hella anxiety meds

Rash L

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
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Southern CA
usually when i have anxiety attacks ( rarely) i let the anxiety take all over me and go to the extreme then i always feel better, it is worse if you are fighting it, just think you anxious because someone is gonna give a birthday cake or something.

this is the best way to cure (irrational) anxiety long term.... let it get to the extreme, examine the situation, and then let yourself calm down on your own. Your mind will realize there is really nothing to be afraid of, and it will re-program itself gradually.

genghis braun

Well-known member
May 30, 2009
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I have mild social anxiety and Kava helps me out a lot. most natural food stores should have it.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2009
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the future.
i took psych meds for about a month, but apparently you need to take them for a longer amount of time for them to take effects, because i still felt like shit... i guess expecially when you don't have insurance, wink, wink.. har har. no, i just think they are placebos and the hospital i stayed at used humans as test subjects. standing in a line of people and watching some one say to them "now this is new, blah blah blah, side effects and so on" and they don't ask what it is, and just drink it down is fucking scary. i don't know, i don't think i took it long enough for it to do anything even if it would have. i owe the bill collectors four grand now.

Loth Lorien

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Jan 25, 2010
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Portland, Oregon
I tried to see if this was already mentioned but if sleeping is a problem melatonin can be something you could try. As far as anxiety I also didn't see something already posted about Rescue Remedy. I don't know where you live but here in Oregon you can just get it in the health food section at your local grocery store. I'll say it's not cheap but it WORKS! I also know it's safe because my vet has me give my pets a watered down dose before going. It comes in a small brown glass bottle with a dropper. It can also help you sleep.


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Jan 8, 2010
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Central New York
Mmkay, let's get started.

The three primary anxiety disorders are believed to be related to seratonin levels in the brain. This is why SSRIs may be helpful in treatment. To treat anxiety, you need to either fuck with seratonin or with GABA-a.

5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-htp is a seratonin precursor (and eventually a melatonin precursor if you're having sleep issues). It might help a little with anxiety, but I've never read of it really being used for anything other than depression. Won't hurt you to try, though. Seratonin is broken down into melatonin, which is a hormone which regulates the sleep cycle. Many people claim to get relief from it, but it doesn't do shit for me.

OP mentioned using SJW for anxiety. If you're using a cheap brand only standardized for hypericin, good. It's a dopamine beta-hydroxylase inhibitor (enzyme that breaks dopamine down into noripinephrine, which is one of the neurotransmitters that causes the fear-response). So that increases dopamine levels, which increases mood, and lowers norepinephrine levels, which lessens anxiety. The more expensive brands, however, contain hyperforin as well, which is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. This would probably counteract the lowering effect of the hypericin.

I've heard great things about kava, but have never tried it myself. It increases GABA activity (like valium or other benzodiazepines), producing relaxation.

Valerian has an unknown mechanism of action. I've used it before, but found that it doesn't help with racing thoughts or anxiety, neither in the day nor when trying to sleep. It produces significant sedation, though, and if you're the kind of person who gets any kind of relief from a H1 antagonist like benadryl, it might work for you. It also works great for achieving vivid, memorable, or lucid dreams, especially when combined with melatonin.

Marijuana is also decent for sleep. It's really the only reason I ever smoke it, actually, other than nausea. However, it can definitely worsen anxiety, and even cause outright panic attacks.

Basically, the herbal shit works for some people, but not me. Anxiety sometimes requires the prescribing of benzodiazepines, which act on the GABA-a receptors in the brain.

For generalized anxiety disorder, you want something with a long half-life, such as valium (60hrs) or klonopin (~14hrs, iirc). For panic attacks, you want something like xanax or ativan. For sleep issues, you want something like temazepam, with more hypnotic properties than an anxiety benzo.

If you decide to go the pharmaceutical path, and lack insuance, you might want to look into phenazepam. It's an unscheduled benzo in most countries, and can easily/legally be sourced online.

If I missed anything feel free to ask?

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Feb 11, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
this is a really helpful and interesting post. i have been debating taking prescription anti-anxiety meds since last summer while i was on the road. i am totally against the idea of putting chemicals into my system so it is nice to see that other people feel the same and are also finding more natural remedies.

the yogi tea arrow mentioned is incredibly tasty by the way.

also, if anyone knows of any books that have herbal remedy recipes (esp with regard to anxiety) i would be really into reading it.

Rash L

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
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Southern CA
I've recently been noticing that indica strains of weed are very calming (vs. sativas)... so if you have a choice... go indica. (not sure if this was mentioned previously?)

also, cognitive behavioral therapy. pick up a self help book. it works, but only if you try it.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
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Sad to hear that my friend, before going to the exact treatment of this let me first define anxiety. Anxiety is a generalized mood condition that can often occur without an identifiable triggering stimulus. Here are some treatment. Use anxiety or anti depressant, but of course you need to seek for medical advice coming from your doctor. Regular exercise that will lasted for 30 min. It helps to reduce panic attacks. The Taiji and Gong. it can help to relax your mind and body, and restore them to a healthier stat, balance up your body chemical and reduce your mind anxiety and stop feeding anxious sense to the body. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and this method can be used with drugs or without drug.I hope it will help you more.



Apr 19, 2010
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outside of philly
I take 1 mg of ativan daily, but I only started recently; the social anxiety I feel every day from being in high school was becoming debilitating so I'm ok with it. But generally (my parents have tried to get me to take ADD meds) I am against medicine. I'm trying to get some weed his weekend to see if daily use will work as well as the ativan.


Apr 19, 2010
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outside of philly
also try eliminating grain-based foods from your diet; this will help normalize your blood sugar and regulate mood (as well as many other bodily processes)
I would do this if I had control over the food that comes into my house, but I don't so I do the best I can.


I have a tendency to be quite a nervous wreck of an individual and as of now I take all the free pills the doctors prescribe me (via Nashville Mental Health Co-Op) and try to obstain from ones they dont as well as alcohol and I tend to do pretty well going this route until I almost routinely frazzle my nerves again with a nightly bender or god forbid something like cocaine(shutter - it happened the other week,Im not proud of it,felt like it damn near killed me.)I take Depakote for bipolar,Atenolol for extreme anxiety/hypertension and Trazodone at night for sleep.Oh yeah and a Stacker or 2 in the morning to keep me just manic enough to feel high on life,creative and energetic.I plan on moving to Oregon(maybe Eugene,Portland,etc.) soon where Im sure Ill find another state funded clinic and theres no doubt my psychiatrist here will supply me with a months supply before I leave(for free/$4 generic prescriptions).The Atenolol is non-narcotic - its a beta blocker - its for high blood pressure and/or extreme anxiety(stage fright,etc.).For me it helps dull self-conciousness and of course keeps me from freaking out on the 6-1200 mgs. of caffeine I injest daily....But Im sure theres a healthier route than this ....

Desperado Deluxe

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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yea i like Valerian passion flower combo i found it hard to move after i drink this tea after some food in me and maybe a little ganja
and i like to smoke a little mug wort sometimes to


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
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atlantic city new jersey
i take melatonin to sleep as well and it works fantastic. its not the type of thing that just knocks u flat on ur ass either. its more of a slow relaxing way off to sleep. once you are asleep you usually stay asleep well at least i do. another way i like to wind down before i sleep is read. reading can often times relax poeple depending on what your reading. as well as that i have to say less caffine in your diet and a healthy diet too. becuase what you eat often determines how your body is feeling. hopefully that can halp your situation. i also think that smoking weed before you sleep works really good too.
good luck!


I need to start taking melatonin cuz I simply don't sleep at night. I'm a 4am-noon sleeper and that doesn't bode well with average life.

anyway... I've tried passion flower extract lately and it seems to work alright but I can't stand drinking the stuff daily. they come in a pill form though.

I decided to stop taking the welbutrin now that I'm done my treatments and I'm regretting it. the shit really does help and doesn't seem to cause any adverse reactions. I mainly stopped because I know I wont have coverage forever and wanted to try other methods but they just don't work as well as the script med. only negative thing is you can't really get drunk (it blocks the effects and the SLAM your wasted and didn't realize it) and it made me flush super red when I have a few beers.

Deleted member 125

i have horrible anxiety thats only gotten worse as i get older. i find the best way to deal with it is just relax, close your eyes and get your head together. it sounds obvious but giving yourself some time everyday to just relax and tell yourself that you are going to be ok works wonders. oh and of course drinking obscene amounts of alcohol helps.


Sep 4, 2010
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I don't recommend benzo's to anybody, under any situation. Morphine withdrawal is usually not life threatening, but benzo withdrawal can give you a seizure and kill you. When society crumbles, there will be two types of people. The dependent, and those profiting from the dependent.


Active member
Jan 7, 2011
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Axminster, UK
I was prescribed melatonin to help with my insomnia when I was like 8, but I never took them. I used to smoke a lot of pot, but it made me paranoid so I cut down and now I hardly ever have it. The counsellor at my school is referring me to the mental health dudes right now...so yeah, it's not something I've really figured out yet. there's this free site called moodscope you should try out though. it gets you to track your mood over time so you can see what gets to you, I find it pretty helpful.

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