My thing is to constantly be aware of the weather. I check it daily because I got sick of waking up in the pouring rain. This way you will know if you need to sleep under a shelter, like an overpass or something. I recommend looking for a good tree line to sleep in. A lot of cities have camping laws and cops can be dicks. If you are going to hitch, find a place where there is a busy gas station or truck stop. I usually stand by the exit ramp with a sign that has really large print so people can read it. Make sure it is a spot where cars can pull over, or are not going too fast. Fast cars do not stop for hitchers. A lot of times you will end up puddle jumping because people can not take you that far. Make sure they at least drop you at a busy gas station or truck stop. Walking from the middle of nowhere can suck, and it is also illegal to walk on a lot of interstates. For a weapon I say use mace. It is rare that you will ever have to use a weapon, and if you do it can turn into serious felony charges real quick. Even if you where just defending yourself. I personally do not recommend having an animal while hitching. Most people do not want dogs in their cars, especially truckers. If you get to a city and find other dirty kids ask about good sleep spots or bum feeds, they will know most of the time. If you get the chance try learning to ride trains. Hitching can be fun, but I think it sucks most of the time.