Why don't you have sex?



@Inuyoujo , I know the difference between a feminist and a feminazi, it seems to me that you either don't or may be a delusional feminazi yourself.

Thank you Fox Spirit for clearly understanding and explaining my statement.

Desperado Deluxe

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Apr 20, 2010
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I'm not going to bother arguing with people that use the word. @Adnil @Fox Spirit You're right. I'm the scum of the earth. Cool. Thanks.

Someone please put the thread back on track.

We never said you were the scum of the earth why do you keep taking things out of context and blowing things up? Just because there are some people that have taken that term and used it out of context does not mean that people like that (fem-nazi) doesn't exist. I can't agree that it is the most appropriate term to use but at the same time why the hell do we have to be super pc about everything?

Also about the topic of the thread I have yet to describe my feelings about this subject because I find it difficult and complex..


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Feb 8, 2016
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Not the starting line.
I've never had any intimate contact with any person simply because I like the novelty of being able to say that; with a strong superiority complex.

Actually, the real reason is because I immediately start discussing strange and eccentric topics with myself alone without any input from the other parties. For some weird reason, complete strangers don't get aroused at hours of listening, er, I mean "Discussing" the Geo-political reasons why Chernoboyl has no sarcophagus built around it yet.

If only there was some random stranger I could intimately discuss the Geo-political reason why Chernoboyl has no sarcophagus built around it yet. Such a cruel world. :S

Deleted member 16034

If only there was some random stranger I could intimately discuss the Geo-political reason why Chernoboyl has no sarcophagus built around it yet. Such a cruel world. :S

I will stay up all fucking night talking about Chernobyl or random shit like that. That's my jam, dude.

Fuck sex, Geo-political reasonings behind Chernobyl's lack of sarcophagi is where it's at!

I don't have sex because I like women and I will lose all support from my entire family if I come out to them. I've had sex with three men in my life while trying to convince everyone I was "straight." It wasn't the worst thing I've ever done, but finding out I'm allergic to semen was.
I should tell my bizarrely conservative family that "God" is giving everyone the sign that he WANTS me to be a lesbian


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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[didn't read the rest of this troll-bait ass thread]

I don't do The Sex. Identify as asexual, go literal years without putting my junk in others junk, etc. I shoul've learned the lesson when it took till after my 21st birthday to have sex with someone, but nope. Asexuality had never presented itself as an option, then.
It just feels right. I (almost) never feel a sexual attraction to other people. I probably also will seem like the most physically affectionate being you ever met. ::shrug::
I dunno how much the asexual thing relates to identifying as non-binary, but I suspect a connection exists. When I fel condif=dent that I could hack off my own junk and live the rest of my short days happily as a genderfuck unik, other conclusions prove hard to draw.
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Aug 10, 2014
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I (almost) never feel a sexual attraction to other people. I probably also will seem like the most physically affectionate being you ever met. ::shrug::


that sums up my feelings as well... it seems that 'normal' individuals do not understand this ideology is even possible?

how can you not find another human attractive?

I do..

I just dont have the overwhelming urge to rip her cloths off & fuck 'er brains out next to da mickyDs dumpster.

I would..

but it's not an urge.

I love women. everything about them- but I don't got the patience or the skills to be in an active relationship.

I need my fuckin' space & i don't like touchin'- shit throws me off. plus while you're balls deeps goin' at it you gotta worry about sweat & shit. I sweat a fuckin' lot (don't haveta be fuckin' for me to be bustin'... a sweat) shit can be embarrassing unless blacked out.

I'm not celibate- but I don't have the urge to get laid as often as possible... shit sometimes I wish I did! I'm not gunna put no work in- if it happens then fuck yea it happened. fuccckk I haveta remind myself to watch porn and get it in, once in a while. Been a while that I've been laid- only reason I'm throwing myself on the list I guess. some people aren't wired to be horny as fuck I guess...

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I would go further than just the marketing and reference how filthy thses oil men I work with make it. These morally responsible Christian men have endless intimateless, degrading, sex stories you could ever hear, and when out of town, bar hopping, I'm the weirdo because im not try to::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed::::fuckinginbed:: every woman in sight.

Just last night I was chilling outside this motel drinking with some drywall hangers and this old boy (probably 18-19) dipped to go meet a hooker his coworker 'rangled' for him. It leaves an impression of a cheap high to me when I see or hear it, equatable to wippits.

It's been 3 years for me, although I would like to meet someone I hold out because I like to travel and do my own shit without consequences. I fear pregnancy immensely. If it where to happen Id be a good dad but I would feel so much guilt for manifesting a child to suffer and die in this insane dog shit world. Also I would have to work more (around people who don't understand me and try to shit on who I am and believe), take my 401k more seriously, :eek: catter to somekind of normal for the childs sake, etc.

I too, value trust and intimacy. I've had flings twice in my life and realized I couldn't get hard because the situation was just, not right. Once in a relationship, im relaxed enough but otherwise, i gotta blame it on wiskey dick and try to get threw an awful shitty night. Sex is overrated and doesn't work for me without intimacy, knowing who I'm about to fuck. Would I try a fling again? Maybe, but their would be alot of red tape being sorted in my head as that situation progressed. Lucky I'm laughabley charmless and horrible at noticing ques of interest from women, which depresses me but at least I can walk away from a job without it resorting in a skeleton in a high chair.

Matt Derrick

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not to get off subject here, since we already have a thread for this here, but i think most people treat herpes as way more big of a deal than it should be.

The creators of Valtrex couldn't sell much of their product because herpes used to be such a non-issue that they essentially created the herpes stigma. Now we have people killing themselves literally upon finding out they have a skin issue thanks to a fucking pharmacutical company wanting to sell product.

But I could say the same damn thing about make up and diet pills...
Oct 6, 2014
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I've been asexual since around the ages of 15-17. Was sexually active with both boys and girls my age at 5 years old, and a peeping-tom while going through puberty. Lost my "virginity" at age 23 to a traveler girl in Olympia.
Sex has always been super-lame. I have zero desire, zero physical feeling.
Maybe I could be demisexual, idk, I've also never gotten that close with anyone so I wouldn't know.
But masterbation is a good way to drain my energy so that I might better submit daily my soul, body and spirit to the death wish of useless living.
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I got a 3 year old daughter who my family, and the babys momma don't let me see. When the babys momma moved out, she took all her stuff, and most of mine with her. Didn't even tell me she was leavin. I came home to an empty house... My couch, coffee table, bookshelf, brand new laptop... I still got the empty box. LOL Everything was gone. Went in the bedroom, there was just a pile of my clothes in the middle of the floor.

So I took her to court cause I was looking forward to being a parent... I paid my child support every month and still wanted to be involved in any way possible. Honestly I wish I hadn't... She may not have taken me to court for the child support... But they did everything they could to keep me out of the picture, and make it impossible for me to have my weekend visits....

I never want to go thru that again. I went and got a vasectomy ASAP!!! So now sex cant result in pregnancy for me... But still. Life is so much simpler and more enjoyable when emotions aren't getting the best of you... I find it easier to keep my priorities straight when I'm single... Even tho I'm behind on my child support a considerable amount, I'm peacefully alone and making an effort.

Besides masturbation is is just as satisfying. And is much less expensive!!! No movies, no fancy dinners, No head aches or heart aches. Just rub one out Saturday morning in the shower and go mow the lawn. Or change your oil, or whatever else you still need to get done.


Sep 6, 2016
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I'm a trans guy who is attracted to men, the odds of finding someone who would be into a dude without a dick is like 0.00000001%. So I just don't bother.
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Jul 11, 2016
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I don't tend to find situations where I and a potential partner mutually view each other as equals. Some have some degree of interest in my appearance, but this often diminishes when they get to know me. I might find someone physiologically attractive but might not like their psychology.

I like to know people psychologically. I like to understand and appreciate people. I want to view someone as an equal and mutually appreciate each other. I would also very much prefer to know if someone is a sociopath before I interact with them sexually.

Basically, a lot of women who would be willing to have sex with me would prefer I was a mysterious stranger they could project their fantasies upon over truly knowing me, which will never meet their fantasy projections. On the other hand women who are interested in taking the time to know someone are often looking for a more dominating/provider/conformist with a laundry list of traits desirable in a man when I'm more of a sensitive, vulnerable, anti authoritarian artist by nature and violate numerous gender expectations on a regular basis.

If mutual respect, equality, appreciation and attraction develop from honest communication, I'm open to sharing sexuality. But if they don't, I won't, and I'm not going to violate any principles or execute strategy to make sex more likely.


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May 31, 2013
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Leavenworth, WA
I went to the bar to meet with a friend that wanted a wingman, as soon as i sat at his table, the chick he was hitting on looked at him and said "I liked you more before he came in here". She was pushing 40 and proud of it as she was playing music on the jukebox that reminded her of her pre-teen "glory years". She asked if we knew who the artist was, and I said "I don't know, but the song sounds good" she replied "how can you like it if you don't know who it is". I left the bar, hopped on my bike and was infinitely more satisfied to hit the road.

I've been told that I'm not enough of an asshole, so I called a girl a cunt and she started throwing pool balls at me. I assume that she found my attempts of being an asshole attractive, but that she also likes it rough and making faces of intense frustration.

I brought a puppy into the bar and a lady asked why I have a puppy in the bar. I said "I'm treating others as I would like to be treated, I wouldn't want to be left at home, or left in the car, so I brought her here. Besides that, my dog gets her exercise by chasing pussy".

But really, I'm socially awkward, especially in loud and crowded places, I get quiet around gals that I like, or I make a fool of myself in one way or another, turns out there's limitless possibilities for fool making. Then there's a random and busy schedule, lack of self confidence in that department, learned helplessness, being broke, I've got a guitar, but can't perform under the kind of pressure where people want me to play, I attract arguements, I'm weird in the not bad way, but not the good way, just plain weird, weird.

And then there's the times when I get the opportunity but instead it's a night filled with unexpected surprises and whining "will you rub my feet? this bed's uncomfortable, my back hurts, I'm thirsty, will you make tea? where are you going? will you make tea" I come back after smoking a cigarette "ew, you smell like a truck stop, go take a shower, do you have any lotion?" and then eventually, after hours of tolerating this "I'm bloated and on my period, will you rub my back?" and then she falls asleep and I'm thinking to myself "oh my god she's right, this bed is kinda uncomfortable, ugh, I'm too hot to sleep, but my left leg is freezing, why is it 30 degrees outside the sheets, but 100 under them? oh man, this would be more comfortable on my own. wait, why am I thinking like she talks? this is bullshit, i want out", and then I think about how much worse it would be if a crying baby was tossed into the mix.

and then I'll catch myself checking out a chick, and she turns around and has crazy makeup and smells nice, which remind me of a joke that haunts me "why do chicks wear makeup and perfume?... because they stink and they're ugly!"

and then there's the heartbreaking times when I'm really into a gal and they friendzone me, and hook up with one of my friends.

but when I don't worry about it, I'm free. Nobody can lure me to places and sucker money out of me in hopes of getting laid. I don't have to impress anybody or worry about offending anybody. I can be smelly and dirty. I can sleep in my car on top of a mountain and watch the stars. I can ride my motorcycle without a passenger. I don't have to buy drinks for other people.

God, now that I'm typing out that last paragraph, I can kinda see why I wasn't getting laid from the perspective of those I wanted to get laid by.

I'll tell you what though, it sucks to not be able to have what you want. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to just get laid willy nilly at every opportunity, it's kinda become a game where I just see if I can, fuck! I didn't think I was so deceptive before, but I guess I was just fooling myself. I feel so low. and to top that off, I've blown my own cover, which makes sense why there's a target for catching crap on me, it seems that overanalyzing paints an even bigger target on myself, so that it presents opportunities for more people to be critical of my actions and words.

^ That ^ right there is the biggest reason why I don't have sex.
Oct 6, 2014
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Hey, Charlie,
I can identify -somewhat- with what you're saying about being... an unauthentic personality. Sure, it sucks not getting what we want, but -I think- truth is it was never there to be had in the first place.
I dabble in astrology a little bit, and ling story short I have a very "mutable" personality, which basically means I don't have as much of a stable ego personality, and this can lead to me adopting a facade as a means to a supposed end, rather than being my authentic self, which usually just needs to wait, look, listen, and not decide that it "wants" something before anything is actually there, or has been developed.


granola punk
Aug 3, 2016
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Olean, NY
I would love to have a lot more sex than I do, but I don't because I can't get down with most people I meet. Almost all straight men view me as a "weird female" and while they might not say anything about it, don't really get what I mean when I say I'm genderqueer. Girls that are interested are usually looking at me as a female, too. Not even on the radar for gay men. Knowing that people don't perceive or understand what it means to be with a queer person turns me off really fast. On top of that most people tend to be pretty vanilla, and I'm not.

The other part of it is my anxiety- I'm unlikely to initiate anything, so a lot of it depends on others initiating.

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