Cornelius Vango (Kelsey Abeler) should be avoided at all costs


Deleted member 13433

whoa... I can honestly state that I have never read anything like this in my entire life, it actually got my head spinning and took a day or two to fully digest, if even possible....

I will say this - some one punches my dog, that person is going to the hospital because I ain't letting that slide, and I could care less who did it.

Also - I grew up in NYC, turned 18 in 1983.... and yes, before you ask in my search for truth I explored every scene there was, including what was going on south of 14th street on the West Side....
I have many friends over many years of every single kind of race, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, you name it - but this is just plain nuts.

Also - I work with someone from the factory who is transgender [I hope I am doing this right] who in her mid 40s decided that she was done being a man and wanted to be a woman.

This is very easy for me to completely accept and never mess up with the new pronouns of she, her, etc.... because that's the only way I know this individual.

But for many who knew her prior to making the change, every now and then they slip up because it's a habit when your friends for a long time, and I don't care what anybody says but when a person makes a change like this - yes, it's a big deal for them - but it is also a big deal for all who knew this person because now they have to change their whole approach with getting the pronouns right, etc.... and if a person is friends with you or is a family member and sincerely makes a mistake and slips up, it should not be the end of the world and if it is then there's something even deeper going on that needs to be addressed.

I loved how open NYC was in the early 1980s, nobody was hiding anything - but at the same time everyone was getting along with one another because it was not being forced upon each other.

Some of what I am reading here is frightening, but then again, this is also a generational thing.

Folks like me and Olderthandirt see things one way, while the younger folks see it totally different.

This does not mean we are not all accepting, quite the contrary... a lot of us older folks are quite accepting, but we are also more understanding, forgiving than you might think but I sure as hell am not so hung up on all these new terms, which only cause seperation instead of unity here.

We are all human beings, all capable of love and great acts of compassion and heroic deeds, but at the same time we are also capable of horrible things as we all know all to well....

I was going somewhere but I can't even think straight this thread is so crazy, but at the same time I do feel is recommended reading.

It's also a valuable lesson on the evils of alcohol addiction, which seems to be a huge factor here.

I know when I was out of my mind back in 2010, I lost alot of very close friends though my own actions.
The thing is - I know today that I was wrong, and more importantly why.

Will I be able to ever salvage those lost relationships with people I deeply cared about and vice versa ??

I can't say, but I'm at least going to give it a try.

It just seems to me that this whole thread is about a simple misunderstanding made worse by alcohol abuse.

I could be wrong, but I could be right.............


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Sep 22, 2007
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I think this thread might also be a classic textbook libel lawsuit, it's ok to point out rapists or possible escaped criminals, nicknamed drifters, but I think even super unkempt homeless people have the right to sue if they're lumped in for just being kind of a a-hole sometimes supposedly 'a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation. Character assassination.'

I won't waste my time getting into the technical reasons why your threat of legal action is lame.

Also, what's with all the legal threats lately? Does anyone else think it's a little bizarre and uninspired?

People come into online forum. They make fools of themselves. People observe and establish that behavior was foolish. There's some bickering back and forth. More foolish behavior. Solution!? Lawsuit! What exactly do you want? Money? An ego hand job?

P.S. I got bored and looked at the Youtube. Most recent video was titled Slab City Library Is Shady And Untrustworthy. Who just wears their insecurities on their sleeves like that? It's quite unbecoming.

This person is either a troll or Slab City needs to learn a lesson in moving on. Probably both.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I have slab city on my bucket list.
But if this corn person is still present there
I won’t be visiting anytime soon 😕

to be fair, even after this i'll still come back to slab city, i don't think the whole area and everyone there should be held liable for one person's actions. there's been a lot crazier people than corn for sure there and it's still worth visiting.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Just curious what you're referring to here... 🤔

if you're worried it has something to do with you, it doesn't.

... Less of a mudslinging fest and more of a case of people finally coming forward after corn betrayed one of their last defenders...

pretty much exactly what i said. i defended corn against most of their detractors for a very long time, and when they finally blew me off there was no one left to stop the torrent of people willing to share their stories about corn's very long pattern of negative behavior towards just about everyone.


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Aug 31, 2021
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Santa Fe
I could never tell anyone what possessed me to check into this place after all these years... What has it been, 5 or 6 now? Good Lord it's been a long time since this place ever even crossed my mind...

But I tell ya, it's rather satisfying tonight checking in and feeling some sweet sweet vindication over the rightful calling out of this self-flagellating character assassin of an illiterate librarian. I just had to register an account to throw some shade because some people just had it coming.

Reputation is a funny thing, especially in circles of people fueled by impulse, vanity, hearsay and alcohol. I'm glad it caught up with you Corn. I was never a fan. You were as unimpressive as they come, another self important bitch that thought all the kickdowns in the world were given to you because you were wonderful, that you deserved them, not because every yuppie could see the pitiable wretch you are and felt bad.

I'm sure you weren't a fan of me either. I was never particularly impressive myself, and I can own that I was a far cry from perfect, and I definitely shouldn't have drank like I did because I'd fly off the handle - but the difference between you and me is that I can own the times I was shitty, and the source of that shiftiness, and use it as a drive to improve.

And we butted heads, several times over the years, and were magnificently shitty to each other. Fuckit. Bygones be bygones. You haven't crossed my mind in the slightest, until that one night many years later at the skate park where you showed up black out drunk and almost blinded some poor kid with a laser pointer, like the idiot buried beneath for which your faux confidence runs interference. Maybe it wasn't drunken stupidity. You're the kind of malicious I've come to believe who would do it intentionally and play stupid. That's the kind of behavior I've come to expect from a shit show like you. "Oh, it's cool dude. Sorry I wiped out your vision brah and mutilated your senses for the rest of your life. I'm Cornelius lol kiss my ass." Fuck you.

Whatever, I'm not here to reminisce. I'm here to condemn.

You just obfuscate, throw your weight around like living in a scavenger trash hovel in the desert made you better than everyone else, like the peons owed you tribute to exist in your company, expecting people to cater to you and kiss your ass because you moved into an abandoned lair of books and that somehow made you special.

And now that your holier than thou attitude has bit you in the ass and people are calling you out and telling you to do better, what did you do? Did you take it stride? Did you immerse yourself into the crucible of change, purge yourself of the impurities that defiled your character and your friendships, and forge yourself into an implement of precision for your own betterment?


Lmfao no. You double down into your own bullshit. I'd tell you to do better, but I don't think there's any hope for that. A lifetime of mediocrity and a forgotten expiration in your garbage heap won't come soon enough, and when it does, I won't be the only one saying good riddance.

It's been fun, too, drifter community, but I cant run with you anymore. We're not sympatico anymore. Too many run-ins with you guys, even despite traveling almost always alone of my own volition making my time with random travelers few and far between, poisoned the well for me. I've got my friends for whom I'll do anything from the road, and I'm good now. The rest of you I don't want to know or care to even meet. Random fist fights, crippling poverty, and dying of hepatitis under a highway bridges doesn't sound like a good time to me anymore. Good luck out there kids. Remember to evaluate your lives.

Til never again
Redbeard ☠️
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Nov 8, 2018
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I was asked to share my new accountability website, I’m currently working on here. Recently to give you the short of it: I helped take over the new library collective with Corn supposedly retired. Tried to set boundaries with them about what kind of behaviors we don’t want in the space anymore, experienced them flipping their shit in denial of these behaviors, trying to get me kicked out, and threatened to drive across the country to do it their self. I ended up leaving after feeling too much in harms way.

I’ve written up a page with some of the abusive dynamics that I’ve seen at the library these last few years. Eventually I‘m going to write up a more detailed personal bit about my years around the library. Behaviors/ incidents I’ve seen and why I was at the time willing to put up with it. Hoping to also gather more from previous library staff, as I always felt these threads missed the mark. I mean, it does show Corn’s response to harm is the DARVO acronym revealing their narcissism. But also it seems they were always really good at finding something wrong in what the other did/ is doing to pigeonhole with the help of others to the point they actually got to avoid people having conversations about the abuse they were accused of. Instead it’s semantics about pronouns and dealings on the website about other abuse.

So I’d like to invite people either anonymously, with a nickname, or an actual name with contact information to share some of their history onto my accountability website. If you could read through the complicated dynamics I’ve initially listed and apply them to your experience, that would help a great deal in establishing a pattern of abuse. Let me know how you’ve been exploited, abused, or coerced into harming others via association to the Slab City Library via Cornelius Vango.

Anyways, I think giving people a mouthpiece and a container that presents the harm experienced without room for people to side rail its intentions is important to finally hold Cornelius

Or in the very least, finally face real-world consequences for their actions.
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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2018
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Apparently in response to my abuse allegations and accountability project…the library has taken to pandering to and apologizing to white supremacists.



I guess the sociopathy knows no bounds. When it looks like your friends will hold you accountable…make allies with the white supremacists. Literally amazed. Such an ugly turn of events here. They removed all my anti-racist workshop links and Ibram X Kendi quotes, then stated this on a post calling the website slander.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I guess the sociopathy knows no bounds. When it looks like the anarchists will hold you accountable…make allies with the white supremacists. Literally amazed. Such an ugly turn of events here. They removed all my anti-racist workshop links and Ibram X Kendi quotes, then stated this on a post calling the website slander.
TBH, i'm having trouble understanding the context of these screen shots, and I would imagine that anyone that isn't part of those facebook groups (like myself) are feeling the same way. who posted racist stuff, and who is apologizing for them? i'm just not seeing very clearly what's going on here.


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Nov 8, 2018
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yeah, I came here pretty pissed and wrote this with less context than elsewhere so sorry about that.

When I was an admin of the Facebook page for the library, I was posting anti-racist workshop stuff and literature. Zoe and Cornelius have since removed all that content now, then apologized publicly for it here. The screenshots are the people I banned when I was an admin of the page they are apologizing for me banning, because they were platforming white supremacist talking points on the library page. Even more weird: they changed the bio from being an anarchist collective library to “being a library serving the public.”

I mean I guess compared to everything else, it’s not that surprising.

I just didn’t have abusive fake anarchists start pandering to more white supremacists after alienating more of their base on my 2022 bingo card and in a little shock about it, because I was just there organizing with these people.

Masks off, I guess.

While I’m on here, just to let everyone know: on the accountability site there is now my full account of what I’ve witnessed at the library and I’ve also published a page with info/guidelines for anyone wanting to submit their own to the page.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Is it just me or did the title of this post change recently? I'm pretty sure I would have noticed the inclusion of a dead name. Not cool.
IMO people that are a danger to the community lose any right to not having their 'dead name' known. Also, anyone can see their name in their own PayPal donation link, so it's already public information.


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Aug 15, 2023
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I just want to thank everyone who has shared their experiences on here. I have watched some of Corn's videos and wasn't really sure how to feel about them. I have enjoyed a lot of their content but felt something about them was off, like too agro maybe? But i also felt like they did it in a way that made me feel like if i don't like it, it was my problem, not theirs. It doesn't take very much effort to extend a little grace a courtesy to your viewers, many of which may not be familiar with the issues and customs that are discussed in Corn's videos. That being said, its totally fine if Corn wants to be dickish or short with their viewers, its their channel. I guess I just wasn't sure if it was because Corn was just a "straight up" and unapologetic person (which is not bad, in and of itself) or if they are actually just a dick.

This really helps put it into perspective. Thanks for keeping the thread alive so people can get varying perspectives.


Sep 10, 2020
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Nowhere, USA
I remember this person being extremely toxic to me...but I forgot about them for years, tonight I've been remembering more than I care to...signed in here for the first time in a long time and went down a weary walk down memory lane...came upon this interesting link: Jim Abeler - Wikipedia - any relation? I recall a Minnesota link...doesn't surprise me they're a republican. Very damaged and dangerous person that Corn...


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I remember this person being extremely toxic to me...but I forgot about them for years, tonight I've been remembering more than I care to...signed in here for the first time in a long time and went down a weary walk down memory lane...came upon this interesting link: Jim Abeler - Wikipedia - any relation? I recall a Minnesota link...doesn't surprise me they're a republican. Very damaged and dangerous person that Corn...

I'm failing to see the connection that Jim Abler has to this thread. Can you enlighten me?

Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
I'm failing to see the connection that Jim Abler has to this thread. Can you enlighten me?

He's from MN and has the same family name as Corn. I don't think there's any connection there though. I paid for a month of background checks back around the holiday so I figured I run one on them for shits and giggles and they don't appear to be related.
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Sep 10, 2020
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Nowhere, USA
I'm failing to see the connection that Jim Abler has to this thread. Can you enlighten me?

hmmm, not much enlightenment to be found, I'm afraid. I was likely drunk when I posted this, but I do believe there's a connection to that crackpot right-wing lunatic, I seem to recall them mentioning this at one point to, so that probably explains partly (but doesn't excuse) why corn is so fucked and their life is a constant chaotic negative time loop that damages everyone and thing in its path. But it doesn't really matter now. My apologies, carrying on...I'm happy to not think of this ever again.

Next step, stop drinking.
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