What’s wrong with the world


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2018
In a matter of years California has changed fentanyl destroyed San Francisco not even hitchhiking is the same what happened to all the travelers and anarchist no one speaks up anymore people die hungry because fentanyl was the cause of death, mass chem castration more radiation in our food and water more pollution thousands going missing, what happened to the travelers and there dogs only few are still around and those who where once allies to this beautiful movement now coward away in hypocrisy cursing using and murdering those who oppose their rule. What’s happening in Brazil and Central America mass deforestation stay as green as possible let the brew sit next to the campfire and avoid fentanyl it’s a cursed drug so bad that its hard to trust a cigarette or a joint from any stranger.


New member
Mar 17, 2023
the past 4 years were an acceleration of the ongoing genocidal campaign of the state against the poor, facilitated by the forced isolation of the pandemic and possibly through it too, a world historical crime against humanity issuing from the fascist delusion that the truth can be murdered. move accordingly


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2018
Lewiston, ME
i have also noticed the war against the poor world wide, it's not just the US. I am harassed every day by someone based on my appearance and assumptions. The more I'm harassed the more i stick to forest squatting which is so much easier these days compared to squatting buildings. I wrote a book about what I think has happened to humanity, technology has only made the world more oppressive, and yes I was a software engineer before so I'm no luddite, although I am a green anarchist. The scene has been infiltrated by bad drugs we used to say "keep it green, keep it clean" but this is a deliberate attempt by the rich to not have to fund social welfare and keep their tax dollars. On the upside, those that have kept it clean and green can take advantage of this war to our own benefit. such that it makes those that normally would be fucking around, stealing others shit are so incapacitated they cant even go into the forests or climb mountains to fuck with us. but that is also true of most Americans these days that are so unhealthy in general they can't o into the forests or climb up mountains to fuck with us. Green Anarchy revolution. I travel these days only in states with mass forest cover such as Maine and Washington. You definitely have to protect yourself more thse days but as the people get sicker as long as you don't allow yourself to get sick like them, it is actually easier to get around the C ontrol System. Stay well, healthy and fit.

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