I Don't Get It


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
well see, im not saying hippies leave garbage on the ground. they just leave messes weather it be in my van or messes with situations. i can dig me some hippies, but i had a recent experience that "erked" me.


a must for any DIY doc

i have found a lot of hippies to be emotional parasites.

they do try to monopolize your time as well, at least in my experience.

and they try to tell you all types of stupid bullshit like it's fact and YOu're the stupid one if you explain to them how it's stupid (some hippy told me once that he cold stop guns and tank w/ a drum circle. idiot)

Rash L

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
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Southern CA
Just cause you dont sit in the hippie circles doesnt mean your safe... We still know your a hippie!!

well you're dating a hippie then -- Wanna sit around a fire and sing Kumbaya? :p

hartage said:
After the gathering about a month of cleanup.

A MONTH!? thats a hell of a long time for cleanup, those people need to stop smoking so much weed and get to work!!


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
a must for any DIY doc

All in all, there's some undesirable hippies and punks. But let's not assume all of each are the same.

the same...no. the only similarities is that there are fucking idiots in each group. other than that they are complete opposite.



StP Supporter
May 31, 2009
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Winnipeg, MB
a must for any DIY doc

the same...no. the only similarities is that there are fucking idiots in each group. other than that they are complete opposite.

I was actually trying to say that punks are not all the same (or all idiots) and that hippies are not all the same (or all idiots). I don't think the two types are complete opposite. Perhaps difference, perhaps different reasons for a lot of their ideals, but still a lot of the same ideals. Ravie, I'm really sorry that you've had a bad experience with people you deem hippies. If I ever meet you, I hope you can evaluate me for me, and not for them.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
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Hernando Beach, Flori-duh
Generally when I get asked the "are you a ________" question, I like to answer it by saying:

I am all and nothing and everything in between, I am all that I am and nothing that I am not. I am the known sum and the unsolved equation... I am me.

Usually leaves people scratching their heads, or baring that it frustrates them to the point that they don't bother asking again...

Radar Lockey

Dec 3, 2009
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Fort Collins, CO
I didn't read this whole thread, but I read a decent portion of it.

Its really interesting that this question is being posed.

Look at us, all of us, just on StP its a HUGE variety of "type castes"

I mean, you have your standard labels (heaven forbid), then you have the multitude of sub-culture (SLC Punk tried to explain this a little bit, not sure how well they did, but a great movie all the same) and then you've got the people that create their own label unique to themselves.

Everyone has a "label" so to speak, even the one's that claim no label. You can't argue it. You get mad at someone, guess what, now your an aggro fuck. (I'm not being hostile, just making an example)

I'm given shit by even other travelers (of all sorts) because I don't smoke pot, or do any sort of drug. Give me a space bag and some smokes and I'm a happy person, everyone else can kick rocks when they start getting aggro.

But, my point is that in order to answer your question, just stop fucking caring about what someone calls you. You can be labeled as "undefinitive" but really, as its already been stated. Why worry about it. Its just a word. The word doesn't define who you are it simply gives people some sort of grasp as to what they try to relate to.

They don't know. You do. Enough said.

Don't know if I help at all but, it doesn't matter what I say because its your perception that makes the difference.

614 crust

Ex-Moderator / Elitist asshole
Dec 4, 2008
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does it really matter? I get called both but wouldn't really claim either any more. you can usualy find me hanging out with both. As far as i see it i'm just me. anyone else can label me whatever they like i guess if it makes it easier to identify with me or whatever other reason they have for labeling me. i couldn't really care either way. and as far as the punk hippie thing goes whats really the difference anyway besides maybe look. this doesn't even hold true all the time. some of the realest punks i've ever met look nothing the part at all. hell if anything i think alot of us anymore are just a mixture of both plus some. so fuck it call me hippie call me punk call me whatever so long as you respect me as a person i could care less


StP Supporter
May 31, 2009
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Winnipeg, MB
Sorry, proper link if you want to take the quiz is at:

All this "fuck it, just give me respect for being me" is really the dilemma this post is about: the respect.
It's not that I care what category I'm in, just that the categories matter enough to, let's say, tell me I have to go sleep under the "hippie" bridge and not under the "punk" bridge (it's happened).

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
If someone asks you if you're a hippy it normally means they're asking if you like / have drugs. Even though I don't look very hippish (I have long hair and a beard, but the similarities stop there), I still get asked if I'm a hippy every now and then. Normally its by someone I've just met who is trying to see if I'm down with weed, shrooms, L, molly, whatever.

As far as I'm concerned the label is meaningless. I know some GDF kids who are way more hardcore than any punk or scumfuk I've ever met. At one of the worcester dead shows in april a bunch of metal heads got the shit kicked out of em' on shakedown for coming by all drunk and trying to knock over booths. Guess they where wrong about thinking that everyone who likes the dead is a pussie. As far as I'm concerned tour kids where the original traveler punks. Anyone can hop and hitch aimlessly, but it takes some skill to follow a tour via trains and hitching, skill that most punk kids and scumfuks lack.

So in short, fuck you all. You're just as likely to see me taking bong hits on a tye-dye bus as you are to see me drinking a sidewalk with some scumfuks in the bushes. Some people are cool, some people aren't. It doesn't matter what they look like.

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