victoria bc
its my hometown and its legal to sleep outside from 7pm to 7am. also its on the coast so it rains alot but its not your normal cold canadian winter. it snows there for maybe a week every winter. theres a youth shelter that opens up in november that is sort of weird and nice. it changes site every night and they allow dogs at most of the sites. so if yer hungry and cold you allmost allways have a place to go if you need it. the food not bombs there was really good for years but i dont know what its like anymore. lots of cool kids but the cops are d-bags. you can get a ticket for haveing your backpack on the ground there and it they feel like it they just steal yer pack. but theres lots of nice little spots to hide out and sleep. i love victoria for those reasons but hate it for others. its not bad though ALOT better than vancouver.
Victoria BC! It's by far the city with the most services. You can eat for free, sleep for free, clothing depots and all of that. Make a little scratch on the side dishwashing or doing construction, save it all and go back out for another amazing summer. Plus it doesn't get too cold!What's everyone's favorite city to stay in for our cold Canadian winters?