Might be a good idea to break the kitchen into 2 parts, possibly 3, given the number of people who will be there.
1) main kitchen, dedicated to cooking main meals only. No dish washing, & only utilized for the divisions of food into veg, GF & omni, & possibly pork/shellfish free if anyone is more comfortable that way.
Cooking itself is activity intensive & requires room.
2) Dish washing station. separate area near kitchen, not underfoot, lots of boric acid & citrus based insect control. Pots, pans & main dishware. the kitchen will have its own sinks for utensils.
3) snack table.. dry stuff & consumables.. fruits. veggies, chips, snacks
each will need a garbage can or a few 30 gallon contractor waste bags.
there will be a choice of (preferably UNCOATED) paper plates & bamboo chopsticks, if recyclable ones are not around, or getting a shitload of thrift store utensils.. so long as the utensils are straight, *used* stainless steel, they are not hard impact. avoid thrift store utensils with plastic/phenolic handles, unless intending to permanently keep & not burn.
wood or wood handles are fine.
tomorrow i am going to try & light the fire under the soup i hope i can cook there..
Need to hit up C & C & Matt..