i get triggered all the time..
i mean.. all i have to do is *see* the yellow fucking alien that sits on his head &..
i want to rip my fucking eyes out...
besides, if this peepee guy is just a troll, or hell.. maybe just like poking people he doesn't agree with, it's cool by me..
we rant & rag so many folks we don't agree with that shooting somebody down just because they reply to it directly is no evidence of being right..
besides, one of these days some of us may *really* trigger, & then froggy boy will need to jump as high & as far as he can.. or goddamned bury himself in the dirt..
but personally?
i don't care.. because peepee?
i don't *need* facts..
this isn't even a thread on coherent political theory, so stop needing to make people talk the way you want them to.
does creativity trigger *you*..
does it make you want to stomp on & destroy stuff?
does people disagreeing with you make you o, so so angry?
happy reading, because pissing people off that disagree with us is what we do best around here..
get fucking used to it.
&, uhmm.. welcome..
but.. at the same time, pardon me (or not.. who cares?) if i don't see your shit as being particularly interesting or worth commenting on, other than to offer a little comfort..
i mean.. is the frog meme a joke, or really a commentary on where you stand?
because if it's placed with racist intent, or even just to piss us off.. well..
i just wasted a whole lot of perfectly good electrons...