north america

  1. unrulywaunder

    Best cell phone contract (for proof or residency)

    What's the cheapest and easiest-to-cancel cell phone plan I can get in the US? I literally don't want to use the service. I'm just looking to establish residency in a State that requires a "utility bill in my name". They list "cell phone bill" as one of the options, which appears to be the...
  2. RilesMeUp1312

    Rubbertramp Camp Socal

    Had to make a new account (fucklol) Been a housie for awhile but you know fuck the cold weather and shitty backwards Midwest this time of year, grabbing a new van or truck or even just renting something and I've checked freecampsites and know a few spots from being on my own two feet in the...
  3. X

    Just Ready To leave behind my home state.

    Hello, I'm new 3 years ago I took off in my car across the United States. Drove it until the wheels fell off end up stranded on the north 101 freeway outside of moore park California in Camarillo. There was something about the thrill of being stranded on the west cost. Overlooking the beach and...
  4. klamytaint101

    First train hop

    so over the past months ive done research every single day on how to ride, at this point im very confident in my knowledge and ability to get where i want to go. ive made a few posts already planning to head towards donnor pass with me and my friend, but we decided roseville might be a bit much...
  5. roamingnome


    So im about to head to orlando florida. My sis will let me stay for awhile and then im heading out. Wheres there a cool place to head to? Is key west still" traveler hazardous" like before? I do miss the fishing out there lol
  6. retrobarbie

    Train Hopping

    Hey they're I'm Destiny and I'm looking to train hop out of NYC. If anyone knows where the yard is at so I can hop and head south I'll appreciate it
  7. idislikedeity

    Question Can anyone give some advice, or at least link me to all the best posts for someone who wants to start traveling?

    Hi, so I admittedly find this site a bit daunting and have never had the easiest time navigating social platforms and such. I already found the gear page and stuff, and I have made a list of stuff to get and hopefully I can get enough money for stuff I'll need, will probably need to find stuff...
  8. Tst5

    Couch surfing colorado?

    Are there any threads dedicated to couch surfing connections in Colorado? My family and i are rubber tramping through co into possibly Utah and search though i might, i can find nothing on couch surfing in colorado...maybe this thread can be for those offering spots for a night? please get at me..
  9. freelife93

    Anyone going from slc area to near seattle?

    Looking to see if anyone is heading north
  10. EmmanuelGoldstein

    Helpppp!!! NYC peepzzz!!!!

    hey you guyz i just got in to JFK and have to spend the 16th around Penn Station in Manhattan. my bus leaves morning of the 17th. but im broke and havent eaten much lately. Are there nice food pantries and soup kitchens in central manhattan??!! thank you!!!!! 💁😌
  11. Berightback

    Seeking advice on how to bike thru Cali

    I've got a bicycle and a dog-cart for my stuff/guitar, and down south it was no problem to ride wherever got me where I was headed, but I've only just recently been informed that there is absolutely no riding on the shoulder of the interstate/highways in California. This puts a last minute kink...
  12. Charles Mack

    Question Looking to catch a ride from Virginia to Florida to volunteer for disaster relief

    Hey y'all. Haven't been on here in a while so I hope I'm doing this right. But I'm trying to catch a ride Friday out to Florida from Virginia Beach. Anyone going that way?
  13. vtrail

    new to hopping the west coast

    any tips? or wanna show me maybe? and can i actually hop out of seattle or do i have to go to tacoma?
  14. justasyou


    Hey this is justasyou and I was wondering if anyone could help me with leaving Hiram georgia and going somewhere new all I ask is for help with leaving georgia so if anyone can help it will be an honor.
  15. Hiruzen

    Question Any good places in Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama.

    Any good places to look for in any of these states I am planning to go in the next week or two and looking for some places to see and experience the local scene.
  16. BardicNomad

    SF Bay

    Any squatters in and around San Fran?
  17. marmar

    Van travelling in Canada East, NS, Quebec, Newfoundland tips and experience share

    Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted. Now a road trip to Canada has come up, always wanted to go to Newfoundland and now seems like a good time, since I have just bought a van again after 6 years and settling back into the road nomad life. Any tips for van parking, free or cheap...
  18. MichelleA66

    News & Blogs Beware Vegas Squatters

    Just saw this piece from March 2024:
  19. onion

    A nice place in Smith's Falls

    Recently ended up in Smith's Falls after hopping an IM that I thought was going straight to Toronto. I wandered into Trinity United Church in town and met some very nice people who offered me a sink-shower and some food/water. The church makes an effort to be welcoming for queer people, and is...
  20. A

    Help Planning Rubbertramping Route from AZ to Vancouver

    I'm planning to travel from AZ to Van to get to a couch to sleep on :D. So planning to drive up the westside of the US. I've done this before but it was a bit more rushed and I wasn't as broke and resourceless. I will be car camping the whole way, but also have a tent for dispersed campsites...
  21. Berightback

    Travel time on a loaded bicycle

    Hey y'all, I have a very decent Mongoose MTN bike and one of those pull-behind, bolt -on kiddie carriage rickshaw things ,which I'm gonna load with my guitar, a bag of clothes, and as little various sentimental detritus as I can get by with. Anyone have a solid estimation of how long it'd take...
  22. Batsy

    Guide to the Bay Area DIY music scene

    I’ve been involved with the Bay Area (CA) scene for almost 10 years now. I’ve sent the following info to a number of friends in the past as they’ve visited and asked where to find shows, so I figured I’d make one big post here for anyone looking to get involved with the scene or at least catch...
  23. sf2625

    Doing a gradual trip to Cali

    Hello all. I'm in Indiana, and I'm looking to make my way to the bay area of California. Funds are limited, but I have a vehicle. I'm trying to find cities that are tolerant to travelers along the way. I'm not on a deferral list and I am active at CSL Plasma, so places with a center nearby...
  24. Batsy

    Cool things to check out in a few WA cities

    I’m going to be visiting/passing through the following cities in Washington next month. I’ll be in each one very briefly, from one to 4 nights each. Anything cool to check out? Any cool bars, restaurants, venues, painting spots, shops, etc.? Aberdeen/Montesano Olympia Tacoma Seattle Spokane
  25. Spazz

    Flagstaff, Sedona, and Prescott

    This will be my first summer in Arizona since I was a teen. Prescott was highly recommended for its busking scene, and there are also supposed to be good food banks if the competition makes me look stupid, lol. I'm not really the big city type, but I love busking, just switched domicile from...
  26. J

    Has anyone crossed the Rainey river from Canada to America or vise versa

  27. TheTexasRoadrunner

    Qaurtsite Arizona

    I couldn't find any threads with this so I guess I'll ask Has anyone every camped the 7 months in qaurtsite and is it worth it ? Also can you tent camp there.
  28. J

    Question What to take with you when running away

    What should I take if I am going to be running away from home to a friend's house. I have made up my mind, don't try to convince me not to. I just need to know what to bring.
  29. J

    Slab City Flamingo Camp year rounders

    I was wondering if there were any slabbers that stay full time at flamingo camp, I am planning to move there, but don't know if there are any people who stay year round there.
  30. J

    Sex work at Slab City

    I am considering moving to slab city, and I was wondering if there was anywhere for me to set up a place for sex work, since the police don't come up as often. Would the people of slab city drive me out, or would they be more accepting? I mean no offense, I am just asking before I head up there...
  31. Batsy

    Recommendations on places to check out in East Colorado and Wyoming?

    I plan on taking this route through winning and Colorado in April. I’ve never been to either state on my travels and was wondering if anyone knows any good places to check out along the way? I’m into punk/metal/diy shows, bars, goth clubs, meeting other dirty kids as well as hippies and other...
  32. B

    Get me TF out of Gainesville

    Yo is it even possible to travel anymore? Everywhere I've been is so blown up and facist. It's like orwell just took the fuckin wheel and everyone else said "ok, sounds good." You guys know a way out of Gainesville? Seems like a long walk, tried to hitch dudes tried to rob me goin north.
  33. heroinjane

    Question Crossing from us to canada

    Trying to get to Canada from us. Any advice?
  34. wanderbusk

    Do you treat national parks the same as anywhere when stealth camping?

    I'm guessing all parks are different. I will be walking along highway 41 in southern Florida through the Big Cypress National Preserve. Haven't got my feet wet with stealth camping yet (but have some coming in the near future but not in national parks) and I'm sure it won't be my last national...
  35. fatberg

    Richmond, VA suv-life

    Hi yall, I think I'm headed to Richmond VA to live out of my Pilot in March. This would be the first destination on my suv-life journey. I see a Planet Fitness, three Walmart Supercenters, and a nearby wildlife area where I can fish for bass and catfish (maybe learn to hunt with a slingshot or...
  36. jaws

    Featured I hopped freights, hitched, bicycled and squated North America for 6 years, now I am off the road and living in ATX.

    I've been wanting to do this for some time now, I used this site a lot to help me during traveling. I've been off the road for a few years now but I've been busy attempting to re-assimilate into society. I am finally getting around to writing about my travels. I did the college thing, I come...
  37. otch0z

    What are the big differences between North America and Europe according to you ?

    Hey y'all, To begin, I hope this post is in the right thread ! I just figured out it could be fun to have a discussion about the differences people saw between two continents that might look the same from an external point of view. It's not to decide which one is best, but only because I like to...
  38. touf

    Europeans making North America Roadtrip *needing help*

    ok where should we start, we are 4 people from Europe and were planning to make a roadtrip through north america.. We´ve never been before in North America but weve booked the flight.. We arrive in the middle of may in Montreal...and 4 months later our flight goes back from LA to Europe...
  39. BanMatt

    Story from North America. A short animated cartoon and song.

    I forgot all about this for awhile. There's a live version too.