How many pairs of clothes do you take with you on your travels?

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Art101: you probably know the old joke about the fact that kilt-wearers must go commando: "What's worn under the kilt? Nothing at all, lassie, it all works fine!" but just in case not.

Also a kilt-owner but i think kilts not so practical for travel except when pissing; cold balls and thighs, and having to rearrange kilt and possibly wedding tackle when sitting or shifting position. Another problem is women wanting to check under it.

As to OT, when traveling long-term, with seasonal adjustments as noted- i do not like to be cold but hate to carry extra shit bc i am old, so constantly at war with myself:
  • 3 pairs wool hiking socks, Darn Tough Vermont current favorite brand, REI second
  • 3 wool or other anti-bacterial underwear (bacteria cannot easily breed in wool so it does not smell for a long time. Much better than all modern products but i have some bamboo fibre ones that seem second best)
  • wool t shirt with many holes
  • wool long underwear top and bottom with slightly fewer holes unless summer, top only even in summer
  • wool balaclava if slightest chance of being cold
  • woolblend fingerless rubber-grip-dot gloves if cold, with old leather gloves that the lining ripped out of over them if really cold, or KInco leather ski gloves if ridiculously cold, also use these for fucking with woodstove if home
  • 2 cotton t shirts if summer
  • 1 shirt with collar and buttons, wool unless summer, cotton in summer
  • jeans or else wool thriftshop pants in winter
  • nylon zip-off leg hiking pants in summer, no extra pants other seasons
  • Heavy leather belt with heavy brass buckle to hold up pants and be used as a weapon, bought in late 70s, made by hippies, end a bit chewed by long-deceased pit-bull but good for another 50 years which is a lot longer than i am good for
  • kung fu shoes for camp (get those boots off as often as possible! avoid boot rot and stink foot! Super-important if you wear goretex boots, they need to air, but all boots do) or leather LL Bean camp moccasins in very cold or snowy/wet conditions (the dirty kids i lived with called the mocs my "loafers")
  • boots (Danner Mountain Lights, used to be Danner Blackhawks for ten years til my feet got bigger in my late 50s which is a thing (my son inherited the boots which have many years left on them), Danner boots are the best i have ever owned and can be found on discount if you shop online carefully, i paid about half of list on these as an amazon returned item, boots are returned a lot so pretty easy to find whatever you want, James Bond wore these for fucksake (not Sean Connery but the new one))
  • hooded nylon zip jacket, sort of waterproof, from EMS, always
  • silnylon poncho, doubles as shelter with stakes and line rigged over bivvy bag, weighs less than one decent slurp of water, always
  • hat appropriate to season, must keep rain off glasses, floppy wool beret preferred unless super-redneck area
  • military ECWCS fleece jacket with pit zips if cold
  • military ECWCS goretex jacket if super-rainy or winter
  • softshell jacket with pit-zips , TadGear (the most expensive piece of clothing i own besides my J.Press suit for court/formal occasions, worth the $), always
  • shitty thin down vest unless summer
Short answer: i take a change or two of cotton clothing if warm, and just one set of wool pants and shirt if cold, with three each of socks and underwear, and seasonal other stuff. If your clothing is wool, and you bathe reasonably often, there is no need for more than one shirt and one pair of pants in cold or cold-ish weather.
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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2014
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Cheyenne WY
Am planning a early summer (June)hop so not too worried about cold as much.Will be wearing a pair of gym shorts underneath the kilt lol.Also will have a few pairs of pants.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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gym shorts underneath the kilt

Totally cheating- they do uniform inspections of Highland troops with a mirror on a stick like they use these days to check the bottoms of vehicles for bombs.

Also wearing anything under it loses kilt advantages as to easily pissing/shitting in wild conditions- give your balls some air!

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Also wearing kilts and no drawers allows you to put your feet further apart when squatting to shit. Results: better shitting position and less cleaning after whether by paper, water, or an odd number of flat stones equal to or greater than 3 like a good Muslim.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
If your clothing is wool, and you bathe reasonably often, there is no need for more than one shirt and one pair of pants in cold or cold-ish weather.

Where do you get woolen clothes from? Are they not quite expensive (compared to cheap cotton t-shirts or hoodies)?

My clothes are pretty much ruined, so I think about where to get some new stuff (or used) for cheap ...


Well-known member
May 13, 2019
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new york
i have a lot of skin problems so i go a little extra with socks and underwear (~4 pairs each) but i try to be sure otherwise i dont have anything thats redundant/doesnt make sense as a layer or combined with other things. i like to be able to have different looks. also i focus a lot on the material the clothing is made of.
i always have a thick outer layer (carhartts/bibs & a hoodie, usually), a pair of shorts (either light & small denim shorts or spandex or athletic short), a pair of tights, a bra that can pass as a tank top and i can swim in, and a hat w/ a brim for blocking sun and a tshirt. isometimes also have a light sundress for the fuck of it. and then i add or change out things depending on season & climate. other acceptable combinations/additions: thermal base layers, wool sweater, wool tights, wool flannel, denim jacket and light hoodie, etc.

oh yeah and in the summer i might carry a pair of cotton socks but i only wear wool socks year round. and i get these wool and silk sock liners from rei that rule and make great summer socks. im trying to get me some wool undies but those are harder to find in stores to steal
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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
find cheap deals at used spots or rack them used or new

Yeah, flea market season has begun around here, so I will definitely look there for some stuff.

And the universities have a break now, so many students are moving out of their apartments. Dumpster diving could be lucrative ... :)

I really like getting stuff for free more than buying. Last time I bought some clothing was like four years ago. After that I used what I found or what I got donated.


Apr 7, 2013
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What a ditty bag

I would like to know that as well Jackie... though it has something to do with sailors and the keeping of small useful articles... in the classic way... and now I just want to call all my bags that... lol

And I know those long green bags we had were pickles.


well... after the above post I'm just happy... cuz I got me a nice pair of old carthart canvas with leg insulation bibs... had them from ol' stash for a couple years but now they are fitting nice and comfy!!! might be my bike broke and I'm walking around in the frost everywhere. that or the vodka... or my diet... or I got da cancer. LOL haha...

how morbid on xmas!

you have to understand to me the purpose of a joke is to make myself laugh first.... then take another drink .


any way... also got me a matching carthhart coat.

sigh... I LOVE old school Carthart.

I don't know what year these are but they still say made in the USA.

With some good layers underneath I can just burrow through a snowdrift like a sandworm of DUNE and sleep like the baby Jesus!


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Jackie 4321

Jul 30, 2020
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West Virginia
I would like to know that as well Jackie... though it has something to do with sailors and the keeping of small useful articles... in the classic way... and now I just want to call all my bags that... lol

And I know those log green bags we had were pickles.


well... after the above post I'm just happy... cuz I got me a nice pair of old carthart canvas with leg insulation bibs... had them from ol' stash for a couple years but now they are fitting nice and comfy!!! might be my bike broke and I'm walking around in the frost everywhere. that or the vodka... or my diet... or I got da cancer. LOL haha...

how morbid on xmas!

you have to understand to me the purpose of a joke is to make myself laugh first.... then take another drink .


any way... also got me a matching carthhart coat.

sigh... I LOVE old school Carthart.

I don't know what year these are but they still say made in the USA.

With some good layers underneath I can just burrow through a snowdrift like a sandworm of DUNE and sleep like the baby Jesus!


I'm so sorry you got Cancer .you write very well
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Apr 7, 2013
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I'm so sorry you got Cancer .you write very well

Oh I apologize... my tongue ran away from my mind... that diagnosis is not certain but sincerely I thank you for your concern.

It's more of eh ... eh a suspicion but I might just be acting the hypochondriac.

I wish there was a empathetic rating for posts.

The emotes do not do justice to heartfelt words that touch ones ear.

Your words and compliment are balm to sooth a long day.

My writing is sporadic and I indulge myself to play with prose.

Though ... I need to be careful to try not let my mind distract the course a thread goes.

Happy New year to and yours... if I don't post the next few weeks... I'll be in an insufferable sterile hospital room listening to my dear late Amy on the mp3 singing sweetly with a powerful contralto to remind me to say... "no no no" ...

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