travelling south america


Sep 26, 2007
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dirty south
-first world travelling post... ?!?

south america is the shit, & my favourite place to travel as of yet. i spent some time in peru about a year & 1/2 ago, & had a fucking blast. i was pleased to not see a single cell-phone, few bill-boards or tv's, and to be greeted eye-to-eye by unafraid, grounded locals who aren't wrapped up in electronic worlds of media bullshit, but rather walk to the marketplace to get their food, and raise chickens and guinnea pigs for those special occasion feasts. the vast majority of people you meet won't look you up & down with scaredy disdain, judging you by your uncommon appearance; generally, they meet you with here-uncommon presence, as a human, & are quite cool.

your american dollar triples+ once you get there as far as what you can do with it (for now at least), getting you a massive plate of food for a dollar about anywhere, and there are ample places to camp/squat. in peru, at least, i encounted very little in the way of threatening situations/people that i couldn't very easily deal with.

it does help to know some spanish. if you learn or know even a little before you go, you'll pick it up at a rate that'll amaze you. it also helps to build up your immune system as much as possible before going (i.e. limited to no smoking/drinking, eating good), so as to avoid the traveller's sicknesses that are common down there.

among my favourite experiences in south american, (along with everything else) was the LACK of alot of mental hang-ups and wierd social pretenses that abound in the states. surely, they have their own problems, but they generally arise some much simpler circumstances; not so much the tangled mess of endless echoing bullshit that arises from some of the anxious, overthinking of endlessly complicated and abundant vanity. life is simpler there, and one begins to remember that alot of stuff that was always there in the states isn't even real, and that life is indeed simple and sweet.

the cities are crazy, busting, wild. the mountains are vast, enormous & endlessly hikable. (bring a hammock for mountain/jungle camping) the jungles will blow your mind, with their trillion species of everything, monkeys & anacondas, wild parrots, giant otters, 300 species of hummingbird, pink freshwater dolphins of the amazon, ayahausca shamen.

you can get a round-trip plane ticket out of miami for like $400 without much advance time, but probably less if you can plan ahead. save another $600 and, if you're crafty, you're good for a few months, or more.

do that shit; s. america is fucking awesome.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Imbrium said:
I think I just made Peru a new must experience destination.

agreed... it's something im now seriously considering...


Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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mexico is also nice, relatively cheap(many merchants aren´t shy about gringo taxing a foreigner-turista), easy to hitchhike in (i´m here right now and have done plenty of it) and has a relatively large network (although not as busy as the northern part of the continent USA and Canada) of railway. It´s relatively cheap, especially in the south, if you can speak spanish it´s cheaper, most folks are friendly and there´s plenty to see. The trains are always full of other tramps, bandits and such so I haven´t gotten on any for reasons of safety, but I know people who have and the average train rider is just an average poor joe going somewhere. No one hides and if the police have a problem they won´t after you stick an american twenty spot(200 pesos) in their money loving hands.


Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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you hear the occasional story out of Guatemala and Mexico, but as far as being off the street by night time in Guatemala, thats only in Guatemala City the national capital, and even then I still hear about people going out. The thing to remember is most people who are gonna cause trouble aren't gonna do so just for sake...they are generally gonna do it for your money and valuables. But that being said, I have known alot of people who haven't had any problems and I was in Mexico for three months, hitchhikin and bummin around and the only single person who started shit with me was an American. The locals are really friendly and even in the huge cities like Mexico City I didn't have any trouble, I even was broke at one point and had nowhere to go and strangers took me in right off the street downtown. No need to be paranoid, just learn to speak some spanish and tell people to go away when they follow you down the street trying to sell you souvenirs for half an hour.

drunken marauder

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
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I was in Bolivia for 2 1/2 months in the 90's and fukken loved it.. I have ever met a nicer group of people in my life.. The plaza or parks if u wanna call them that are huge.. I absolutely loved the hiking.. I was able to go spelunking in a gold mine between cochabambam and la paz.. I dunno I long to go back but I also want to see more of Europe... Warsaw was really great... I just want to leave this damn country.....


Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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you'll have a pretty rough time trying to spange in a place where everyone is equally as poor as you...

but you could always try

puedo tener un poco dinero por favor?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
I`ve met a lot of kids in Colombia from Spain and Argentina who make and sell jewelery and do your usual moneymaking stuff like juggling, spinning poi, etc. As long as you hit up a tourist town every once in awhile and replenish the coffers, it seems sustainable. Or you could just be independently wealthy like me, fuck all your poor bastards.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
mmm, already said it in another thread, but just rode my first south american train and am stoked in the way any internet train nerd might be. çit was flatcars with raw copper plates taking up all the space and short tankers with porches, so I rode one of those, but in the desert, middle of the day, slow through a little town I got pulled off pretty quick as I knew I would but had to do it anyway. Did not get arrested.

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