neo-thrash douche bags


Active member
thats fucking genius! just steal their equipment and sell that shit, thanks!

dont sell it at a pawn shop. they can track you down that way unless you have some immaculate plan with fake ID's and phone numbers and shit. it's better to take that shit, and whether you actually want a few bucks or not, i'd either keep it for myself, or smash the shit out of it, set it on fire, and put it all in a box and leave it on their doorstep.


Well-known member
Widerstand said:
What the fuck is wrong with you people, get a fucking blade and a hammer and kill these fuckers! Why are you just going to let someone kick your ass?


melt those pussies with acid.

scarred for life, or... beat the at their own game, out neo thrash them dude.(im not sure if youre talking about like nu-thrash kids or neo nazis that happen to thrash but if its the former) flip your trucker hat bill up twice as high, double or even triple the number of municiple waste and dri patches you have and try to blend in with their crowd, then strike like a fucking cobra in the night.

or you could start a neo thrash band with circle pits so crucial they mosh into cardiac arrest!!!

good luck though man, all i can say is if you cant get somekind of solidarity to fight these kids off youre either a pussy or the community is bunk.


Well-known member
1. trench spikes are like ten bucks at army surplus places.

2. i'd go for slashing tires etc... maybe sneak into their respective house(s) and put smt in their coke?


Well-known member
yeah trench knives are great. i got a u.s. 1918 mk1 after getting jumped twice by the fsu crew up in allston,mass. the next time they tried that shit i fucked 2 of them up real bad and the other 4 took off in the other direction. stupid fuck wads didnt even come back too see how their friends were. or to retaliate back. trench knives are the shit, pure ass beating and death from every side, and designed with one thing in mind, straight up brutality


Well-known member
i mean, i'd probably be too much of a pussy to ever use them, rofl.
but the one fight i've ever been in i won by grabbing an axe that was behind me and holding it very menacingly. scared the shit out of the other guy.


Well-known member
dont carry a knife unless you know how to use it, and are sober. you really just gotta go for the head honcho, as hes likely the one initiating this all. i think if you fucking kill the guy, youre gonna have much bigger problems. all his friends will hate you even more, and the pigs will definitely come down on you, as it gives them a reason to kick you out of their town. dont steal their shit either, thats fucking scummy. definitely break their shit, but only after beating them up. all in all, if you drink, id say its a good time to quit, or move.


Well-known member
it is simple next time they have a go at you, dont be just there and fight as good as you can, maybe they wont have as much fun as before when they were punching numb bags of meat.


Well-known member
Widerstand said:
Kel-Tec P11's are $275, go do 4 days of day labor and start packing and waste theses fools, remember if ain't self defense you need to dig the bullets out of them or you will go down for murder... That means no head shots.

god what fucking wise words... literally..


Active member
I had a similar problem, but they were after my friend. They'd see him around town and just jump out of there car in broad daylight and start beating him then drive off. After he told me this I grabbed my dads old straight razor that he pretty much converted into a even more deadlier weapon. We went for a walk and sure enough they jump out of there car trying to fuck with us. Now, I don't know if I'd ever stab or slice someone unless I REALLY had to. As soon as one guy jumped out I had surge of adrenaline and whipped out the fucking blade looked straight into his eyes and told him that if he didn't get back into his car I'd slice his throat. He just stood there for a good 20 seconds and I kinda made that flinch move at him and he kinda jumped and got back into his beat up car and drove off yelling I'm not worth it. Needless to say they never fucked with neither of us.

Moral of the story people like this who are obviously weak and are afraid to get hurt because they only fight with there "crews" or fight with people who they know won't fight back are usually easy intimidated. It just might take more then your fist or some words.


Well-known member
Point out how big of an issue it is to everyone in your towns scene, I dont know how aware of the magnitude the people in your town are. Make them aware, try to get everyone that frequents the places you go to hate this clique. Thats a potential diplomatic solution anyway.

Otherwise you and some others could wait at the 'leaders' house until he shows up alone and have a meaningful "discussion" with him.


ReadyG gave you the best advice, violence is never the answer. I thought we would have learned that by now but , theres obviously some messed up people that think there the shit for beating a small or outnumbered kid up. Also the people in this little "gang"
prolly are in it for the friends, and prolly only doing what hes saying cuzz they want his dick or they think hes the shit. find out whos in it for that reason and try talking to them 1 on 1.. but bring friends out number him but have a conversation with him and show him your human and you dont have to beat some1 up to prove a point. if hes cocky and calling you all pussys or names still, i would crack him then and tell him start showing me respect but dont over do it. or just a have a friendly chat with there parents, but doing that your gonna be labeled a Puss!

the wizard

Well-known member
i agree that you should cap these assholes, but if you wanna be a pussy about it you could always poison them.


i say try and find out where they live break in and blowfish poison in a small amounts gives the ilusion of death... haha then just spike them and they will never know! they will think it was some bad drugs but they will have gone through a shit hard time... possably even get taken to the corinors office


why are people still posting in this thread its almost 3 months old. he won't tell us what he did to deserve getting his ass kicked with tells me he probably deserves it. by now ether he fought back and they now leave him alone or he left town, my money is on option 2 but either way you can teach a pussy to fight but when confronted with violence they usually still pussy out.

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