
  1. MrFeels

    The Trump presidency led to one good thing...

    It had been decades since I punched a natzi. I'm totally in those mid life crisis years, So it felt damn good to punch racist jerks again. 👊
  2. Ramblin Blues

    Losing Democracy

    Oh man... What are we going to do when Trump is acquitted by the Senate and is given free rein to stomp on the rights of Americans, take away our entitlements and promote more hate?
  3. D

    Trump using Iran war, textbook "Shock Doctrine" & "Manufacturing Consent" in action.

    The timing always seem so perfect. Just as the President is going through an impeachment while also in an election, now Iran? Our unjust endless wars are nothing more than war profiteering. It is convenient that the straight of Hormuz happens to be the worlds oil checkpoint. These conflicts have...
  4. texastraveler

    trump fucks over SNAP recepients

    Look into the new SNAP guidelines if you use it, the clown fascist is taking away states' abilities to provide exemptions from the work requirement for SNAP. it is estimated ~700,000 will lose their SNAP eligibility so that 'they can be more dignified' or some stupid shit
  5. Vae Victis

    Laredo After Trump

    I'm in Dallas. I'm wanting to get West and I'd like to see Mexico too. How can you freight hop to Laredo, now with the troops and the walls? How does anyone?
  6. DuHastMich

    Mail bombs to Dems and Soros? The cheese has slid off the cracker of society

    Not sure if correct subforum. But what the fuck is people's problem? Mailing fucking bombs to prove a point? Look, I get today's political scene is a bit contentious. People are shitty about something, and probably with good cause. Seriously though. What level of "fucked up" must one amass...
  7. creature

    plus, of course, trump is insane...

    "I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election. Based on the fact that no President has been tougher on Russia than me, they will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don’t want Trump! " Link...
  8. creature

    i love trump...

    that motherfucker is destroying *everything*!!! he is doing more damage to the system than 20,000 anarchists let loose in DC at 3:15 am.. i think i mentioned this some time in the past.. that.. as much as it sucks that the system produced the choices it did.. *he* would be the most...
  9. creature

    Turning Trump into the Christ Messiah..

    I'm crawluing into a wee bit plastered, At the moment.. watch this space.. i mAYremenbewr what thge fucki fuck i was thinking about...
  10. Coywolf

    Trump Names New Sec. of State.... (satire)

    I think he will do a great job....
  11. James Meadowlark

    If you visited a "disruptj20" website during the inaug. of Trump, the DOJ just got your info...

    Just a PSA- The DOJ is on a fishing trip looking to connect the dots on the anti Trump protests in DC during the inauguration through metadata.. "A legal storm is building after a D.C. judge ordered a web hosting company to give the government a broad swath of data about individuals...
  12. Cornelius Vango

    Video Donald Trump Emo Song

    This is technically politics-related?
  13. siid

    Photos One month in Russia

    here's some photos from my trip to Russia, mostly of abandoned stuff, mountains and rivers :) Yaroslavl (very small old city 4 hours north east of Moscow) This was something like an abandoned sports stadium This is the center of the stadium where sports used to be played, this...
  14. creature

    Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-ol Now.. it is important to note that the accusations are linked to a former 'Jerry Springer' associate, and the .. cough.. coughh.. erkk.. Guardian was apparently told “Just be warned, we’ll sue you...
  15. Hillbilly Castro

    Trump Won

    What do we do?