I was commenting on your ideas of busking/spanging. My job ends next week, and while I've had it I always kicked down what I can, even if I know its just a homebum trying to get their drink on. But I've got to tell ya, a lot of the people kicking down those bills aren't really doing much either. They're sitting in offices in front of computers, playing solitaire and checking out forums(ahem), and generally not using their full physical potential. I mean just look around! Half of these people are fat, sluggish yuppies. I've got to say road life is way more taxing, it in itself is harder work than anything these people will experience with their AC/heaters, televisions and SUVs. I'd like to think some know it, and those are generally the ones who give. The ones who don't or the ones who give you shit are the ones that are pissed off at their own meaningless existence. Busking/spanging is way harder than what I'm doing now, but I feel like its more rewarding. Well, at least busking is. Sure it pays less, but its never been about the money. Like a friend of mine says, money is just a stupid peice of paper that gets in the way of what I want