Kat/Katbastard/Elias Nathan Altman

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
glad to see every one taking sides and judging someone with out knowing the details, great thing is i still have lots of people who know me and one, dont judge me on the things that happened when i was 15, and two, know my story. penny and i are still married, but we are not getting back together, she is my friend and will always be. i am out of jail right now, i was in jail for failure to register as a sex offender, i am not saying that i have not made mistakes, but i am working on becoming a better person. the crimes of my past are in my past and now that the past has come to light, i am truly lucky for this, because i get to see who is real and who is a piece of shit. i know not every one will get to see this because the people in power here will block it, but don't believe everything you hear about me or about anyone else. everything i have done wrong is public knowledge and found easily on the net. believe the official shit not the hear say.

oh, "boo hoo, poor me". you're a child molester, and on top of that you still betrayed a shit ton of people to further your own selfish desires, including invading penny's internet accounts and posting false information about what a terrible person i supposedly am.

throughout all of this drama, you've continually played yourself as the vicitim, when in fact you have been the purpetrator from the beginning. the fact that you do not realize that you are inflicting violence in one form or another on others is one of the many reasons you are a dangerous individual, and the reason that this thread will remain here as a warning to others that are unfortunate enough to come across you.

my advice would be to go find some quiet place away from anyone you might victimize, and just die. the world will forget your name soon enough.
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Jun 3, 2011
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hey...didnt really want to get involved..but everything his X wife says is correct..eli can say what ever he wants he is lying...he plead guilty to it all in court...so why lie now...he has been arrested and prosicuted..i just had to fly to iowa and forced to testify in a federal trial against him..i have restraining orders for my whole family so he can not contact me ever again...iam sure he will do some time..last i heard he was put back in prison after the trial...he is a horrible person..and will say anything to get what he needs or wants

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
hey...didnt really want to get involved..but everything his X wife says is correct..eli can say what ever he wants he is lying...he plead guilty to it all in court...so why lie now...he has been arrested and prosicuted..i just had to fly to iowa and forced to testify in a federal trial against him..i have restraining orders for my whole family so he can not contact me ever again...iam sure he will do some time..last i heard he was put back in prison after the trial...he is a horrible person..and will say anything to get what he needs or wants

it sucks how many people this guy victimized and fucked over. hope your slice of it wasn't too bad.


Jun 3, 2011
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it sucks how many people this guy victimized and fucked over. hope your slice of it wasn't too bad.
well my slice is iam his little sister...its a long story but the charge in '96 is from him raping me and trying to rape my little sister..iam sure ill have to deal with him one way or another the rest of my life...and since i have finally become public it just gives him a reason to torment me when they do let him out...i have cut ties with half my family cause of him..moved to the mountains and stay to myself...hopefuly he wont bug me and my family no more
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
well my slice is iam his little sister...its a long story but the charge in '96 is from him raping me and trying to rape my little sister..iam sure ill have to deal with him one way or another the rest of my life...and since i have finally become public it just gives him a reason to torment me when they do let him out...i have cut ties with half my family cause of him..moved to the mountains and stay to myself...hopefuly he wont bug me and my family no more

i am extremely sorry to hear that. it sucks to have the previous rumors confirmed. it sounds somewhat hollow to say through a computer screen on the internet, but if there's any way i can help you, well, let me know? i just hope that this thread can help other people know what a shit head elias is. it sickens me that he's been able to continue on the way he has. in a truly anarchist (non mob driven) society, he would have had his ass curbed a long time ago.


Jun 3, 2011
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this happend to me 15 years ago...i really was over it and tried to give him another chance after he met penny and after encouragement from my mom...now i regret it all...i feel like a fool...i let him and that weird bitch penny in my home...i wish my mom would have told me that he had been convicted of other sex crimes after what he did to me...i have had to cut ties with my mom..she has lost her mind and for some reason thinks insest is okay...the whole situation is sickening...but what iam gonna take out of it is the relief that i never have todeal with him or my mother again...and keep turning negative into positave...after spending many years homeless and hitchin and squating all over after the abuse from my brother i started a non profit free food kitchen...and now after ten years of feeding houseless folks and helping people we found out we might finally get some funding from our county to help start our free food farm..so if ya wanna help just spread the word..were on facebook and have a website...http://hfmcrew.weebly.com and were also doina survival workshop gathering this winter to teach nomadic folks and other how to survive in extreme conditions...so stay in touch


I met Kat in the slabs and left before the fiasco in East Jesus. He was always cool to me but he completely lied to me. He said that he went to prison for driving a getaway car for some kids that were stealing copper piping out of a house. He also told me that he had all of his court/probation shit squared away.
I did see how he used several women for money and sex. If i had known the real truth i would not have associated with him .

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Thanks for the update, Dirtbaguette. Saw Eli on LATFO, his girlfriend or something set up a tumblr with how to write to him and buy him books off an Amazon wishlist. Rrrrriiiiiiiight

what girlfriend is this?


Active member
Jul 3, 2011
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Colorado & Washington
His girlfriend in Iowa named Nicole.....they met right before he went to jail.....I believe the episode Benny is referring to was in SLC & he did do the time for that one....not 100% sure though.....this recent charge was for his 2nd time failing to register as a sex offender.....
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I met Kat in the slabs and left before the fiasco in East Jesus. He was always cool to me but he completely lied to me. He said that he went to prison for driving a getaway car for some kids that were stealing copper piping out of a house. He also told me that he had all of his court/probation shit squared away.
I did see how he used several women for money and sex. If i had known the real truth i would not have associated with him .

It's cool man, he had a lot of us fooled for a good long time, myself included.


oh, "boo hoo, poor me". you're a child molester, and on top of that you still betrayed a shit ton of people to further your own selfish desires, including invading penny's internet accounts and posting false information about what a terrible person i supposedly am.

throughout all of this drama, you've continually played yourself as the vicitim, when in fact you have been the purpetrator from the beginning. the fact that you do not realize that you are inflicting violence in one form or another on others is one of the many reasons you are a dangerous individual, and the reason that this thread will remain here as a warning to others that are unfortunate enough to come across you.

my advice would be to go find some quiet place away from anyone you might victimize, and just die. the world will forget your name soon enough.


i rarely ever see matt lash out. let alone angry. my money's on this guy. whether it's keyboard, or bar fight. a humble man knows his place. a humble man has dignity.
Matt just SERVED YO ASS.


Aside from personal biased loyalty, I can make assumptions all day about the character of someone. It doesn't prove the fact that someone has a discredited word. People do make mistakes, but that does not make one innocent nor guilty. I can understand why some would make a post about people to watch out for, but publicly humiliating is from what I see, not the intention of this thread.

As a practicing self proclaimed anarchist, I never believe what the media releases, or what the media dubs as an individuals character.

One of my cell mates when I was booked in NYC for burglary was dubbed a murderer. His face was put up all over the media and they dubbed him a danger to society, and as we corresponded upon my release (after a few days), i helped him seek legal help through the ACLU. It turns out the actual assailant who killed someone was another one who fit his description. In Harlem, might i say, a lot of people fit that description. The point is the media is merely just a tool used to propagate information that fits to the media's agenda.

You could be charged with murder, or rape, or petty theft, or even identity theft for all I care.
It's not what you were charged with by a corrupt government that influences my decision to dub you as banned from the pseudo-online nomadic tribes, it is the fact that you were allegedly presumed a THIEF. You allegedly stole from a very tightly knit circle of individuals who lived and practiced out of an anarchist operation. You allegedly stole MONEY from a NOT FOR PROFIT anarchist establishment.

Now there are two things that could have happened.

You either did take from this establishment, or you did not.

In the even that I was in your shoes, I would have done everything to prove that I was not being used as a scapegoat for another's personal gain. If another person stole from a collective that I was a part of, and I was being blamed for it, wouldn't I go through every possible channel to prove my innocence?

I would sit and hold tight. I would voluntarily let folks search my pockets and run my pack. I would let allegations be proven to be wrong if I in fact was wrong.

However, I would never FLEE or let myself be dubbed a snitch for some shit I didn't commit.

I was held in US Customs for three and a half weeks in St. Albans VT for allegedly stowing away. When I didn't give names I was told I would do time. And you know what the fuck I did? I SAT IN THAT FUCKING CELL AND LET THEM GIMME MY TIME. I didn't drop names.
I didn't go to jail to make friends, or be hard or any of that wanker crap. I didn my fuckin time and I got out. I didn't cooperate with the corrupt "government", as I personally do not believe in a world with immigration borders. And I sure as hell didn't use people or myself as scapegoats. I sat there and took my shit like a man. I didn't say shit when I was threatened with not cooperating. I jeopardized my freedom to preserve the freedoms of others. Just as any anarchist would. And when I finally got out, the homie that I didn't rat out thanked me and that was the most satisfying thanking I have ever received. I would NEVER, not EVER lie in the face of what is morally right. And whoever this character is, I hope that one day you find whatever the hell it is you are looking for on a MORAL standpoint. I wouldn't dare associate with you personally based on the fact that you turned your back on everything your patchy pants and dreads represent. You come off as a fraud. A scammer. To do what is best in YOUR favor. As much as I frown upon your character fundamentals and ideals, I still wouldn't drop your name to the fuzz, but I would handle my shit on a personal level when I was released. If you fucked me off I wouldn't run to the law, because the law isn't always laid in justified parameters.

Anyone who does not merit this individual time should do just that.
Do not give him the time of day.
They do not slander him behind closed doors, they merely turn away and shun you.

I believe this thread should be closed and folks should make there own judgement based on their own political, personal, and own accord.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I agree with you LeftCoast, I think it's time to let it lie as it stands. I don't believe in mob mentality, nor is that why I created this section of the site. It's simply to make others aware of potentially dangerous people, once a significant amount of evidence has been provided to substantiate that view. Kat has been convicted of rape, and done many other bad things to a lot of people, and he has admitted to these things, so i think it's fair to point them out to people that would not know about these things otherwise.

i'm going to leave this thread open though in case there are any updates others would like to make us aware of.
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From a political/logical viewpoint, i gotta get some more stuff off my chest.

I agree with the concept of this thread.
I don't see it as a mob mentality at all.
I can understand how certain people may see this as an attack thread, when it certainly isn't. From my prospective, I see this as a means of taking a harm reduction approach at things. Which is a healthy thing. I live in a liberal state, (even though I am not a voter and do not participate in the demo-republic party rat races) and in this state we take a hard reduction approach to certain recreations that need better public awareness. For example. in Seattle, we operate a needle exchange, as a matter of fact, there are a few locations that offer no questions asked needle swapping.

In rural Iowa, they do not have this. The local pharmacist may call you in for purchasing drug paraphernalia.

One place would look at habitual intravenous drug users as a health concern, and offer to decrease disease which will take place in the public/private.

Another place might just incarcerate you for as long as possible. This doesn't solve the problem, as narcotics are available in most prisons anyhow. Also upon the potential inmates release, the will more than likely be back on the streets, coppin' dope and tossing their rigs onto the beautiful streets of Iowa.

With that being said, I completely agree with the concept of this thread and subthread.

When i suggested the thread being closed, I didn't mean it in a literal sense. Sorry for bouncing from sarcasm to serious so fast without dropping a smiley face icon or something :p

Anyhow, for those of y'all who are reading these threads that might think that it is something of a hate thread. IT IS MERELY A HARM REDUCTION INFORMATIVE THREAD.

Bullying someone, on this site is not allowed as far as I am understood. What you do in your own time is your own business.

If you got in a drunken scuffle with some wingnut on the road and he punched you in the face and took your beer... maybe you should not have been drunk with a wingnut. There are indeed sociopaths and psychopaths out there that do invade many of our subcultures and common interests. And it takes a keen eye to scope these parasites out. They are the tweakers on rickity bicycles, maybe driving some piece of shit beat to the ground toyota camry with a missing hubcap. The creeper juggalo wiggers lurking in a strip mall praying on youngsters who don't know any better.

I guess what I am trying to execute is that people need to realize this isn't a "oh i talked shit, this guy talked shit, i hate him, so i'm gonna post him on StP." Not what this site is about.

This site is merely informing those who sneek through the cracks.

This guy could roll up into a new circle of cats who are waiting to catch out in White Fish. He could come and feed them a whole bunch of bullshit and penetrate their trust barriers.

Crazies, wingnuts, sociopaths, and only people with bad intentions need to be posted on here. Which it seems they are indeed.

I guess I was a few beers to deep last night and didn't take a minute to think about the whole thread series, when in fact, I think that the reputation of any online community can be gossiped. But this clearly is exactly what it stands for.

To protect the vulnerable youth, the true-hearted, and the good doers of our nomadic and anarcho communities. those who deserve to be publicized might sneak their way into these sects and possibly cause more damage than they already have.

Look at clutter.
Perhaps if he knew what could have happened his mysterious death wouldn't have happened.
It kills me on the inside knowing he was a victim of such an attack. He's not that kind of guy. He knew his shit. Chose his limbs over a drunken train ride. Shared his last cigarettes with me whenever we were together. And you know what happened? Someone clearly exploited him.

I guess I had to really analyze the whole topic from a whole and really make an educated guess as to how I should interpret the concept of these threads.

So without further ado, burn the witch. Whoops :p

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