My parents were less than supportive when I brought my trainhopping boyfriend home and told them that (after a month of knowing each other) we were moving to Portland and were going to start trainhopping. This is, of course, after getting arrested for some illicit activities including illegal substances and money changing hands. Win some, lose some. It's a great fucking story and I wouldn't change a thing.
Anyway, they never expected anything like that from me, and, being an upper middle class white chick with overly controlling parents, a free ride to college, a taste for freedom and a love of privacy, things didn't go as planned. My ex-boyfriend is now heartbroken because the fear my parents had for our future was incredibly contagious, and the relationship I had was long distance. It's too bad, too, because it would have been so romantic.
Sometimes I wish they will lighten the fuck up and be chill about the ridiculous things that I do. Sometimes I feel as though I am ridiculous and they are right. Most of the time I just try to keep my mouth shut and remember that their ideals, history, and lives are so completely different than mine that we exist on separate wavelengths. They'll never understand the appeal of this lifestyle, the wonderousness of drugs used in moderation, or the amazing life stories I've had so young. The only thing that really fucking pisses me off is when my mother makes some agist comment about how she's had more life experience and I'll understand one day. Married to her highschool sweetheart and three kids before 30. Been to Europe on holiday and through a hurricane. Some life experience. Now she talks to me about traffic patterns for at least 20 minutes every day, or says "Allie, know what would be a great idea?..." and then continues to tell me about some entrepernurial opportunity she has cooking in her scatterbrain that will never happen. It's sad when you think of your own parents as pathetic, but that's what has happened.