
New member
Apr 15, 2024
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Feels odd to use my legal name. I go by Wyvern anyway with a lot of people, and have honestly thought about using Bandit for a nickname that no one can trace back to me, but like... no one knows wtf a Wyvern is or how to say it -- the amount of times I've copped Shane already, it may as well just be my name now. And Bandit? I'd bet all zero dollarydoos in my pocket I'd get a Bluey joke or someone thinks I'm just fucking with them.

Besides, there's something endearing about the folkish earnestness of 'Hi, I'm Shay'. Might as well be honest about something, lord knows I'm not open to telling strangers in person I'm queer or non-binary. Too many bad or uncomfortable experiences have gone by to feel safe doing that again.

Besides if I wanted to, say, advertise that I play folk punk under the name Sin in Technicolour, that's already got my name on it and I can't be bothered removing it or having better opsec. But then you already see me look all sorts of gendery ways in my YouTube videos so... so I just don't tell people my band name on the road.

Anyway, now for the same spiel I delivered in varying levels of detail and completeness to the 126 people who've given me a ride. I'm from Perth in Western Australia, hitched out in November, bummed around Canberra a lot (the accountants go hard in the pit, that's all I can say), have been up to Sydney and Brissy, all around Tassie, and now am going through rural NSW and QLD. Headed to Darwin, Broome, back to Perth to see my family, then back up to Darwin and down through Alice, Adelaide, Mt Wycheproof (still haven't seen the world's smallest mountain, what can I say), and maybe go to Melbourne again and travel round rural Vic. Then plans to go overseas. We. Shall. See.

I'm tryna get active here to look at the train hopping section, I'm hoping to get to do some between Darwin/Alice/Adelaide or maybe the east coast. I'm not sure. I'm doubtful I'll have much luck here but ya never know, I guess. I post occasionally on the Discord... I think, I'm sure I have once or twice at least.

In my travels I've done a lil busking, said hi to random queers on the street, gotten in with punks and hippies, quit smoking and drinking, started smoking and drinking again, and been called the most beautiful girl this drunk, high, roided up weirdo had ever seen, which would've been funny were I not in his house.

Joey Garbanzo

Muscle of the DiPinto Crime Family
Apr 23, 2019
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