My First Skoolie :)


Deleted member 20

Im know that in some places it isn't legal to keep buses used as motorhomes painted "national school bus chrome" i.e. yellow. Unsure what leftcoast is gonna do, just throwing my 2 cents in.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Im know that in some places it isn't legal to keep buses used as motorhomes painted "national school bus chrome" i.e. yellow. Unsure what leftcoast is gonna do, just throwing my 2 cents in.

as a former bus owner myself, i can tell you that it is not illegal to privately own a school bus in 'regulation' school bus yellow in washington state. i was registered in washington as a motorhome just like leftcoast's bus.

the only issue i ever had driving it around the country was one time i got pulled over in oaklahoma because i forgot to turn on my headlights as i was leaving the gas station i just filled up at.

he said it was illegal to have a school bus in the original yellow in all states in the usa, but he also said that i needed a CDL to drive it and CDL insurance.

all of which was bullshit, and i (nicely) told him so. i don't think he could back up what he was saying which is why he only gave me a warning ticket and let me go on my way.

for those that are curious, you do not need a CDL (commercial driver's license) to drive a vehicle under 40 feet long, unless it has air brakes.

Deleted member 20

This is a federal regulation found here so illegal in all states. If it is enforced is has nothing to do with it.
Please use keywords school bus to find it quick.

Below with a quick search I have found NJ, Illinois, Massachusetts laws based off of this federal regulation.

Its a no brainer, Remove the words "School & bus", the traffic arm & paint it another color. I like gallons of rustoleum, or two part epoxy marine paints applied with thin rollers if you don't have an autobody sprayer. Ownership isn't the question its the operating of the bus as an RV that will most likely take the bus into various states & jurisdictions.

Deleted member 20

Seat belt laws are another way for leo to harrass you & or your passengers. Im not one of these everything by the book kinda guys but.. if you are gonna invest thousands of dollars & hundreds of hours of labor its wise to protect your investment.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i have not read the links you posted, and i'm not doubting you, but everything ive read from other school bus owners on 'skoolie' websites said it generally isn't an issue (the color of the bus) so i'm guessing it's something that isn't enforced.

now, that said, i did forget to mention that you MUST take the words 'school bus' and the name of the school off the front and sides of the bus. that is required and something you could get in trouble for.

i was able to easily remove the letters on the side with a plastic putty knife, and i just used black spray paint to get rid of the 'school bus' on the front and back:


man, i miss that beast.


There are some states that will hassle you about the color of the bus. Also, my bus has air brakes and I was told that since my bus is 38 feet long, and has air brakes, i can still legally drive it without a CDL. It's registered as a common BlueBird recreational vehicle. Mine has air brakes. No problems with the fuzz. And really even if it was a problem you really think they're gonna flip shit about brakes? Doubt it. Motor/Compression brakes are the real problems when it comes to big vehicles (from what I have seen). Only a few states won't allow you to have your bus be painted yellow (and in some states you can't have a light blue school bus unless you are a church). But real talk, worst case scenario you just go buy a few gallons of primer and paint that bad boy. I'm not worried at all.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
yeah, you could paint the whole thing for like $150 bucks. rustolem is cheap and works well if you prime it first.


Who Does Not Need a CDL?
The law exempts certain groups of drivers from the requirement to obtain a CDL
(RCW 46.25.050):
• Farmers transporting farm equipment, supplies, or products to or from a farm in a
farm vehicle are exempted, provided the vehicle is operated by a farmer or farm employee,
as long as they stay within 150 miles from the farm. (Products include Christmas trees or
wood products transported by vehicles 40,000 pounds GVW or less.)
• Firefighters/law enforcement personnel operating equipment are exempted, provided
they have completed the Emergency Vehicle Accident Prevention Program (EVAP) and
they carry a card certifying completion.
• Recreational vehicle operators are exempted when driving RVs for non-commercial
purposes. This includes two-axle rental trucks (WAC 308-100-210), and horse trailers
(RCW 46.25.050).

Deleted member 20

I guarantee that having a yellow school bus is more of a liability than its worth.

Busses painted up in graffiti, hand painted hippy stuff will most likely bring attention that's potentially negative. I believe in hiding in plain site & not arousing confrontation with the cops. A 40' bus boondocking in a parking lot is hard to miss. Some cops will specifically target hippy type busses. Once your pulled over for either the traffic arm, the word school bus or the yellow paint. Its not improbable for them to check for seatbelts, ids for all occupants. Its common once at the door for them to lie about smelling illegal substances to gain probable cause to search the whole vehicle. There are plenty of burners that get targeted & ticketed while traveling to & from Black rock city every year.
The problem is that the cops will have enough ammo to issue a ticket that may require a court date & towing. There are lots of partially converted school busses around in various stages of conversion. If you notice that most of them that were done right with plumbing, hookups, generator with ac power, solar, heaing/ac are always painted other than yellow. It gets damn expensive converting a bus as you are probably well aware of at the moment. It all depends on how well you want to protect your investment. One ticket or tow will be much more cash then a diy paint job.

I know it sounds like I am some old fogey worry wart. I just limit my risks is all. I am not trying to be preachy either. In the end its your bus, sweat equity & money invested in it. I/we don't even know if you plan to travel throughout the lower 48 with it or just use it as a residence in the PNW. Paint is cheap. getting harassed by multiple cops gets expensive.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i know you think it's all doom and gloom and all, but i owned my school bus for 2 years, drove it all over the country, and besides one warning ticket, never once had an issue. that's all i'm saying.


Same here. I travelled in a school bus that was still national yellow and never had a problem over the course of 8 months. Shit was cake. The only time we ever got hassled was when one of the doors was accidentally left open and driving down the road. It has been very common in the history of American culture to rock a skoolie. I have yet to have any trouble whatsoever with mine and I have had it for almost 2 months and have been converting it on city streets. Seattle Municipal Code is awesome for van dwelling and even better for "RV" living. You only have to move your rig once every 3 days a total of 25 feet. It really is a beautiful thing. I left my bus in the same place and it took 3 weeks for the parking enforcement to hit me with a ticket. and hell, a 44 dollar ticket is a non moving violation which doesn't even get reported to your insurance provider. It's totally cake man. I mean I hear you out about what you're getting at, but personally I'm not worried for now. I am going to paint the bus in the near future, but a wood burning stove and all hardwood everything :) Washington state is total cake, also according to WSP the whole air brake thing doesn't matter if it's for non commercial use. Commonwealth states are where things get a lil tricky, but you just pay the $20 or whatever for a trip permit and you're fine. Done it before.

Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
I gotta agree with Highwayman here. I've never owned a skoolie but know many people who lost theirs after they where pulled over and got impounded over safety issues, color, illegal lettering ect. As a matter a fact, everyone I know who bussed it for an extended period of time eventually lost their bus to the impound lot except for one girl who's bus burnt to the ground after her veggie oil system exploded. My advice, paint that shit and learn the seat belt laws of where you're traveling to. They can vary immensely state to state. Just because you or your buddy didn't get in trouble for it doesn't mean its a smart idea.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
wet blankets for everybody! :D

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Paranoid Old man club for lyfe! Actually, I'm still a few years south of 30, just really tired of having police take all my shit over stupid shit. Once the case is settled I got one hell of a rubber tramping through Nevada story for ya'll. Lets just say sometimes they really ARE out to get you... and your truck.

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