From a political/logical viewpoint, i gotta get some more stuff off my chest.
I agree with the concept of this thread.
I don't see it as a mob mentality at all.
I can understand how certain people may see this as an attack thread, when it certainly isn't. From my prospective, I see this as a means of taking a harm reduction approach at things. Which is a healthy thing. I live in a liberal state, (even though I am not a voter and do not participate in the demo-republic party rat races) and in this state we take a hard reduction approach to certain recreations that need better public awareness. For example. in Seattle, we operate a needle exchange, as a matter of fact, there are a few locations that offer no questions asked needle swapping.
In rural Iowa, they do not have this. The local pharmacist may call you in for purchasing drug paraphernalia.
One place would look at habitual intravenous drug users as a health concern, and offer to decrease disease which will take place in the public/private.
Another place might just incarcerate you for as long as possible. This doesn't solve the problem, as narcotics are available in most prisons anyhow. Also upon the potential inmates release, the will more than likely be back on the streets, coppin' dope and tossing their rigs onto the beautiful streets of Iowa.
With that being said, I completely agree with the concept of this thread and subthread.
When i suggested the thread being closed, I didn't mean it in a literal sense. Sorry for bouncing from sarcasm to serious so fast without dropping a smiley face icon or something
Anyhow, for those of y'all who are reading these threads that might think that it is something of a hate thread. IT IS MERELY A HARM REDUCTION INFORMATIVE THREAD.
Bullying someone, on this site is not allowed as far as I am understood. What you do in your own time is your own business.
If you got in a drunken scuffle with some wingnut on the road and he punched you in the face and took your beer... maybe you should not have been drunk with a wingnut. There are indeed sociopaths and psychopaths out there that do invade many of our subcultures and common interests. And it takes a keen eye to scope these parasites out. They are the tweakers on rickity bicycles, maybe driving some piece of shit beat to the ground toyota camry with a missing hubcap. The creeper juggalo wiggers lurking in a strip mall praying on youngsters who don't know any better.
I guess what I am trying to execute is that people need to realize this isn't a "oh i talked shit, this guy talked shit, i hate him, so i'm gonna post him on StP." Not what this site is about.
This site is merely informing those who sneek through the cracks.
This guy could roll up into a new circle of cats who are waiting to catch out in White Fish. He could come and feed them a whole bunch of bullshit and penetrate their trust barriers.
Crazies, wingnuts, sociopaths, and only people with bad intentions need to be posted on here. Which it seems they are indeed.
I guess I was a few beers to deep last night and didn't take a minute to think about the whole thread series, when in fact, I think that the reputation of any online community can be gossiped. But this clearly is exactly what it stands for.
To protect the vulnerable youth, the true-hearted, and the good doers of our nomadic and anarcho communities. those who deserve to be publicized might sneak their way into these sects and possibly cause more damage than they already have.
Look at clutter.
Perhaps if he knew what could have happened his mysterious death wouldn't have happened.
It kills me on the inside knowing he was a victim of such an attack. He's not that kind of guy. He knew his shit. Chose his limbs over a drunken train ride. Shared his last cigarettes with me whenever we were together. And you know what happened? Someone clearly exploited him.
I guess I had to really analyze the whole topic from a whole and really make an educated guess as to how I should interpret the concept of these threads.
So without further ado, burn the witch. Whoops