White Privilege

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
generally the point of this discussion is that you shouldn't be treated differently because there's more or less people like you in the immediate area, no matter what color you are.
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Rob Nothing

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Aug 26, 2012
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171 Market St, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
yeah, things are complicated. I don't expect latinos I work with to look at me with the same affability they look to in their fellow latinos. I don't expect blacks to quit hating me just because they have more money than I do. the reality of it is that people are opportunists and we'll say whatever it takes to get ahead in life. whatever puts you ahead, my brown black and yellow comrades, whatever puts you ahead sisters, whatever puts you ahead. that's just the nature of the beast and I hold no grudge.
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Mar 2, 2015
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What must be taken into account is not the "American Dream'' of ambition and work; but peoples' motivations for wanting material success. We must keep the ambitious and greedy from being labeled ''successful''. Successful at what?...Achievement is relative. Hitler and Stalin were poor white boys from rustic backgrounds.
On a similar vein, a POC who lives in his own ethnic enclave all his life and achieves nothing of any value to the Establishment: Is he worthless? Or how does one quantify his relative worth level?

Allow me to elucidate this. By what standards do we measure privilege and success?

Is George W. Bush worth more than a homeless, schizophrenic, HIV infected, alcoholic person of color in the Mission District? GW has a Yale and Harvard education, is rich, was a president, and comes from a long line of Patricians. But the homeless man has never murdered anyone, while GW caused the deaths of countless people, for his own glory.

Privilege is merely an aesthetic preference. Wealth, looks, and power are the quantifiers.

But if I don't esteem your celebrity status, possessions, power, titles, looks, academic and familial pedigrees, then how much privilege do you really have?

I have been reading the whole thread (yeah, crazy, I know) and I have to say that among a few replies, this is the one that gets closer to what I think and the reason why im interested in the subject. Funny enough, people think that its off topic, when it couldnt be more in topic.

To start with, I'll do something I usually dont do. Take the race card. Im a mix of so many things that nobody can tell where the fuck I come from, born and raised in South America (that makes me a latino or a sudaka for those who try to hurt my feelings). People think im from Egypt, Morocco or whatever else northeast african country when im in south-west Europe. People think im turkish or greek when im in Germany or France, in Scandinavia they tried and failed to guess my nationality every time... so I guess I count as a minority. I even took the "check your privilege" test (just for fun) and I got one the lowest score available....

but still...
I dont feel unprivileged AT ALL. Sometimes "my race" works wonders for me, some times it doesnt, sometimes people react "positively" to it and that is mostly annoying, some times people react negatively and that doesnt really affect me. So all in all, depends where I am and what kind of people I meet, but would never say that not being white generally sucks, because that is bullshit.
I wouldnt exchange my looks / race / upbringing / whatever for a so called privileged person AT ALL. Mainly, because I dont want what they have based on that. Actually, I feel VERY sorry for the so called middle-class-white-cis-gender-body-abled-etc-etc-etc-privileged-people. The reason is somewhat connected to what voodochile said above. Who defines success? isnt it weird that in the alternative scenes where we pretty much agree on disliking the western approach to success we are talking so much about how bad is it for non-whites to have no access to white-western successful lifestyle?

To make it a bit more clear, lets take the other side of the coin. I travel a lot, I can be pretty much everywhere and my looks and life choices have a lot to do with it(not having fancy shit with me, for example). I have access to pretty much the whole world and wont be treated in a negative manner based on my looks. But I have traveled with caucasians, and that changed the game a lot! even within Europe! suddenly we where tourists and the money-less lifestyle became a problem because nobody would believe that my Norwegian companion had in fact less money and chances than the Latino. And that was just EUROPE,I cant even imagine what would it be like for that same person traveling on the low trough South America, oh wait! I CAN, it would be treated as a wallet full of cash the whole way with all that brings in (being robbed and treated as a rich tourist in most places).

So how does that fall within the idea that being white makes your life easy? well, if we narrow down the definition of success / good life to a set of fucked up standards, then it might fit, but if you don't like those standards, then you see that white people are trapped within their own fucked up society and that is SAD.

To answer to OP:

you probably will be able to go shopping at the grocery store and not be followed
(that's true, but it doesnt really bother me, I recognize its racism / sexism most of the time, but depending where I am that varies alot, which makes the privilege thing not a valid point except on rich neighborhoods and their shops)

you can turn on the tv or open a newspaper and see people of your race widely represented
(that's a bit outdated, it is true also depending on the demographics of the place you live in, so I would say that's a very euro/us centrist point of view)

you can be sure that what your children will be given info in school which will testify to an existence of their race
(same as above, it changes depending where you are, which school you go to, etc)

you can count on your skin color not making people preconceive whether your check or card will go through
(while that can happen, i think its a very loose point to make an argument.)

you can speak in a public place without putting your race on trial
(true to some extent. Now available for white males as well, the more people getting into identity politics, the more your speech is invalid for having a Caucasian penis)

you can do well in a situation without being considered an accredit to your race
(that is true only when a racist is judging your actions)

if a cop pulls you over you can be sure its not because of your race
(that is absolutely true, but I think we all agree on the racist base of the police force in most places)

you can choose blemish color or bandages that will somewhat match your skin
(that is absurd, I have dark skin and that was never a problem, either because there is such a thing as darker bandages and stuff or because I dont give a fuck about the whole thing. Very loose point)

you can go to any barber and they will know how to cut your hair
(that only if you are black and have an afro style hair, might be a problem, but im pretty sure there are plenty of people capable of handing that type of hair, another loose point to make an argument here)

you hang around in groups of 5 or more without looking suspicious
(that being true depending if the spectator is a racist)

Now, just to make it clear, I understand that somehow the concept of "privilege" has its truth, but I believe that the whole argument (as it has come to me so far) is never taken from a neutral perspective. One of the basic attitudes of humans is to easily victimize themselves, and that is why in my opinion the whole privilege argument is so difficult to take, as non-whites will over victimize themselves and make absurd claims to whites who will victimize themselves and make absurd claims in opposition. Now, both are right and wrong at the same time.

I dont deny or accept the concept, I am in a constant critical thinking analysis of my own experiences and the ones that I meet to see how much truth there is, and to be honest, the whole thing falls apart at times as much as it makes sense some other times. Which leads me to think that (as usual in this world) there are no absolutes. And as long as people bring this as an absolute (like when people get angry because people deny it based on their own experience, or when people do not fully agree, etc)

Now, what I DO accept fully, is the existence of both RACISM and SEXISM, which are far more important and readily available as experiences for everybody to clearly see and act against. I dislike the privilege discussion because it usually distracts people from the real thing (sexism and racism).

Just to make it clear, look at the points by OP (which by the way, as loosely designed as they are, happen to be the core points of the white privilege discussion at least in US and Europe). They are mostly all points that if under the title of "Cases of racism / sexism" would be undeniable. But when you try and put them under an absolutist title of "unless you are white this is what happens to you" then you have 5 years of disagreement on a forum.

Why cant all the people discussing this shift their attention to the obvious fact that nothing can be simplified that much?


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Jun 17, 2015
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Holyoke, MA

When Colorado’s first
medical marijuana dispensaries opened in 2009, Unique Henderson was psyched. He’d been smoking weed since he was 15, and he’d even learned how to grow, from his ex-girlfriend’s father. He spent $750 on classes about how to run a cannabis business, and then he and a friend both applied to work at a Denver pot shop.

Then only his friend was hired. Henderson was more than qualified, so why didn’t he get the gig? His friend asked the managers and came back with infuriating news: Henderson was not allowed to work in the legal cannabis industry because he had been caught twice with a joint’s worth of pot as a teenager back in Oklahoma, and as a result he has two drug possession felonies on his record.

For most jobs, experience will help you get ahead. In the marijuana industry, it’s not that simple. Yes, investors and state governments are eager to hire and license people with expertise in how to cultivate, cure, trim, and process cannabis. But it can’t be someone who got caught. Which for the most part means it can’t be someone who is black.

Even though research shows people of all races are about equally likely to have broken the law by growing, smoking, or selling marijuana, black people are much more likely to have been arrested for it. Black people are much more likely to have ended up with a criminal record because of it. And every state that has legalized medical or recreational marijuana bans people with drug felonies from working at, owning, investing in, or sitting on the board of a cannabis business. After having borne the brunt of the “war on drugs,” black Americans are now largely missing out on the economic opportunities created by legalization.

For most jobs, experience will help you get ahead. In the marijuana industry, it’s not that simple.
“It really does piss me off,” Henderson said. His friend still works at that dispensary, and makes a lot more money than Henderson does. “And to see a lot of people come to Colorado to work in weed, that pisses me off even more. They’re coming here, living comfortable, and it’s like, I could be doing the same thing, but I can’t, because of my past with marijuana.”

Nobody keeps official statistics on race and cannabis business ownership. But based on more than 150 interviews with dispensary owners, industry insiders, and salespeople who interact with a lot of pot shops, it appears that fewer than three dozen of the 3,200 to 3,600 storefront marijuana dispensaries in the United States are owned by black people — about 1%.

At this rare and decisive moment in American history, state governments are literally handing control of a multibillion-dollar industry to a chosen few, creating wealth overnight. The pot trade has long been open to anyone with some seeds and some hustle, so there are more than enough cannabis experts out there to form a truly diverse industry — if only the laws weren’t systematically preventing thousands of qualified black people from participating.

Even without a criminal record, black people looking to get involved in legal weed face major obstacles. Sarah Cross, the chief operating officer of Green Rush Consulting, estimated that it takes at least a quarter of a million dollars to start a legal marijuana business. After centuries of systemic discrimination in housing, employment, and education, black Americans are far less likely to have or be able to raise that kind of money. Small business loans are out of the question, because banks are insured by federal agencies, and the federal government still considers cannabis illegal.

Henderson was caught as a teenager with less than an eighth. Now, he is barred from participating in the marijuana industry. Jessica Sample for BuzzFeed News

Legalizing marijuana sounds revolutionary, but with every day that passes, the same class of rich white men that control all other industries are tightening their grip on this one, snatching up licenses and real estate and preparing for a windfall. First-mover advantage, they call it. That means that anyone who doesn’t make the risky leap to violate federal law and get involved now will miss out, forever. In a few years, when the land grab is over, the cannabis industry may become just another example in America’s never-ending cycle of racially motivated economic injustices.

[More at link]


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Jun 1, 2016
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los angeles
im not exactly sure where this thread went theres so many messages! but im just going to share my thought on this. i believe white privilege to be very real. its extremely obvious... many people are characterized as being thieves, crooks, illegals etc for their race. if youre white youll never have someone be suspicious of your race (well at least not to the degree POC have to deal with it). whites being the majority (im speaking on the usa here) cannot experience racism. racism is systematic... whites in america have never known what its like to be treated horribly for their race by a VERY large percent of the population. now being white obviously doesnt make you immune to being unfortunate of course. but if youre in a bad position people are much more likely to help you out. white is seen as the norm and POC are sometimes outright expected to be as "white" as possible. its harder to get a job with a "non white" name or if your hair is different etc. its still hard for some people to be themselves and embrace their culture. if youre black youre a crook if youre mexican youre illegal if youre from the middle east youre a terrorist etc. im going to read more of the comments because i have not read them all yet. this is my opinion youre welcome to disagree with me


Dec 29, 2014
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With the way people of color are generally treated these days, especially in the U.S. and especially by bastard law enforcement, I would be (even more) terrified to travel if I were non-white. I damn sure have white privilege and I am presently very concerned for my loved ones who do not have it...


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2016
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This is a interesting topic as it leads to other topics that need to be discussed in order for real change to take effect. The idea that white people are part of a special click who are above the law is a far fetched fantasy dreamed up by modern day Marxist.

White people have less behavior problems and run ins with the law because they are raised in a cultural that values things such as honesty , hard work and ingenuity. To be frank the reason why non whites are involved in more crimes and are always suspect is the fact they do commit more crimes. This is especially true when it comes to blacks and Hispanics.

The issue here is we have mass denial of the violence and crime that is coming out of these groups. Anytime we try to have an honest discussion about the high crime rates among these communities we are shouted down and called names such as racist or bigot. Nothing is going to change until people admit there is a problem with crime and violence among certain ethnic groups.

If the trend of denial continues things will only become progressively worse. Which is exactly what the Marxist want. The Marxist need a poor , uneducated and out classed community so they always have a talking point to why society is failing and a means to sell us farther down the road of global communism. Socialism has purposely kept non whites on a welfare plantation in order to have a support base and a low level street army.

On a side note you are far safer as a non white living in white community the a white living in any non white community. If you don't believe me then be as so brave to go live in the ghetto of Detroit or Chicago as a white person. You won't last a day.


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Aug 10, 2014
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This is a interesting topic as it leads to other topics that need to be discussed in order for real change to take effect. The idea that white people are part of a special click who are above the law is a far fetched fantasy dreamed up by modern day Marxist.

I wouldn't say fantasy- more of a reality. Brock Turner? Tell me how this kid got released from jail with a sexual assault charge three months early when his sentence was only six months (for RAPE)??

well California laws for over crowding are this & that and umm.... BULLSHIT

put a colored person in his shoes & you think the outcome will mirror each other? My guess is they'd be lucky they didn't *accidentally* get shot while being arrested..

White people have less behavior problems and run ins with the law because they are raised in a cultural that values things such as honesty , hard work and ingenuity. To be frank the reason why non whites are involved in more crimes and are always suspect is the fact they do commit more crimes. This is especially true when it comes to blacks and Hispanics.

I can see some value here, although I still do not completely agree. I do not think only white people "are raised in a cultural that values things such as honesty , hard work and ingenuity"

I spent a summer helping my good friends mother & here employees (they were all illegal) cleaning student housing. The worst fucking job I have ever done.

& I can promise you that they (were Mexican) are some of the hardest working people I have EVER meet. They worked 12+ hours a day 6/7 days a week. They paid for each others meals (even my white ass) when we couldn't afford it- hell even bought me smokes because I was flat ass broke.

its not the culture of your ethnicity; its the culture you were raised in.

I believe that most white people (obviously not all) are given the chance to learn these basic moral fundamentals without continuous distractions such as racism, extreme poverty etc.

& believe it or not that comes down to the all mighty dollar.

How can a child learn positive behavior when the world only reflects negativity towards them and their peers?

when media portrays their ethnic group as being violent, drug dealers, or gang affiliated?

how many white children do you think get a warning and "don't do that again or you're in big trouble" compared to lets say black children?

again, so are they committing more crimes, or are we just better at getting off the hook?

do we have more of a "future" to look after, then anyone else?

The issue here is we have mass denial of the violence and crime that is coming out of these groups. Anytime we try to have an honest discussion about the high crime rates among these communities we are shouted down and called names such as racist or bigot. Nothing is going to change until people admit there is a problem with crime and violence among certain ethnic groups.

These problems stem from poverty- not ethnicity.

Think about the gangs of the '30s & '40s; most are predominantly white. Crime rate was thru the roof. Why? the economy tanked & people did what they had to do- to survive.

On a side note you are far safer as a non white living in white community the a white living in any non white community. If you don't believe me then be as so brave to go live in the ghetto of Detroit or Chicago as a white person. You won't last a day.

I can agree with this, although just one day is a bit of a overstatement.

When I go to Chicago with my mexican friend I am constantly being warned by strangers to watch my back.

I simply cannot place soul blame on me being white & they being colored for that- I blame me being middle class & me appearing to be an easy target.

again people do what they gotta do to survive. Now I'm not saying there isn't someone who wouldn't rob my ass for being white because skin color does matter.

but to sit here and pretend that high crime rate among these groups are higher because x,y,z reasons is absurd.

how many serial killers can you name off? & how many are colored? now how many are white? ;)

what about mass school shooting?

black & brown people sell drugs... so are we just the user? I know more white people with drug addictions then any other color.

My theory is: There is only one race... The Human Race
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Jul 29, 2016
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I wouldn't say fantasy- more of a reality. Brock Turner? Tell me how this kid got released from jail with a sexual assault charge three months early when his sentence was only six months (for RAPE)??

well California laws for over crowding are this & that and umm.... BULLSHIT

put a colored person in his shoes & you think the outcome will mirror each other? My guess is they'd be lucky they didn't *accidentally* get shot while being arrested..

You are being both hypocritical and exhibiting a double standard and your lack of knowledge of our corrupt court system.

R. Kelly , Kobe Bryant and Bill Cosby all got away with rape. What is the one thing they all have in common. They have money and are well connected. You can buy your way out of any crime.

People only continue to push the issues of corruption in the courts when it involves a white person. This shows you are exhibiting a blatant double standard and the atypical far left programmed thinking.

White guy gets 3 month for rape it's white privilege. Famous black men get no jail time for rape , we just sweep that under the rug.

Check the infowars link further below for facts on cop shootings. You are indeed far more likely to get shot by a cop if you are white even though white people have less run ins with the law.

Here is Kobe paying off his victim not to testify.


I can see some value here, although I still do not completely agree. I do not think only white people "are raised in a cultural that values things such as honesty , hard work and ingenuity"

I never said only white people. You put those words in my mouth. You set up a straw man then knocked it down.

These problems stem from poverty- not ethnicity.

The problems you speak of are cultural. Blacks especially glorify a life of crime , drugs and violence. Go to any ultra poor white towns in west Virginia. You won't find even a fraction of the crime in there that you can find or black and latino ghettos. The link between poverty crime is very small and it is blown out of proportion as another tool to make excuse for high crime rates for blacks.


Even the communist rag the washington admit the crime isn't related to poverty. However they continue to go on with a plethora of excuses all while ignoring the truth right in front of them.


You haven't shown me any evidence of this white privilege that I can't easily debunk. You are only doing what you are programmed to do and that is hate white people and more specifically white culture. The far left want to flood out and destroy white culture because it represents decency and wholesome values. Goodness is inimical to the progress of the morally bankrupt globalist agenda hence why white people need to be destroyed.

Feel free to show me more of this mythical white privilege. I'll be more than happy to provide links and information debunking that theory. For every white person that commits or gets away with a crime in the USA there are hundreds of non whites doing the same thing. You just choose to ignore the other criminals because it doesn't fit your narrative.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2014
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You are being both hypocritical and exhibiting a double standard and your lack of knowledge of our corrupt court system.

R. Kelly , Kobe Bryant and Bill Cosby all got away with rape. What is the one thing they all have in common. They have money and are well connected. You can buy your way out of any crime.

Haven't famous people been getting away with this for years? People get what the people want my friend. If we list off every famous person, regardless of race that has been arrested, don't most get off?

I'm not speaking the 1% here and maybe this kid is? either way I stand behind what I've said.

I try and stay out of most polictical debates- I simply don't care. I don't care because I do not truly think we have the power to persuade our government or our future.

People only continue to push the issues of corruption in the courts when it involves a white person. This shows you are exhibiting a blatant double standard and the atypical far left programmed thinking.

White guy gets 3 month for rape it's white privilege. Famous black men get no jail time for rape , we just sweep that under the rug.

I guess I just hear more of this garbage with a white face attached. probably because theres more white people, am I right?

I never said only white people. You put those words in my mouth. You set up a straw man then knocked it down.

either way you word it, I will not agree to this:

"White people have less behavior problems and run ins with the law because they are raised in a cultural that values things such as honesty , hard work and ingenuity. To be frank the reason why non whites are involved in more crimes"

The problems you speak of are cultural. Blacks especially glorify a life of crime , drugs and violence. Go to any ultra poor white towns in west Virginia. You won't find even a fraction of the crime in there that you can find or black and latino ghettos. The link between poverty crime is very small and it is blown out of proportion as another tool to make excuse for high crime rates for blacks.

"when media portrays their ethnic group as being violent, drug dealers, or gang affiliated?"

Media has glorified particular actions in every ethnic groups & people pick up on them. The problem may not have started with the media, but it sure amplified it. Good or bad.

& how can you compare crime rates of towns & cities, with substantially different populations? sounds like more opportunities to get in trouble to me.. or let me guess you were comparing it to an ultra poor colored town in Georgia? because most ghettos I've heard of are are in larger cities where... location, population & poverty play a major part in crime rate. not just ethnicity.

You haven't shown me any evidence of this white privilege that I can't easily debunk. You are only doing what you are programmed to do and that is hate white people and more specifically white culture. The far left want to flood out and destroy white culture because it represents decency and wholesome values. Goodness is inimical to the progress of the morally bankrupt globalist agenda hence why white people need to be destroyed.

Solid evidence was me walking into a small town diner in Wisconsin with my Columbia friends family- of five, and we stopped the whole damn place... not a sound... & all I hear is (who's the spicks) ...

Im not programmed to hate whites, I just got friends who aren't white.

& who aren't famous, or wealthy

& they fall right into this.

Feel free to show me more of this mythical white privilege. I'll be more than happy to provide links and information debunking that theory. For every white person that commits or gets away with a crime in the USA there are hundreds of non whites doing the same thing. You just choose to ignore the other criminals because it doesn't fit your narrative.
The media definitely loves the added spin off- of another person of colored shot by the police. But what major hurdles has us whites had to endure within the last hundred year in the USA?

getting to outer space?

stealing someone else's oil?


being accused of being racist?

what major hurdles have people of color endured in the USA within the last hundred years?

equal rights as human beings

white problems..

the list could go on..
This shit could go on and on.

and yes, there is always exceptions to the rules.

fer real. I tap out & you know you're right.

and I think debates on the internet are pointless. I need the face - to face combat to fully vocalize my opinion without over analyzing & missing my point. so yes, this argument was pointless.

& maybe I believe now that its white peoples turn to be portrayed as the the bad 'guy' & we'll cry wolf- because we didn't do nothing wrong personally

so I leave you this:

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Jul 11, 2016
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Wow, quite the thread. I think it's a case of all else being equal being white is an advantage where I live (USA).

However, all else is rarely equal. Say someone is:

Born into a family of wealth and owns property (capitalism)
Is free from disease and illness
Has access to socially valued education
Had an involved upbringing with socially normative parents
Psychologically closer to socially desired norms (free from mental illness)
Physiologically closer to social norms (able bodied and physically attractive)
Is behaviorally willing to conform to social norms (gender and age appropriate)
Is willing to share cultural values (capitalism, etc)

If that is a person of color, they would likely be treated better than someone:

Born into a family with no money or property
Is diseased or ill
Doesn't have access to socially valued education
Did not have an involved upbringing with abusive, absentee, or deviant parents
Is psychologically deviant from desired norms (mental illness)
Physiologically deviates from social desirability (disability or not conventionally attractive)
Is unwilling to conform to social norms (gender and age appropriate)
Is unwilling to share cultural values (capitalism, etc)

I think the latter would be likely receive inferior treatment regardless of the color of their skin. But again if the latter was also not white, all else being equal, the treatment would likely be worse statistically speaking.

Now the question for me is more what to do about it. Color itself seems so arbitrary, what the color represents to people is where the meaning is. I don't really know how to address the issue without addressing class. I do know a lot of attitudes in my country have been formed on how well a person of color benefits white capitalists. Asians are seen as a model minority. Blacks were accused of laziness even as chattel slaves. Discussion of welfare queens was common.

I think getting rid of capitalism with public/personal property would take a really large bite out the issues on that list, but race is the most unpredictable. Wealth is less important if people don't have to buy private property to 'live free on it.' If everyone could build their own shelter, the need to be obedient for wage slavery would decrease. This makes people who have disabilities, mental illness, deviant behaviors, and unique values systems less inefficient in society and more equal. It makes child rearing and the educational resources to required to prepare for navigating capitalism less relevant by making familial and educational differences more equal as well.

So the question I ponder, is if the current exploitation were to end, would this have a leveling effect and result in better treatment of people of color? If people of color were more equal in every other way: wealth, health, access to resources, etc, would the increase of this status in itself bolster how they are treated? If not, what other solutions are there?

Can the issue really even be addressed without addressing the class context? Can we escape model minorities and stereotypes when so much lies within a framework of an exploitative system that defines nearly everyone?
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Deleted member 14481

Leave it to a white men to say they don't have privilege. That's seriously 90% of this thread. But, the second you don't get something because you're a poor traveler you want to shout "FUCK CLASSISM". You're all shitheaded hypocrites.

I'm an under-employed, under-educated, black, trans, bi, non-Christian, female person from the southeast and I've had the wonderful opportunity of experiencing the same racism all over the lovely US of A. Privilege does exist. You think you don't have privilege because you get treated like shit for being poor, but when you put down the bottle and pipe and clean yourself up no one looks twice when you walk into any place. Yes, there are other reasons to be discriminated against, but you're not being discriminated against for being a fucking WHITE MAN. There's no place you aren't allowed to be regardless of any situation - battered women's shelters, LGBTQ safe spaces, any and all conversations about race though you NEVER know what you're talking about, and more of a long list of places where no one needs or wants white men present.

Don't give me that "white people get shoot and harassed by the police, too" bullshit. For every white man that gets away with rape you get a privilege ticket, where a black man gets a life sentence for stealing a pair of shoes. A few years ago there was a WHITE FEMALE judge putting WHITE MEN that were accused of sexual assault into battled women's shelters as their community service. When Catholic Priests are discovered to be sexually assaulting children they are removed from position. They are put in poor neighborhoods with PEOPLE OF COLOR so they can molest colored kids.

There's the "I'm ____ so I didn't get white privilege growing up." Well, you're getting it now. Italians, Irish, and many those other groups have a level of prigilieve, and if you look like the "white" the powers that be want you to look like you have white privilege. ESPECIALLY you Irish and Scottish people. "But, they make jokes and comments about me." Did those jokes affect your housing opportunities, hireability, or overall level of well-being? Did they still say things to you that you know they wouldn't have said with "other company" persent? That's still privilege. The worst I've heard you get is comments about how white you are, and drinking problems, but that didn't stop you from getting that job or loan, did it? Did it stop you from getting that ride while you were hitching to your next stop? "But, there are people that won't help me because I'm white/ a man." Yeah, there are people that know you have privileges already, and don't want to give you any more. They would rather help under-privileged people. And, it's not the same the other way around. For other person that's not willing to help you for being a white men there's 100s if not 1000s of people that will, with no questions asked. The same can't be said for people of color on the scale of racism that we have in this country.

Most of the cops KILLING BLACK PEOPLE are white. Most of the people killing people on international levels are American white men. These same companies that are spreading poverty, ruining the environment, and funding wars ARE WHITE MEN. When you deny privilege YOU'RE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.

The way white people and white allies have written and rewritten history and left out important details for the white man's favor, from American Presidency to the Stonewall Riot. You control our school system, our government, the world economy, and you even put yourself in control of other people's bodies! This system was built FOR white men BY white men from the blood, sweat, tears and corpses of black, brown, red, and yellow people all over the world!

You white boys make me fucking sick and so do your brainwashed bimbos. I'm going to put my lifetime into making sure your emperor falls. I may not live to see it happen, but I'm going to work towards to so it can keep going strong into future generations! I don't expect anything to come from any of you human meatbag trash heaps on this site, or in this whole generation, but the hope brings hope!
Jun 13, 2016
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Oeiras, Portugal
Who is "our" emperor? If you mean the ruling class I'm all for it :D

class > race

But I agree, there's no worst specimen than the white liberal.

At least fascists are honest with how bad they are, liberals pretend to be on your side but when it matters they side with the status quo.
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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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I hitchhike and sometimes have to deal with the police so far they have always treated me with respect but I wonder what if I were black would I have to worry about being beaten or worse shot. Now there's something to think about.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Leave it to a white men to say they don't have privilege. That's seriously 90% of this thread. But, the second you don't get something because you're a poor traveler you want to shout "FUCK CLASSISM". You're all shitheaded hypocrites.

I'm an under-employed, under-educated, black, trans, bi, non-Christian, female person from the southeast and I've had the wonderful opportunity of experiencing the same racism all over the lovely US of A. Privilege does exist. You think you don't have privilege because you get treated like shit for being poor, but when you put down the bottle and pipe and clean yourself up no one looks twice when you walk into any place. Yes, there are other reasons to be discriminated against, but you're not being discriminated against for being a fucking WHITE MAN. There's no place you aren't allowed to be regardless of any situation - battered women's shelters, LGBTQ safe spaces, any and all conversations about race though you NEVER know what you're talking about, and more of a long list of places where no one needs or wants white men present.

Don't give me that "white people get shoot and harassed by the police, too" bullshit. For every white man that gets away with rape you get a privilege ticket, where a black man gets a life sentence for stealing a pair of shoes. A few years ago there was a WHITE FEMALE judge putting WHITE MEN that were accused of sexual assault into battled women's shelters as their community service. When Catholic Priests are discovered to be sexually assaulting children they are removed from position. They are put in poor neighborhoods with PEOPLE OF COLOR so they can molest colored kids.

There's the "I'm ____ so I didn't get white privilege growing up." Well, you're getting it now. Italians, Irish, and many those other groups have a level of prigilieve, and if you look like the "white" the powers that be want you to look like you have white privilege. ESPECIALLY you Irish and Scottish people. "But, they make jokes and comments about me." Did those jokes affect your housing opportunities, hireability, or overall level of well-being? Did they still say things to you that you know they wouldn't have said with "other company" persent? That's still privilege. The worst I've heard you get is comments about how white you are, and drinking problems, but that didn't stop you from getting that job or loan, did it? Did it stop you from getting that ride while you were hitching to your next stop? "But, there are people that won't help me because I'm white/ a man." Yeah, there are people that know you have privileges already, and don't want to give you any more. They would rather help under-privileged people. And, it's not the same the other way around. For other person that's not willing to help you for being a white men there's 100s if not 1000s of people that will, with no questions asked. The same can't be said for people of color on the scale of racism that we have in this country.

Most of the cops KILLING BLACK PEOPLE are white. Most of the people killing people on international levels are American white men. These same companies that are spreading poverty, ruining the environment, and funding wars ARE WHITE MEN. When you deny privilege YOU'RE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.

The way white people and white allies have written and rewritten history and left out important details for the white man's favor, from American Presidency to the Stonewall Riot. You control our school system, our government, the world economy, and you even put yourself in control of other people's bodies! This system was built FOR white men BY white men from the blood, sweat, tears and corpses of black, brown, red, and yellow people all over the world!

You white boys make me fucking sick and so do your brainwashed bimbos. I'm going to put my lifetime into making sure your emperor falls. I may not live to see it happen, but I'm going to work towards to so it can keep going strong into future generations! I don't expect anything to come from any of you human meatbag trash heaps on this site, or in this whole generation, but the hope brings hope!

you are correct that 90% of this thread is people denying white privilege. and yes, that's fucked, and fucking stupid, because it's like denying the sun is in the sky. its a huge festering sore on the traveler community and i'm embarrassed that it even exists.

while i can't 100% know your anger (i'm a white cis male), i can empathize with it. and when you're so angry i understand that it's really easy to categorize everyone with blanket statements, but i would like to remind you that blanket statements often offend people that are trying to be your ally.
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Still waiting for male privilege thread. White privelege exists in most aspects that matter and in countless ways most people take for granted or don't even recognize. There is so much denial and pushback over this topic and I think much of it is for good reason. White men understand the hateful bitter attitude many people have towards them and can often be pushed to the extremes of fully opposing these social justice movements or becoming a self hating black apologist.

Statistically there just aren't the facts to support some kind of full scale black genocide as some are suggesting here. Look for yourself:

Twice as many whites are killed by cops. Yet based on ratios of black/white nonviolent and violent crimes one would predict 26% more blacks shot by cops. Obviously these statistics will vary depending on local demographics, but I still do not see this argument of widespread indiscriminately shooting or beating blacks. The facts do not support it. The argument of laws and enforcement tactics and poverty and the legal system churning out criminals is there but that isn't a debate most simple minded people want to take up.

I've had 2 teenage kids pull a gun and rob me. When I told people about several separate folks about this they didn't seem bothered or surprised at all. I've had a group of guys circle me and grab for my pockets right around the corner up the hill from the shelter in Austin. Had a guy try to carjack me for some pills they thought I had when I was disabled. All were black men and in more than one instance I was told directly I was being targeted because I was white or in wrong area. This kind of crime doesn't widely happen in white neighborhoods or in most suburbs, fact. And that is one reason poor black communities are targeted.

Sure people can argue these crimes are a result of poverty or an unjust criminal system but as I said people rarely seem to want that discussion. Oh no! cause it doesn't make them feel good and it's not stupid easy like hating white people, and lamenting "white cis male privelege", and assuming cops are out there hunting down black people. It's so juvenile.

This topic requires intelligent discussion but many people are too dense, ignorant, misguided, or caught up in their own anger to look at facts and make rational conclusions. And that's another reason people want to dial this BLM dialogue back down, ignore or deny things. Because the irrational anger it causes in many instances is likely to only make race relations worse. Anger and action and discussion is only useful when it is purposefully and rightly directed otherwise it's just a self righteous, ignorant tantrum.

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