You know what, most info is easily available. The kids who come on here or elsewhere and look shit up aren't the issue, because their actually taking the time to look for themselves. The problem these days (at least in my eyes) is we are in the era of self entitlement and just plain lasy ass mother fuckerness.
These days I get emails from random kids who flat out ask me.."Yo, where do you catch out in Pittsburgh. here is my cell #" and that's it.... WTF!!! this is a weekly fucking occurrence. That or "hey man whats your cell number, I have some questions about train hopping", or the usual "where can I get a CCG" bullshit. NO hey man..bla bla bla..just right to the fucking point.
Whats even worse is they write me or try to add me on facebook, then ask me a fucking question you could find in a heart beat if you just fucking type it in google. Its fucking retarded. I even get kids telling kids they haven't even met in real life to message me asking for info...its fucking pathetic.
I'm down for new kids hopping freights and Im also down for helping to shape future generations...but....people who cant make the effort to look up shit on there own will not cut it period.
All that to say I don't think posting tips on train hopping is going to hurt anyone as most off the skids wont even take the time to read it anyhow. Sharing actually catch out info with people you don't know or haven't met is a different issue all together.