HoboGestapo is right, we'll all have to tread VERY very carefully with the current events going on down there.
Glad this thread came about.. I've got sort of a bucket list going and one of the first places I've got in mind of going to is Puerto Maldonado, Peru.
Reason being: I'd like to visit an Ayahuasca Shamanic resort which is free and experience Di-methyl Tryptamine. Chimbre is the resort.
Or maybe a more natural rustic trip instead of the resort.
Haven't decided on that bit.
I've also wanted to visit Puerto Vallarta as well so I'll hit that along the way. I've spoken to real estate agents on the area of Puerto Vallarta so I may buckle down there and get a job at a resort or something. rent for a two bedroom is around 2000 pesos which is roughly 149 USD and that's a balcony with a view of a mountain 15 minutes from the coast line
I strongly recommend pirating some rosetta stone mexican-spanish.. at least get to know the basics.
Or, go and steal a mexican-spanish pocket guide phrase book from your local book store.
I've got a good friend originally from a mountainous valley of Mexico named Jose Bautista, he goes every December and is familiar with quite a few places so I'll speak to him and get back to you all with the dangerous places that he knows of that are unfriendly to "outsiders" and also what to stay away form etc.
Don't take anything that you can't hide that you do not wish to lose... because odds are, you will. But that's not just Mexico, that's everywhere.
iamwhatiam, maybe we could meet up and travel together.
Also, anyone who needs a basic spanish learning textbook, hit me up I bought three from the Salvation Army and they're not too over-sized or heavy. They're pretty legit and helpful.
that's all i got!