what the fuck?! I got Staph!


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2008
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Lincoln ne
we just had a high-school wrestler die from a staff infection here in omaha, happened when i was in high-school too, way back when. keeping clean, soap amd water helps, but staff is literally everywhere, usually it is not harmful, unless it gets in a cut or open sore. always take time co clean a cut or sore, when possible, then bandage it. :deadhorse:


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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That may be, but even in Asia it's uncommon and frowned upon. Piss can be used as a rinse or irrigating a wound because for healthy people it is pretty much free of bacteria (except for the ones picked up along the urethra) but it doesn't have any other proven medical benefits as far as I know. If the uric acid content is high enough, I suppose it could eliminate bacteria via osmotic rupture, but I wouldn't count on it as that requires the person to be a bit dehydrated. It's basically last resort medicine.

Drinking piss is just... I don't get the point, their body tried to get it out of them, and they are putting it back in?

well your white.
white medicine is the way and will be the way right?
again it is well known that urine is very usefull and is not classified as the same stuff that comes out of your ass. i wouldn't debate a cure thats been trusted for thousands of years on multiple points of the earth.
i dont care what certain societies believe its not socially acceptable to use urine.
urine is antiseptic and is an excess of minerals our bodies dont need from digestion.
western culture used to and still does in some cases, denounces the use of herbs. people were claimed whitches for herblore and the idea of using plants to cure yourself? INSANE, urine even more INSANE.
i had tried tons of local and foreign herbs to get rid of the staph... nothin..
i have friends which have gotten rid of staph and other infections with urine, theres my proof, so if it doesnt work.. its still didnt cost you anything.

another friend had staph and tried to kill it with the cream and it mutated adapted and became the begining effects of a flesh eating bacteria his doctor told him.

all i gotta say is have fun messing around buying/stealing staph cream and poisioning ye skin :)



Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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I am advocating the use of honey to cure staph, actually, and I do use herbs on a daily basis. But I suppose that isn't the issue here, it's economics? It's true that urine doesn't cost anything, but if it doesn't work, then it's cost time where the infection could have gotten worse and that violates one central tenant of medicine- which is first and foremost do no harm. Honey, for me is easy enough to get, and I will use it first (unless there is an allergy/vegan issue) because it is more effective than anything that western medicine has been able to produce. Honey may be overkill, but I'm willing to take that expense, if you're in a different situation, than so be it.

You don't have to do what I do, I am a medic and as long as I call myself that, there are certain things I have to do and certain ways of doing them. You're not under any of those restriction as far as I know.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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where the fuck you gonna get honey in the winter?
and are you gonna harvest it yourself
i dont agree on harvesting honey its raping bees winter storage food
when and where have your heard honey curing staph.. your a medic eh?
sorry i think yer fulla bee barf.. honey on staph wounds..
keep on that
hope ya have fun

I am advocating the use of honey to cure staph, actually, and I do use herbs on a daily basis. But I suppose that isn't the issue here, it's economics? It's true that urine doesn't cost anything, but if it doesn't work, then it's cost time where the infection could have gotten worse and that violates one central tenant of medicine- which is first and foremost do no harm. Honey, for me is easy enough to get, and I will use it first (unless there is an allergy/vegan issue) because it is more effective than anything that western medicine has been able to produce. Honey may be overkill, but I'm willing to take that expense, if you're in a different situation, than so be it.

You don't have to do what I do, I am a medic and as long as I call myself that, there are certain things I have to do and certain ways of doing them. You're not under any of those restriction as far as I know.


Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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Please PM me if you have any further issues with my advice or want additional references or want to relay doubts on my training or for personal attacks. I will respond to all following post concerning this from you with PMs only to avoid cluttering the board.


Honey Remedy Could Save Limbs
Brandon Keim Email 10.11.06

When Jennifer Eddy first saw an ulcer on the left foot of her patient, an elderly diabetic man, it was pink and quarter-sized. Fourteen months later, drug-resistant bacteria had made it an unrecognizable black mess.

Doctors tried everything they knew -- and failed. After five hospitalizations, four surgeries and regimens of antibiotics, the man had lost two toes. Doctors wanted to remove his entire foot.

"He preferred death to amputation, and everybody agreed he was going to die if he didn't get an amputation," said Eddy, a professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

With standard techniques exhausted, Eddy turned to a treatment used by ancient Sumerian physicians, touted in the Talmud and praised by Hippocrates: honey. Eddy dressed the wounds in honey-soaked gauze. In just two weeks, her patient's ulcers started to heal. Pink flesh replaced black. A year later, he could walk again.

"I've used honey in a dozen cases since then," said Eddy. "I've yet to have one that didn't improve."

Eddy is one of many doctors to recently rediscover honey as medicine. Abandoned with the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s and subsequently disregarded as folk quackery, a growing set of clinical literature and dozens of glowing anecdotes now recommend it.

Most tantalizingly, honey seems capable of combating the growing scourge of drug-resistant wound infections, including group A streptococcus -- the infamous flesh-eating bug -- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, which in its most severe forms also destroys flesh. These have become alarmingly more common in recent years, with MRSA alone now responsible for half of all skin infections treated in U.S. emergency rooms. So-called superbugs cause thousands of deaths and disfigurements every year, and public health officials are alarmed.

Though the practice is uncommon in the United States, honey is successfully used elsewhere on wounds and burns that are unresponsive to other treatments. Some of the most promising results come from Germany's Bonn University Children's Hospital, where doctors have used honey to treat wounds in 50 children whose normal healing processes were weakened by chemotherapy.

The children, said pediatric oncologist Arne Simon, fared consistently better than those with the usual applications of iodine, antibiotics and silver-coated dressings. The only adverse effects were pain in 2 percent of the children and one incidence of eczema. These risks, he said, compare favorably to iodine's possible thyroid effects and the unknowns of silver -- and honey is also cheaper.

"We're dealing with chronic wounds, and every intervention which heals a chronic wound is cost effective, because most of those patients have medical histories of months or years," he said.

While Eddy bought honey at a supermarket, Simon used Medihoney, one of several varieties made from species of Leptospermum flowers found in New Zealand and Australia.

Honey, formed when bees swallow, digest and regurgitate nectar, contains approximately 600 compounds, depending on the type of flower and bee. Leptospermum honeys are renowned for their efficacy and dominate the commercial market, though scientists aren't totally sure why they work.

"All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide," said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. "But we still haven't managed to identify the active components. All we know is (the honey) works on an extremely broad spectrum."

Attempts in the lab to induce a bacterial resistance to honey have failed, Molan and Simon said. Honey's complex attack, they said, might make adaptation impossible.

Two dozen German hospitals are experimenting with medical honeys, which are also used in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, however, honey as an antibiotic is nearly unknown. American doctors remain skeptical because studies on honey come from abroad and some are imperfectly designed, Molan said.

In a review published this year, Molan collected positive results from more than 20 studies involving 2,000 people. Supported by extensive animal research, he said, the evidence should sway the medical community -- especially when faced by drug-resistant bacteria.

"In some, antibiotics won't work at all," he said. "People are dying from these infections."

Commercial medical honeys are available online in the United States, and one company has applied for Food and Drug Administration approval. In the meantime, more complete clinical research is imminent. The German hospitals are documenting their cases in a database built by Simon's team in Bonn, while Eddy is conducting the first double-blind study.

"The more we keep giving antibiotics, the more we breed these superbugs. Wounds end up being repositories for them," Eddy said. "By eradicating them, honey could do a great job for society and to improve public health."


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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im simply trying to help people realise and demystify if they are healthy a viable solution to staph, piss cures.

Honey Remedy "Could" Save Limbs....

again urine has been use for thousands of years
and is more viable then trying to find honey in a global crash


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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finn said:
Honey is an ancient cure, used before recorded history- it's not anything new and it's not connected to 'whiteness' and it's not even popular in white medicine either so lay off the racial connotations and do your research.

I suspect that your vegan persuasion is preventing you from seeing it for its benefits. Honey obviously doesn't work well as a wound irrigant, and urine does better, though if I resorted to that I would still sterilize the urine if I could before using it. I keep honey around with me, it's not really something you can easily forage in the winter, true, but the global crash hasn't happened yet, and even if it did, there would still be people producing honey.

thats all it ever is eh? research
battle of who can wikipedia what

again though i believe urine is the best solution simply because:

a:\urine as medicine is with us and has been with us and not just us, other animals aswel piss on wounds.it already is antiseptic, and part of your own gene structure.
b:\not everyone can afford unpasturized honey
c:\not everyone steals unpasturized honey
d:\ some people dont live in climates where bees thrive ie: if you dont farm it in the summer
e:\if there was a crash all those gun toting people will be roaming around looking for farms and food in a hunger rage, good luck runing a hive.
f:\i am not a vegan nore believe it is a sustainable way of life.

also do you know anyone personally who has actually gotten rid of staph with honey?

ps: this isnt bloating webspace.. people should at least have some support in trying urine to cure staph.


Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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another friend had staph and tried to kill it with the cream and it mutated adapted and became the begining effects of a flesh eating bacteria his doctor told him.

being that I was that friend let me share my point on this.

I agree with skunkpit on the urine only because I saw yours clear up after it got pissed on but you also were using other natural and free remedies like pine pitch and cedar, both which have been neglected to be mentioned in this post. Also it was urine that finally cleared it up. So I wouldn't say don't piss on your wounds but people can stick with whatever they are comfortable with.

I get staph almost every summer cause I neglect hygiene to often, I have used lavender, calendula and tea tree salve to heal staph before but as follows, have also had other cases that were more intense.

I got staph from poison ivy and because I was sharing a bed and having sex with my partner at the time i was using bandages and socks to cover up my wounds and the bandages didn't breath and combined with the sock caused me legs to sweat. The sweat then carried the acid from the poison ivy and caused it to spread at an alarming rate, as the poison ivy spread so did the staph. Alarmed at the rate of which my staph was spreading I went to the doctor because I wasnt aware that I had poison ivy at the time and got antibiotics. The cream was okay but the problem was that the internal I was taking was the incorrect spectrum for what my body needed so I was getting all the bad sides of antibiotics without the good. The cream kept it at bay and so did allowing it to breath but in the end I had to get an injection in my ass and a new prescription that worked immediately. This is by no means the best method of dealing with this sort of infection in my mind's eye because I want to lean more on a natural approach to dealing with my sickness. It wasnt a mutation though.

So I will attest however that I have seen urine work, the selling point being that not everyone is comfortable with having someone piss on their infected wounds. That being said the sticky gooey resin of pine sap is excellent at drawing infection from the body, cedar will also work wonders, or oregan grape root and even fasting and rinsing with salt water.

The creams are gross and you need a scrip to get them, and they will work. For me a natural remedy has nothing even to do with the money, it comes from wanting a closer connection with the earth around me and knowing how it can provide me with everything around me.

Also I think that when looking back to remedies that were used in the past like during egyptian dynasties, they were dealing with a less evolved variety of bacteria whereas modern humans have totally fucking thrown things out of whack with antibiotics and over sterile conditions and not building our resistance in a healthy manner.

In some cases urine and pine pitch might not be enough, in some maybe they will...I know plenty of people including myself who have used natural remedies to heal staph completely.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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yeah i agree, what ever method works
im just sayin it doe take deprograming to get into the mind set that urine isnt just a "waste" product of our body

also the urine that helped cure my staph was from a human with a much better amune system then mine if that maters.


Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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dude the urine you used wasn't even from a human...well okay human in some ways but all mostly orc.

don't use feeble humans urine, get your most resilient, durable, indestructible friends to pee on you.

that guy is something else, if anyones urine is gonna clear up an infection it's his...


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
next time i get staph i wanna pee on it. i have some of the best insurence and so i went to the doctor last time, all they said was put salt water on it. so i did. didnt work, and it spread. went back. got a cream. didnt work. went back. got pills. didnt work.(i have an immune system that doesnt like medicine) so i used acne cream to dry it up and cleaned it with peroxcide once a day and rubbing alcohal 4 times a day. finally went away completely after like 2 weeks. next time ill just pee on it.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
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Down South
You can use that hole in your ass to hide things in. It's a much better hiding place than that other hole in your ass. Like, from the sound of it, it's the perfect size to keep a joint in. And imagine the surprised looks you'll get when you produce a joint from your ass. Learn to look on the bright side of things.

thats one way to look at things! haha..sorry about the staph.

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