Yeaaaaaaaa !
I'm up for coming if it's at the Bulb, but not in GGPark.
Can we make a decision if this is going to happen or not and if YES when ??
I live not far from SF, have the time & energy and I'm up for helping organize.
Maybe organize around anything cool happening at the same time ?
Plus it's not the far from Gillman street for punk shows etc .
And there is ALWAYS a ton of free food at Peoples Park in Berzerkley.
If people need to spange. busk whatever so desperatley,
The Bulb is off San Pablo Ave and not too far from telegraph.
The Haight sucks and we will get hassled by cops.
At least at the Bulb we can set up camp, cook and be not that far
from drinking water, food, etc. And NOT get hassled by cops.
People live/squat at the Bulb all year round.
I'm just thinking logistics here !
And we could always send peeps out to dumpster dive/water runs etc.
ie: share the cost of bus tickets.
So anyone up for this ??
If peeps want to do it in GGPark go ahead.
But I'd rather do it at the Bulb.
Anyone interested email me DIRECT (Not at my STP account, I rarely check it )