So hey, I'm the "foreign green" as sirius put it. I met him two years ago in nor-cal whilst travelling round the states for 3 months. Myself, my best friend and him went to black bear together and he presented himself as a super nice, wholesome traveller who wanted all the same things as me and I (like a mug) fell for it. I also fell in love with black bear and we agreed that I would go home because my visa was up and I'd come back in a couple months. Before I left he begged for a dog so he wouldn't be lonely, I paid $60 for him to have Mika. Not long after I left he was kicked out of the ranch for being a waste of fucking space. He then started travelling with the OP and would ghost me for months at a time. I knew something weird was going on but every time we spoke there were excuses and " I love you"s. He even sent me pictures of the OPs black eyes claiming that she was in love with him and they were having drunk fights. When I told him the whole situation was too fucked up he said they went their separate ways. I arrived back in America soon after to find out he was with the OP the day before and that he had left Mika with her. For the first month I was back went hitched pointlessly with no goal and I paid for motels every night (costing me about $2000) because he needed to be somewhere safe, so he could quit drinking which he never did. He spent the rest of my money on booze and if he didn't get his way he'd claim he could see demons or that he was suicidal. Thankfully I managed to get in touch with a close friend from black bear and she met up with us so I didn't have to deal with it alone. However I found out that he was still talking to the OP and when I confronted him about it he said that she had raped him and that she was the one who made him start drinking so much, so that she could abuse him. He told me he loved me and wanted to come to England with me, so he got his grandparents (who are rich as fuck) to buy him tickets claiming he was turning his life around and was going to make them proud. So we came to the UK where he continued to drink and became ever more abusive, stealing from my friends and family and treating my van like shit (who the fuck leaves 6 different bottles of piss lying around?!) He got himself another dog (Rupert) in england, that he couldn't take care of because he'd rather drink every penny he made. So the dog got ill and suddenly he was cool with it being my dog, unless we had an argument, then he'd try to run off with it so I'd come after him. Eventually my parents stepped in and bought him a ticket back to the US and he agreed to go. He got drunk on the way to the airport, tried to run off with the dog again, tired to fight my dad and got put on the floor. When the police turned up he wanted them to take the dog to the pound, so if he couldn't have it, I couldn't either. The police ended up escorting me, the dog and my dad away and that's the last I saw of him.
This dude is fucked up, he will say anything to get his way. He will try to conn everyone around him, steal from you and yours and turn nasty if he gets caught out. Female bodied folks should avoid him like the plague and NOBODY should ever give or sell him a dog.
I'm so glad the OP and Mika are safe and well, me and Rupert are doing so much better without him in our lives too.