HELP! (SLO-Bay Area)


Apr 26, 2011
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On the Road
Im on a roadtrip and will be in between SLO and the bay area starting tomorrow. I was wondering if any of you could help us find a kool squat or a free camp site on the coast.

Anything helps! thanks :]

Snipe Junkie

Mar 29, 2009
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wherever I am
hahahahaha...seriously, if your trying to camp out/squat in the bay area(west coast in general) you're shit out of get arrested for that shit these days(i know that in some places they can give you up to 30 days for illegal camping). i would suggest just sucking it up and using the credit card for hotel rooms. good luck with your roadtrip. definately dont see too many people doing that shit these days


Apr 26, 2011
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On the Road
We found a crash pad in bako and are headed to the bay. Youre telling me you guys dont squat anymore? I just dont know anywhere down on the southern side of california, we know of some more up north.

But seriously, you guys sleep in hotels? I dont mean anything by that im just surprised.

We dont have credit cards because we dont believe in them and we dont have money because well, you know. haha


Apr 26, 2011
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On the Road
wtf is with you guys?

we havent lived with our parents in years, or had anyone take care of us for that matter. Are we not allowed to go out and travel along with like minded people? or is that just excuse for another cliche? Please tell me that isnt true, its seems like its taking over everything.

If i need to be a part of some club to enjoy the world as I wish then ill do it on my own

Thanks for the help i guess


then I'll do it on my own

Now you're getting it.

Try and see how silly what you're asking about is. You're in a car, in California, and you're having trouble finding places to crash? I can't even take that a serious statement. You're in the easiest state in the Union to be homeless/on the road and you're on STP asking for help.

Try looking around for bushes, making friends, or for fuck's sake, find a house and kick in a door. Two clueless kids in a car aren't going to make a great impression if you roll up to a SLOtown squat asking for floorspace.

Thousands of kids with less make it up and down CA constantly. Good luck.


Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
On the Road
I was just asking for some pointers down south, I understand we can sleep in the car. Im not asking for a fucking handout, just some advice. I hadent seen any other travelers when I posted that, which is why i was asking. Ive never traveled there before so i dont even know where they hang out. Ive only traveled up north, which is where i am now. Im not fucking clueless, just new to the game and willing to admit it rather than pretending I know everything.

And let me explain, the two in the picture (me and my friend) arent the only ones in the car. There are two others and im finding it difficult to travel with them as they arent as willing to participate as we are. So that would be another reason I was asking for advice. I dont have a problem getting down and dirty (lol) but im not the only one in the car.

I still dont understand why you have to be so judgemental, I suppose you woke up one day with all the knowledge you need in life? Must be nice.

Like i said, i did not want a handout or anything for free, I merely wanted to know where to make the best connections in a town ive never been too.

I just dont believe in pretending to be an expert, especially when im not the only one subject to it.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
First time I was ever in slo-town I got in around midnight and accidentally slept about 20 yds from the cop shop.
Wouldn't recommend it, but at the same time I didn't get rustled.

Oh, and If two kids are holding you back, ditch em'.

That's fucking traveler science right there.
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Active member
Mar 10, 2011
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What's really funny is how damn oblivious the lot of you are to these chaps, not the stupid jokes you made about their parents. Funny what happens when you actually KNOW a person, rather then argue with them over the inter-verse, congrats, you have put time into being intentionally unhelpful.

Anyway, back on subject. Wish I could help you guys out. I don't know of any legal free campsites anywhere, at all. And you are probably way past the areas I know now. But there is a lot of land out by the Byron area, Marsh Creek road all that jazz that isn't heavily monitored by cops. I used to live out there and play with the cows in the middle of no where at 3 in the morning, you can get away with it, and on foot, no pig is going to bother catching you, they sure as hell aren't going to drive over those vehicle death traps. However I would stay away from trying to squat places like Concord, lived there too it's pretty upper class and I don't think you would have any luck finding a squat around there, or even an inhabitable abandoned building to crash in. Any farther north I know nothing of, been to San Fran a few times, believe it or not you can get away with murder there, or maybe I'm just that lucky. But I still don't know shit about the area and what's too risky and what isn't, but the homeless lads seem to do alright, though they don't seem to ever stop moving.


Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
On the Road
thank you phil :]

and i know, but its hard to leave your friends behind but its lookin like i might have to. Thank you for the advice

And to the rest of you who decided to be very unhelpful for no reason at all, I really hope that whenever you need help someone (stranger or friend) helps you because in the end. we're all in this together.

Im having a great time on the road now that we are more up north, leaving Berkeley today for Humboldt area. Best luck to all!!!


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
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wherever i sleep that night
there was a place out in poso that me and a few people camped out at for a while, its not a bad spot, theres almost no one around and its free, but good luck getting there is all i can say, i was scared when we were in that car, the cliff was less than a foot away in some places and dan was wanting to get there so bad he was going kinda fast, thats all the help i can give you tho, im not sure where exactly it is but if i was there i could show you lol, sorry if i wasnt much help.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
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Near Ukiah California.
Some of these replies are idiotic !!
Folks asking for pointers and they get trashed ??

Anyway !
There are LOADS and LOADS of cool houses & squats in Oakland.
Free food every day at Peoples Park in Berkeley - get there about 2 pm/food not bombs/veggie food.
And you can wash up in the bathrooms there to...
In the city the soup kitchens can be pretty nasty, but it's food.
And you can hook up with showers, medical care.

Re SLO ???? Well I walked hitched through last time, so didn;t have a car.
But I'm sure you can find spots.

I hope that is helpful.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
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Near Ukiah California.
Some of these replies are idiotic !!
Folks asking for pointers and they get trashed ??

Anyway !
There are LOADS and LOADS of cool houses & squats in Oakland.
Free food every day at Peoples Park in Berkeley - get there about 2 pm/food not bombs/veggie food.
And you can wash up in the bathrooms there to...
In the city the soup kitchens can be pretty nasty, but it's food.
And you can hook up with showers, medical care.

Re SLO ???? Well I walked hitched through last time, so didn;t have a car.
But I'm sure you can find spots.

I hope that is helpful.


Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
On the Road
thanks, i appreciate it. We're up in Oregon right now, the bay was fun, liked Berkley a lot. However, i have to say Arcata has been my favorite on the way up. Headed to Eugene as we speak :]


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
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wherever i sleep that night
have fun, see you at rainbow?


I spent this past winter in the Bodega Bay/Tomales Bay/Pt Reyes area just n of SF. Based out of Bodega and stealth camped around with a truck. Met a lady living in her car too. Signs everywhere esp beachs forbidding overnight parking,fines,etc... but if you're smart there are places to stay as long as you dont attract too much attention. I did it with a truck and camper so car should be easy. Its the only area by San Fran I can say from experience so if you're back that way after up north you could try it. Pt Reyes penninsula and beaches are beautiful. Rangers patrol there so be extra stealthy. If you have the cash and desperate for showers there's a hostel on Pt Reyes a short drive from a great beach.

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