Hillbilly Castro
Well-known member
Communism is ceding my rights to another. In principle, it seems perfect but like any ideology, it's not that simple. And no, I haven't seen a commune. Jst heard the propaganda of USA public school.
What are your thoughts on communism man?
A number of things come to mind in reading this. I understand why you think this way and was at one point sympathetic to this view, however, my views changed for a number of reasons;
1. "Rights" are a social fiction. They are essentially wizardry based in metaphysics - a completely imaginary realm of thought. If I shoot someone, if they should say "but it is my right not to die" as I pull the trigger, not only will it not save them, the only way his "rights" affect me is if those who also believe in rights choose to enact force against me on his behalf, postmortem. Ergo, rights are strictly rooted in belief and have no real justification outside of belief. And so your only "rights" exist in force, whether in self-defense or open aggression against others. This is strictly based on what is not on what anyone wants.
2. While communism in most forms does demand the subservience of the individual to the collective - also an idea based strictly in belief and little more - a form of communism could exist where the arrangement is strictly composed of individuals for whom the arrangement is mutually beneficial. When I offer you a beer or a sandwich, this is communistic inasmuch as I am uninterested in a tit-for-tat "pay me X amount for this" sort of deal. My act of sharing establishes a mutualistic precedent, which may serve me if I find myself in need of a sandwich or a beer when I lack one and you have one. True, you could choose to accept my sharing and never reciprocate, but it follows that the same logic I employed to share with you applies to you - we can go back and forth caring for one another as is mutualistic, without actually giving ourselves up entirely. Indeed, the moment an "egoist-communist" arrangement fails for one party, or demands true sacrifice, an individual is free to exit the arrangement.
3. If my second point is not true, why write on a forum? Why write or speak at all? Indeed, speech is a free offer of a communistic nature. The moment you cease to get anything from this forum, unless you are an idiot, you will leave. But you are here because the sharing of information enriches you. There is no reason this logic cannot be applied to material endeavors like food, housing, and so on.
4. Last, just as "individual rights" are essentially worthless beliefs, the same is true of property rights. The "libertarian (capitalist)" mode of existence requires submission to the law of property. The true believer in property would not steal even if it meant starving to death. This is idiotic, since you get only one life, so far as we know. And so it is that capitalism would fall apart if all individuals in capitalist society were being completely egoistic and supporting their one concrete truth - themselves. It is egoistic for us to destroy capitalism unless we are literally 1%er ultra-wealthy owners of capital, which none of us here are. Appropriating the material elements of the capitalist system and administrating them in a decentralized, egoist-communist fashion is the most sensible approach for the individual.