heard Austin was cool 5-10 years ago but I am thinking about spending some time up there in the near future on my way back from Mexico. Any opinions on Austin NOW?
  13. Everymanalion

    How many of you never thought you would live this long?

    I am by no means old at all, I am about to be 26 but that is still on the wrong side of my 20's that I never thought I would live to see with all the retarded living and mistakes I have made, who else has gotten to their current age and gone "Holy fuck," ha
  14. Everymanalion

    Flying a sign in a third world country?

    So I have traveled to Mexico/Central/South America a lot and I always bring enough cash to survive but I had a thought the other day, how much do you think you could make flying a sign in Mexico, I mean there are a lot of poor people but they are also extremely generous and amazingly kind. Do...
  15. Everymanalion

    How do you stop from getting sick from sleeping outside in the cold?

    So I actually get more sick when I am home and domesticated for some reason but when I end up having to sleep outside(no tent) I tie a scarf around my face, mouth and nose so the cold air is filtered through the scarf before getting to my throat,nasal passage and lungs which has kept me from...
  16. Everymanalion

    Hobo ethical code of 1889....

    Sorry if this has been posted before.... An ethical code was created by Tourist Union #63 during its 1889 National Hobo Convention in St. Louis Missouri.[13] This code was voted upon as a concrete set of laws to govern the Nation-wide Hobo Body; it reads this way: Decide your own life, don't...
  17. Everymanalion

    From NYC to Cancun....anyone interested?

    Finally off probation and can FINALLY leave, not going to catch out on trains, going to hitch/rideshare my way down, anyone on the east coast interested in coming? Be sane and not retarded.
  18. Everymanalion

    How many of you actually travel with SMART phones?

    I know a lot of the life on the road is about rejecting some of the luxuries that "normal" domesticated people have and I know 80 percent of you have cell phones but I am curious how many of you have actual smart phones and use them? I know I carry a super old Android phone from like 2010 with...
  19. Everymanalion

    What the shitttttt, need advice on where to hide money/valuables....

    Basically I got fucked over at a border crossing in Mexico and the customs bastard stole over $100 cash from me. I cannot be the only one on here who does not have a bank account(I travel out of the country A LOT and the ATM fees are fuckin' insane) so now I need some ideas on where to hide...
  20. Everymanalion

    How many fights do you get in on the road/Your most memorable sketch situation?

    I am not talking about verbal altercations, I mean straight up kill or be killed fights, either from someone being a fuckin' douche, oogle or any other assortment of bad attitude and disrespect, I have only been in two, had to use my knife once(I am not a big dude) and got away with only a...
  21. Everymanalion

    Relevant Quote....

    A Christian is not religious just because he is a Christian. A Hindu is not religious just because he has become part of an organized doctrine. A Jaina is not religious because he has chosen a certain party line. An authentic non believer is an individual. He is alone, and in his aloneness there...
  22. Everymanalion

    Whats the longest you have ever gone without food?

    I personally have never gone without food on the road, I have been poor in Mexico and still gotten things to eat and fill my belly up but I have heard some horror stories about some of you guys being stuck in a spot with no food and no generous people around to help out or a dumpster to dig...
  23. Everymanalion

    Have you ever found your "answers" on the road?

    Have heard it a million times, that traveling to get away from your problems is a bad idea because your problems never really leave your mind, but how many of you have actually found a solution or fixed your mental issues on the road? Whether it be depression, anxiety, restlessness...
  24. Everymanalion

    NUMBER ONE most needed item on the road....?

    Title says it all, what is the ONE item you cannot live without? I would have to say mine is my Shemagh(Keffiyah) arab scarf, they were trendy a couple years back and I got one in Guatemala and have used it for a towel, pillow, warmth, face wrap, to tie my pack shut when the zipper broke, kinda...
  25. Everymanalion

    Texas/Arizona/New Mexico....

    What is your experience with these places? I am freezing my ass off back in NYC and need to get the fuckkkkkk outta hurrrr. Any info? I know Texas is a bitch to hitch and catch out of, tryna stay down there for a couple weeks(2 more weeks of non suppervised probation but I gotta be in the US to...
  26. Everymanalion

    A quote I feel that resonates with all of us in "our community"....

    "Yes I am gay, a gay in San Francisco, a black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single...
  27. Everymanalion

    What kind of music/artists do you think epitomizes "our lifestyles"....?

    The nomadic, voluntarily "poor"(money wise) and constantly on the move social rebelliousness.... I would have to say folk/bluegrass/outlaw country. Something about the fiddle and banjo just feels so....genuine...just like life on the road. I feel most artists of these genres have at least a...
  28. Everymanalion

    Anyone interested in going to Mexico to fight for Indigenous rights?

    I am in NYC and will leave anytime, I can meet you wherever on the way down there, I am 24, sane, tattoo artist, straight edge and have experience traveling, please, at least be sane, thats all I am asking, final destination is Chiapas...lemme know...
  29. Everymanalion

    Where are all the "revolutionaries" on this board? New communication from Zapatistas...

    If you follow anything "revolutionary" in the world in terms of struggles against the government, you should know the Zapatistas, after a long silence, Sub-comandante' Marcos has finally spoken to the public once more....
  30. Everymanalion

    Indigenous Revolutionary Legion...

    Posted from Facebook, I figure someone might "like" this or support.... Indigenous Revolutionary Legion So, anytime I mention anything about indigenous populations on here, people always message me asking how they can help with their struggles and how they can bring light to the issues facing...
  31. Everymanalion

    Revolution in Central/South America...

    So I know a lot of you have revolutionary ideas about the U.S. and my own personal belief is that it is next to impossible(Being that, even if you get past the military, the media and the local police, you have over-zealous patriotic Merikunz ready to pick up their guns against you) but what...
  32. Everymanalion

    Anyone know any good books about revolution?

    Like tips and what not? I already have "From dictatorship to democracy" lemme know:)
  33. Everymanalion

    For those of you who travel with dogs....Where did you find/get yours?

    I heard some people just found their pups, some got at shelters, others were family pets before...where did you get your baby from?:)
  34. Everymanalion

    Still lookin' for a roadawgggggg in NYC area...

    Still here, waitin' til the snow lets up then SOUTH to Mexico. Been lookin on Craigslist for rides outta here in the snow but no luck there either.
  35. Everymanalion

    Wanting to leave the NJ/NYC area...need roaddoggggg

    Want to head south, hate the cold, Prefered Texas/New Orleans then Mexico and then further south. I am ready to go ASAP. I am 24, have road experience and not fuckin' crazy(Well, thats crazy) lemme know ASAP, I gotta leave this fuckhole.
  36. Everymanalion

    How many of you travel with food stamps?

    I did for about a year(before i stopped replying to their mail at my address every month) and I had 200 bucks in food a month, I felt like a god-king and that I could stay on the road forever, anyone else? Good 'ol taking advantage of the system.
  37. Everymanalion

    Clean drinking water....

    So I am heading back down to Mexico again in about two weeks, only issue I have had is finding drinking water without paying for bottled water(I am poor), does the old using a bandana/t-shirt as a water filter over the top of your water actually work when getting it from a moving water...
  38. Everymanalion

    Who meditates while on the road?

    Lets say there is something that is bothering you insanely, waiting to catch out, fear, loneliness, boredom anything, do you meditate to deal with the stresses on the road?
  39. Everymanalion

    Going back to Mexico/Central America at the start of November...join me?

    So I just got back from Tenn/Southern Texas/Northern Mexico recently and I want to go down there for a longer period this time, anyone between NYC/Texas want to meet up and head south before the real cold hits?
  40. Everymanalion

    What is the longest you have been on the road for..?

    So, I am curious, what is the longest you have been on the road for, I mean without having a "home base" in terms of a room/apartment you pay for yourself. How long have you been constantly moving for? I always love the romantic "I have been traveling all my life" answers and I know there are at...
  41. Everymanalion

    Getting out of Atlanta or Jacksonville....

    I will be going from NYC to ATL or Jacksonville tommorow depending on the ticket price for the chinatown bus and what time I get into either city, ultimate destination is Texas, then Mexico. I have NO fuckin' idea how to get out of either of those towns. I have never ridden trains before and...
  42. Everymanalion

    What excuses have you mad to NOT travel...?

    Made* Either at the start of your vagabonding adventure before you hit the road once, procrastination or any other time, what excuses have you made/told yourself out of fear, boredom, being complacent or anything else?
  43. Everymanalion

    What instruments do you play?

    When busking, for personal fun or just in general. What can you play?:)
  44. Everymanalion

    Anyone near NYC?

    Want to head down into Texas/Mexico area? Ready ASAP.
  45. Everymanalion

    Probation question/good news....

    So today, I had my last physical check in for my probation, the rest are call check ins which means i dont even have to go back to sign any paperwork when i am off probation, and i got permission to leave the state which means, I FINALLY GET TO TRAVEL. Jesus lord take the wheel, I am excited...
  46. Everymanalion

    Ever get tired/bored of traveling?

    This may be blasphemy but... All you ever hear about is the wonder and amazement of traveling, and i totally agree, but sometimes, i just get straight burnt the fuck out, i was curious if anyone else feels like this often? Usually after a month or so...its not even the fact that i want my own...
  47. Everymanalion

    So I am FINALLY leaving south...and I have a question...

    What do you think is the cheapest/easiest way to get from NYC to the Texas/Mexico border WITHOUT train hopping? Help plzzzz k thx Greyhound wants over $200, fuck thatttt
  48. Everymanalion

    Anyone in the country have any free pups?

    Looking for a free pup to take with me on my travels, does not really matter what part of the country you are in i will come pick him up and it will give me an excuse to adventure, i would adopt from a shelter but they want a helluvalot of money here in NYC to adopt a dog($275 plus dog license)...
  49. Everymanalion

    I am actually very happy this board exists...are you?

    Helped me out ALOT with questions and random weird quirky answers, thank you all for being you. ha(coool!)
  50. Everymanalion

    Need your opinions on leaving/probation...rant..

    Now let me state this, before i get bombarded with "DO WHATEVER YOU WANT" OR "IT COMES DOWN TO YOU, ONLY YOU CAN MAKE THIS CHOICE" that this is just about OPINIONS on what YOU would do, not looking for to be told what to do, just curious about how you guys would go about this... Now here is my...