A long hard road

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Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
I was thinking today how, today seemed to me, to be the end of a long hard road for me. I don't pretend to have it hard, I'm sure there are tons of people some of them on this site that have had it much harder. They haven't had loving parents or a comfortable place to sleep, they by and large have had to go through this life relying on the kindness of strangers and people in the same situation they found themselves in.

About a year ago maybe more at the beginning of 2008 I lost my car, since April of 07 I had been driving and enjoying every minute of it. I was really stupid though, during that time I got heavily addicted to benedryl. If you need to ask how just Google it. I was soon devouring packs upon packs to supplement the fact that I had no weed. Stupid but fun I didn't know that it would catch up to me. I got stopped several times under the influence and let me tell you that was the scariest thing i have ever experienced. i was tripping heavily one night,near delirious when I went to drive my car the half mile from my friends house only to almost hit a cop and allegedly run a red light. I could have sworn I sat there waiting for it.

Anyway this all for all the citations i acquired I was told to go to court to straighten it out. That morning was the middle of a big snow storm and I didn't go. I called the clerk and left a message then went back to bed. 2 weeks later I get a warrant in the mail for my arrest. That's when my license was suspended. Eventually my insurance lapsed because I failed to pay it. Now i understood how a person with no income could afford to drive a car.

Everyday I drove with fear that I would get caught, but if i got caught in town it was usually off to the garage, I'd pay them the 100 or so dollars and I'd get to drive home. I remember one day I was over my dealers house and he was in his car on his laptop looking up girls on my space. Well it was then that I figured since i had a car I thought it was time to get me a girl. At the time I was in to older women so I trolled for 40 somethings.

Before long I found one and we progressed to talking all the time. To fast forward on the eve of our first date I drove out to meet her at a movie theater in a town about an hr away that i had never been too. I eventually got stopped by the cops for making a wrong turn and then the truth was out. My car was towed to a garage about 2 hrs from my house and that was the end of my driving days.

For the next 8 months i got high as my mother prepared to move from our apartment to another one, me being without my car caused me to have to live with her, I was going to live in my car,not anymore. Well after a long while I got my license straightened out I had my day in court twice, for 2 separate suspended license offenses one in ct and one in ma. At the end of it I only payed about 120 bucks, I also had to take a driver reeducation course.

3 weeks after i lost the car I threatened to kill myself and was sent to the loony bin for a day. There my mom bless her heart kicked it into overdrive and not only got my grandmother to go and pick up my car 2 hrs from her house but to pay the 300 it took to get it out of the garage, I almost let the garage have it. I had no way to get it out

Now after all this time, After losing my job of 2 1/2 years at a bakery, after breaking my ankle therefore terminating my employment. After moving finally to a brand new town and starting a brand new job at a grocery store where everyone is so nice to me, Ive hit the last step. All i need to do now is save up enough to get my car back on the road.

I'm almost back on top.

So to celebrate, Tonight in honor of my first pay check, I got a six pack of Smirnoff ice and I watched my favorite movie. Tomorrow I'm hoping to hit my supervisor up for some weed, since i found out she smokes and I'm moving out into the woods finally to be on my own. I am rebuilding my life. Its funny when i lost my car, I said to myself with a sigh, "whew its gonna be a long road" and it was. It couldve been a lot shorter if I hadn't been so stupid or bothered to save up money instead of buying so much weed before i lost my job.

The bad memories of that night no longer haunt me, I haven't done benedryl in at least 2 weeks and I have decided to fight for my future. Thats my whole story. thank you


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
wow man, your life sounds pretty fucked up, mostly by your own lack of imagination. i suggest you focus on getting something more out of life than a car, or weed, or any other material possession/consumer item, and I say this with your best interest at heart.
You are obviously not a stupid person, you write well and have some insight into your own situation, but boredom is a killer, and you sound either extremely bored, or like you should be. If travelling is not your thing that`sokay, learn to make some art, fix bikes, cook, volunteer, anything. Do something.


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
So you think...?

So you think my life is boring because of a lack of imagination. The fact that it seems like ive got this life that im not doing much with at all. How everyone elses stories are so much more exciting than just simply losing a car and getting stoned all the time. If you had my life , if I just handed it to you , to do with what will. What would you do with it? What am I doing wrong? At one time At actually told my mother I wanted to hike across the US when i was around 18 or 19 but I never did.

I knew I didnt fit in with the people here.


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Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
I do care, Im never gonna be any of you guys, with the peircings and the tattoos not giving a shit where your going , squatting in places with a bunch of people. I saw the pictures everyone looks like their having so much fun. It seems as if I'm supposed to be alone. I just dont feel "normal" around anyone. I dont feel comfortable around anyone, i always feel like an outsider.


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
you kidding me

girls dont want to hear about guys feelings, all they want to do is talk about themselves all the time, they wouldnt give a shit if he only said three words, "yea,ok and bye. I have to say i havent met a girl yet who didnt monopolize the whole conversation and as soon as i begin to tell them how i feel they lose interest.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
i didn`t mean to make you feel unwelcome, i don`t think you are particularly dull or that your life is boring to hear about, in fact it makes good reading, because you describe it well. Like barbuchon said, ¨there`s more to life¨ and that`s all i was getting at.

i wish you a benadryl-free existence and awesome conversations with women that twist your head around, and i hope to hear about it.


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Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
its totally cool

IVe been having a bad day, My day at work was totally bullshit and I called this lady for some weed cause she said she could hook me up and she basically blew me off. She said there wasnt anything around and I was hoping to smoke soon, i havent smoked for soo long. Due to my anti social nature its hard to meet people especially in a small town. Sometimes it feels like everyone in the world is smoking but me. Its so unfair. I do feel a bit boring, my life isnt some great adventure like ive been reading about with some people. The most i'm doing right now is moving myself over to the woods. I wish i had more people that I knew that i felt comfortable with who smoked weed on a regular basis who could possibly inspire me to have a more exciting life. I used to think about finding a group that I could really fit in with. I have never found that group yet.


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Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
I get it

I totally get what everyones saying, I complain I shouldnt be wanting to smoke weed. No one will go on the road with me if I complain. The difference between me and everyone else though is the fact that you guys arnt doing all this completley alone are you. Im just one person, I hate that. So any change in my life that i make right now I'll be making it completely alone. What motivation will I have there? What fun is that? See what I'm saying?

If i'm the only one at the party it's not a party is it?


Aug 21, 2009
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united states of destruction
What's wrong with doing something alone? You somehow think that people automatically are going to make something great, but as you already know, majority of people will just crap on your fun. Most people I mention my squatting aspirations to think its stupid and that its wrong. But you have to find the fun within yourself. I like the freedom of running around alone, so I don't have the baggage of another to carry with me.
You just need to accept that you are an outsider and be cool with it. Otherwise, you'll play the victim card as long as you can get by with.


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Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
I Am an outsider

I am an outsider, I never feel comfortable or loved. Ive always been this way too ever since childhood. It's like Im an outcast, but it doesnt make me want a group or just someone else really special any less. I know I complain ALOT it just feels like theres some big secret im not getting. Ive never really accepted being completley alone. That doesnt mean I cant learn though? Does it?

Coughing Prophet

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Aug 16, 2009
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Anchorage, Alaska.
The big secret my man, is that we are insignificant beings.....

Get used to being nothing compared to VY Canis Majoris!



Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
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Dude, grow some nerves, grab a fuckin 6 pack, tell ur boss to fuck off and go at it. You meet people along the way. Whats the sense in bitching about it online and not TRYING?! I'm sure all of us on here have had the shitiest times ever, cold, hungry, soaked, alone, whatever. But I'm positive all of us on here have had some fucking epic times too alone, with people, wasted, sober, the point is YOULL NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU STOP CRYING ABOUT IT AND GO!I believe that samuel Johnson once said "The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are" Good luck


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch
i guess your right

I just cant decide, i have a need for a normal life but I guess ive always had to need to get away from everything this life is. Do you guys ever wonder what will happen when you stop traveling? One day your gonna have to find a job you can be homeless for the rest of your lives can you? So as i asked before...whats the point? Sure you meet people and you get to have crazy adventures but your not any more ahead in life than when you started out, no money in the bank. You eventually have to start over dont you? I want to learn everything I can about this way of life so i have questions.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
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Baie des Chaleurs
you can live however you want, for as long as you want, or at least you can try. there is always adversity, there will always be uncertainty, living in a gated community with lots of stuff doesn`t change the nature of human existence, neither does being poor and travelling around, but if you feel like you are challenging yourself and enjoying your own ability to participate in the world, life is good.


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch

Atleast working at supermarket has some sort of point, i earn money and i save it and eventually i can get something really big with it, but i swear if i lose this job with the money i saved im booking it to BC haha.


Playground Monitor
May 15, 2007
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I'm not entirely convinced that there are people like you out in this world, since I've never met them- maybe I'm just in the wrong places- but that's besides the point.

The point is that a good story has something that they can relate to- people want humor, they want suspense, they want to feel that the writer/narrator has some connection to them, they want to learn something. People don't really want to hear a confessional, well I don't anyway, especially if its depressing. If you are trying to fit in, look at the stories in here that people like, and then write about some experience along those lines...

And looking at your avatar, I'm not convinced that you are trying to 'fit in,' which is fine, but it doesn't go along with your professed goal.


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
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Millerton,NY 108 miles from NYC bitch

I dont want to fit in, i never have. Im sorry if you think because youve never met someone like me that that's a bad thing. I know some people who would be excited to see someone new. My avatar makes me happy, because its from a movie i had alot of fun watching. Yeah so im different, so I dont fit in. So what? I hope everyone here wants to get to know this "different" guy just like i wanna get to know each and everyone of you.
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