hahaha, I'll ban you if you PM me nude pics, promise But I really don't want you to be banned cause you are funny as hell right now. Great thread. I'll also delete any other BS threads you post if Matt don't get to them first. Is your boyfriend on here cause if he is I'd rather ban him and keep you online and I think everyone else will be ok with that solution too. If you haven't noticed yet BS shit talking is one of the most popular activities on STP and a great source of entertainment. I'm a little insulted you didn't ask me to delete your account but if your gonna provide such great entertainment then it seems like everyone wants you to stay. If you want you can send me some naked pics of your boyfriend too and I'll post them on some gay websites or even photoshop some animals into the pics and post them on some beastiality websites too. Thanks I really needed a good laugh like this.